Recent content by ibkev

  1. ibkev

    Algebra Looking for my first textbook on Linear Algebra Need suggestions

    This guide may be useful:
  2. ibkev

    Analysis Understanding how they thought of math proofs in the first place

    This inexpensive book, Real Analysis: A Long Form Mathematics Book by Jay Cummings puts a fair amount of effort into explaining the reasoning behind the various aspects of real analysis. "This textbook is designed for students. Rather than the typical definition-theorem-proof-repeat style, this...
  3. ibkev

    Relativity Problem Books for GR - Find an Easier Problem Book for Relativity & Gravitation

    Another GR text that was designed in a way that has you doing problems throughout each chapter is this one: I heard it once described as fitting in between a math heavy approach like Schutz's and a physics first approach like Hartle...
  4. ibkev

    Calculus Apostol's vol 1 calculus not as good as Stewart's calculus?

    To me, there are a couple things at work here: (1) different texts speak to different people. It may be that you and Stewart think alike and isn’t it great to find a text like that? (2) Stewart tends to be a great text for people who intend to use calculus as a tool. Engineers, economists...
  5. ibkev

    I What criteria identifies a math operation as a "product"?

    Thanks for all the replies folks. I dug up a copy of “A Book of Abstract Algebra” by Pinter that seems unusually readable for a math text, so I think I have my next beach read! :)
  6. ibkev

    I What criteria identifies a math operation as a "product"?

    I guess that’s the reason for my question. Exploring if there is a difference between multiplying two objects together and taking their product. Looking at the formula for a cross product, to me it’s not obviously a means of multiplying two vectors because there’s no associated divide and it’s...
  7. ibkev

    I What criteria identifies a math operation as a "product"?

    Oh interesting! Category Theory is something that I’ve never looked into before. Maybe that would make for a fun project. :) Thanks!
  8. ibkev

    I What criteria identifies a math operation as a "product"?

    BTW, if I had taken a math degree, is it abstract algebra that would have taught me that?
  9. ibkev

    I What criteria identifies a math operation as a "product"?

    Ah - the definition is more about the way it can be used than what it actually is - thanks!
  10. ibkev

    I What criteria identifies a math operation as a "product"?

    Today I was reading about geometric algebra and a kind of vector product that combines the dot and cross/wedge products together and it got me thinking about the meaning of "product". My math background is from an engineering perspective and I've always just accepted the dot and cross products...
  11. ibkev

    Linear Algebra What are some recommended second texts for self-studying linear algebra?

    There is also a nice guide you may consider:
  12. ibkev

    Classical What Are the Best Introductory Textbooks for a Self-Studying Physics Enthusiast?

    One thing I'll suggest regarding Halliday and Resnick is that you get the extended edition (or the 2 volume edition which is the same but much easier to handle.) This includes extra chapters that give you an early taste of advanced topics like special relativity and quantum physics and can make...
  13. ibkev

    Calculus Where Can I Find More Challenging Integrals for My Competition?

    You might also enjoy this:
  14. ibkev

    Real Analysis Textbook Recommendation

    Have you seen this guide? It has some some great recommendations: How to Self Study Analysis: Intro to Analysis
  15. ibkev

    Quantum Best books on Quantum Foundations?

    Lee Smolin has a new book on quantum foundations from a realism perspective that is getting pretty good reviews: