Recent content by Username34

  1. Username34

    I Airplane crash probability fallacy

    I am addressing the way it's framed by people who knows better.
  2. Username34

    Does a shaking hammer blow cause less damage than a stiff blow?

    Does tension before impact increase velocity or is that just a perception?
  3. Username34

    I Airplane crash probability fallacy

    It's not nonsense. People clearly die before those nr of flights in their lifes.
  4. Username34

    I Airplane crash probability fallacy

    But airplaine statistics isn't nature. Airplaines are built by humans, humans are fallible, and possibly corrupt. That alone can throw stats off. Take the Boeing controversy. Those accidents make no sense statistically, but a 100% sense psychologically. Samsungs exploding batteries the same thing.
  5. Username34

    Does a shaking hammer blow cause less damage than a stiff blow?

    How much force is dissipated by shaking/instability? All else equal
  6. Username34

    Does a shaking hammer blow cause less damage than a stiff blow?

    They always talk in boxing and martial arts to stiffen at the moment of impact, but how crucial is this? By way of analogy, how much of a power leakage results from a hammer shaking at point of impact compared to a stiff one? Less concentrated force, surely.
  7. Username34

    I Airplane crash probability fallacy

    You can't deduce how likely it is for you to crash within your lifetime in a random sampling. What you can do is provide the distribution of events. And the distribution is 1 in 19 000 (or whatever the solution is) It's the same fallacy involving civilization ending comet strikes. You know the...
  8. Username34

    I Airplane crash probability fallacy "In fact, based on this incredible safety record, if you did fly every day of your life, probability indicates that it would take you nineteen thousand years before you would succumb to a fatal accident." The...
  9. Username34

    If theres a 15% probability each month of getting a woman pregnant...

    The airplane crash probability statement is wrong for another reason besides asymetrical time evolution (no fixed stats.) Suppose we can save me after an airplane crash... And I go through the 19 000 flights regardless There is no reason why my first flight doesn't crash by random...
  10. Username34

    If theres a 15% probability each month of getting a woman pregnant...

    If given millions (or trillions) of trials in one month, would a fertile agent impregnate a female counterpart by necessity, if she carries a probability amplitude of 15%? The answer has to be yes, or I'm not the genius they make me out to be. So my real question is, how many trials would the...
  11. Username34

    If theres a 15% probability each month of getting a woman pregnant...

    Sex is actually a great subject for probability theory. There is no real evidence that pregnacy is caused by any particular technique, so you can really dumb it down to pure numbers and average sperm count/fertility figures
  12. Username34

    If theres a 15% probability each month of getting a woman pregnant...

    That's assuming the probability figure doesn't change with the arrow of time. But of course it does, she gets older.
  13. Username34

    If theres a 15% probability each month of getting a woman pregnant...

    Btw, the airplane probability statement is false. It's based on induction. It's safe by such a margin that it doesn't matter, but the math is garbage. It is not possible to calculate airplane probability. Put it like this: if events were stastically uniform from now on, their probability...
  14. Username34

    If theres a 15% probability each month of getting a woman pregnant...

    Various women, various males into an average and then probability. You obviously don't base it on one persons fertility level. The average woman age 35 will try to get pregnant with a male around her age. So that's why it's as high 15. I read another data which claimed 12%