Recent content by aepryus

  1. A

    Exploration of an Artificial Universe: Properties and Behaviors

    For this first problem the only property that is relevant is the position of each of the aexels. Perhaps some visual aids will help. Here is a video of the current model: Aexel Gravity Here is the c used to render it: GitHub
  2. A

    Exploration of an Artificial Universe: Properties and Behaviors

    For the purposes of this model the aexel itself can be thought of as a point in 3D cartesian space. I haven't defined the exact number and nature of states that the aexel can hold, but those states don't directly affect the dynamics of the aexels themselves, so isn't necessary in this case...
  3. A

    Exploration of an Artificial Universe: Properties and Behaviors

    I have implemented a handful of qualitative models, but they have all been 2D in an effort to give the user a feel for the nature of Universe X in 3D. But, even in 2D a 1000 aexels is pitiful, but ya, in 3D it's silly. Ultimately, I'd like to get the math right and once that's done figure out...
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    Exploration of an Artificial Universe: Properties and Behaviors

    Yes, this is a major concern. Ideally, I'd like to have a completely accurate algorithm that would precisely meet all of the boundary conditions and accurately render each and every aexel of Universe X and its states. But, realistically it is difficult to accomplish that with more than a few...
  5. A

    Exploration of an Artificial Universe: Properties and Behaviors

    Yes, certainly too many degrees of freedom (since I haven't provided any constraints yet). Actually, I want to do both of your suggestions, both diffusing and growing (or shrinking). In order to provide some constraints however let's take a (not so quick) detour and discuss the dynamics of the...
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    Exploration of an Artificial Universe: Properties and Behaviors

    I am not concerned about the lost of copyright; anyone is free to use it as they like. But, yes I am working on building an actual model of Universe X. I have some qualitative simulations that deal with various aspects of it. But, I would like to button these down a lot more. In particular...
  7. A

    Exploration of an Artificial Universe: Properties and Behaviors

    That's fine; anyone is welcome to use this anyway they see fit. I wish to construct an artificial universe and discuss its properties and behaviors. There are aspects of this universe that are specified in a qualitative way, but my goal is to derive quantitative rules in order to make sure the...
  8. A

    Exploration of an Artificial Universe: Properties and Behaviors

    TL;DR Summary: I'm interested in constructing an artificial universe and discussing its properties and behaviors. I would like to construct an artificial universe somewhat akin the Conway's Game of Life and discuss its behavior and properties. Is that allowed? Is this the place to do that...