Recent content by arupel

  1. arupel

    B Exploring Solids: Classical Physics & Quantum Mechanics

    Thanks for the information. It is interesting that to note solids do not penetrate each other requires a more detailed explanation than "electrical repulsion." In a sense this is otherwise cheating students with an over simplified response.Just a note. I already knew the "clitch" classical...
  2. arupel

    B Exploring Solids: Classical Physics & Quantum Mechanics

    The question will be formulated as a hypothetical question in classical physics. I will offer what I think is an answer using basic quantum mechanics. The classical question: Since it is the electrical repulsive force on the outer orbital elections, even with the inner orbital electrons serving...
  3. arupel

    B Why is it possible to push your finger through butter?

    Basically the vast amount of space at the atomic level is empty so on that basis of this it should not be that difficult to push your finger through a table. Primary explanation is that it is electrical repulsion between the electrons orbits of the atoms of my finger to that of the table? How...
  4. arupel

    A Cause and effect and quantum field theory

    Quantum mechanics replaces the classical concept of cause and effect with probabilities. The best explanation: it just is. While the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principles hold in quantum field theory does QFT offer a different interpretation to this concept? Or at least mitigate some of the...
  5. arupel

    I Colonies on Mars -- fundamental problem

    I would agree that TV programs can be outdated. However, Wikipedia - no experiment has been done to evaluate effect of long term low gravity on health. But it has been repeatedly noted that astronauts over long term stays can suffer osteoporosis and loss of muscle mass' From Kevin Fongs' book...
  6. arupel

    I Colonies on Mars -- fundamental problem

    The statement comes from a program on the science channel. I would assume their information comes from reliable sources and is correct. But it also makes sense. Life began about 4 billion years ago under Earth's gravity. It takes only one organ, say the heart pumping blood under low gravity...
  7. arupel

    I Colonies on Mars -- fundamental problem

    I believe it is the CEO of Amazon that would like to establish a large colony on Mars, making the safe assumption that some extinction event on Earth will get us anyway. While there are numerous difficulties to this, there is one, I did not see mentioned, which makes this impossible. The...
  8. arupel

    A Gravitational Waves: Verification Accuracy & Physicists' Opinions

    From what I understand the LIGO experiments were the first in the road to demonstrating the existence of gravitational waves. There was a dicussion about this on Utube where someone pointed out that the polarized light scattered from dust, being much larger, could mask the the effect of...
  9. arupel

    B Curvature of space vs. curvature of spacetime

    I have no problem understanding the curvature of spacetime. I read Misner. I have a big problem in understanding what the curvature of space is in modern physics. All I seem to know about it is that it is space, in a cosmological sense, that is expanding, not spacetime, but other than that I...
  10. arupel

    I Quantum field theory and the hydrogen atom

    I have a general idea about QFT, but not much more. I see QFT as dealing with fields. I was surprised that a QFT effect is the Lamb shift. Could someone give a general basic description how this works. Thanks, Arthur Rupel PS I thought QM had one up on QFT. Evidently I was wrong. Thanks...
  11. arupel

    I Quantum field theory and the hydrogen atom

    Quantum mechanics does a good job in describing the hydrogen atom. Are there any views either mathematically or conceptually in describing the hydrogen atom?
  12. arupel

    A Any thinking in applying evolutionary algorithms to fusion?

    Thanks for the limitations on plasma geometries. Perhaps at a later date evolutionary programs might be useful
  13. arupel

    A Any thinking in applying evolutionary algorithms to fusion?

    It is not necessary to build thousands of prototypes based upon the evolutionary programs. What it does is offer insights, possibilities, and possible guidance. It is not the end all of design processes. Standard scientific computer programs are then used to study these possibilities and see...
  14. arupel

    A Any thinking in applying evolutionary algorithms to fusion?

    Has any thinking be done in applying evolutionary programs (cellular automata with a purpose) to fusion. It would seem that the current methods that can be applied are few. Evolution, itself, has been described as the dumbest way of realizing the smartest methods of achieving its goals...