Recent Noteworthy Physics Papers

In summary: The authors report on their search for CP-violating interactions and preferred-frame effects. They find that the interactions are not significant and that preferred-frame effects are not present. This paper is relevant to recent work on the torsion pendulum and the Sun.
  • #36
Naomi S. Ginsberg et al., "Coherent control of optical information with matter wave dynamics", Nature v.445, p.623 (2007).

Abstract: In recent years, significant progress has been achieved in manipulating matter with light, and light with matter1. Resonant laser fields interacting with cold, dense atom clouds provide a particularly rich system. Such light fields interact strongly with the internal electrons of the atoms, and couple directly to external atomic motion through recoil momenta imparted when photons are absorbed and emitted. Ultraslow light propagation in Bose–Einstein condensates represents an extreme example of resonant light manipulation using cold atoms. Here we demonstrate that a slow light pulse can be stopped and stored in one Bose–Einstein condensate and subsequently revived from a totally different condensate, 160 mum away; information is transferred through conversion of the optical pulse into a traveling matter wave. In the presence of an optical coupling field, a probe laser pulse is first injected into one of the condensates where it is spatially compressed to a length much shorter than the coherent extent of the condensate. The coupling field is then turned off, leaving the atoms in the first condensate in quantum superposition states that comprise a stationary component and a recoiling component in a different internal state. The amplitude and phase of the spatially localized light pulse are imprinted on the recoiling part of the wavefunction, which moves towards the second condensate. When this 'messenger' atom pulse is embedded in the second condensate, the system is re-illuminated with the coupling laser. The probe light is driven back on and the messenger pulse is coherently added to the matter field of the second condensate by way of slow-light-mediated atomic matter-wave amplification. The revived light pulse records the relative amplitude and phase between the recoiling atomic imprint and the revival condensate. Our results provide a dramatic demonstration of coherent optical information processing with matter wave dynamics. Such quantum control may find application in quantum information processing and wavefunction sculpting.

This is from Lena Hau group who, a few years ago, demonstrated that light can be stopped and then retransmitted exactly (albeit at a lower intensity). The difference in this experiment is that they used quantum mechanical property (superposition) of the spins to store light in one BEC gas and then retransmit it using a 2nd BEC gas. Very clever!

You may read an overview of this work below. Note that the Nature link works only for a short period of time.

There is also a streaming video from the Nature site:

Physics news on
  • #37
V. Jacques et al., "Experimental Realization of Wheeler's Delayed-Choice Gedanken Experiment", Science v.315, p.966 (2007).

Abstract: Wave-particle duality is strikingly illustrated by Wheeler's delayed-choice gedanken experiment, where the configuration of a two-path interferometer is chosen after a single-photon pulse has entered it: Either the interferometer is closed (that is, the two paths are recombined) and the interference is observed, or the interferometer remains open and the path followed by the photon is measured. We report an almost ideal realization of that gedanken experiment with single photons allowing unambiguous which-way measurements. The choice between open and closed configurations, made by a quantum random number generator, is relativistically separated from the entry of the photon into the interferometer.

Review can be found also at".

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  • #38
M. Uiberacker et al., "Attosecond real-time observation of electron tunnelling in atoms", Nature v.446, p.627 (2007).

Abstract: Atoms exposed to intense light lose one or more electrons and become ions. In strong fields, the process is predicted to occur via tunnelling through the binding potential that is suppressed by the light field near the peaks of its oscillations. Here we report the real-time observation of this most elementary step in strong-field interactions: light-induced electron tunnelling. The process is found to deplete atomic bound states in sharp steps lasting several hundred attoseconds. This suggests a new technique, attosecond tunnelling, for probing short-lived, transient states of atoms or molecules with high temporal resolution. The utility of attosecond tunnelling is demonstrated by capturing multi-electron excitation (shake-up) and relaxation (cascaded Auger decay) processes with subfemtosecond resolution.

Also read the News and Views on this paper, and the".

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  • #39
D J Kapner et al. " Tests of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law below the Dark-Energy Length Scale", Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 021101 (2007)

Abstract: We conducted three torsion-balance experiments to test the gravitational inverse-square law at separations between 9.53 mm and 55 µm, probing distances less than the dark-energy length scale lambdad=radical(radix(4)[h-bar]c/rho[sub d])[approximate]85 µm. We find with 95% confidence that the inverse-square law holds (|alpha|<=1) down to a length scale lambda=56 µm and that an extra dimension must have a size R<=44 µm.

You may read a couple of reviews of this work".

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  • #40
S. Groeblacher et al., An experimental test of non-local realism, Nature v.446, p.871 (2007).

Abstract: Most working scientists hold fast to the concept of ‘realism’—a viewpoint according to which an external reality exists independent of observation. But quantum physics has shattered some of our cornerstone beliefs. According to Bell’s theorem, any theory that is based on the joint assumption of realism and locality (meaning that local events cannot be affected by actions in space-like separated regions) is at variance with certain quantum predictions. Experiments with entangled pairs of particles have amply confirmed these quantum predictions, thus rendering local realistic theories untenable. Maintaining realism as a fundamental concept would therefore necessitate the introduction of ‘spooky’ actions that defy locality. Here we show by both theory and experiment that a broad and rather reasonable class of such non-local realistic theories is incompatible with experimentally observable quantum correlations. In the experiment, we measure previously untested correlations between two entangled photons, and show that these correlations violate an inequality proposed by Leggett for non-local realistic theories. Our result suggests that giving up the concept of locality is not sufficient to be consistent with quantum experiments, unless certain intuitive features of realism are abandoned.

A News and Views article written by Alain Aspect can be found in the same issue of Nature, and a Nature News article can be found" for free for a limited time only.

Edit: You can also find a report on this at the" page.

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  • #41
M.P. Almeida et al. "Environment-Induced Sudden Death of Entanglement", Science v.316, p.579 (2007)

Abstract: We demonstrate the difference between local, single-particle dynamics and global dynamics of entangled quantum systems coupled to independent environments. Using an all-optical experimental setup, we showed that, even when the environment-induced decay of each system is asymptotic, quantum entanglement may suddenly disappear. This "sudden death" constitutes yet another distinct and counterintuitive trait of entanglement.

Read also the perspective on this paper in the same issue (p.555). It covers a large "history" of decoherence and this "sudden death" symptom of entanglement.

  • #42
A. Pimenov et al., Negative Refraction Observed in a Metallic Ferromagnet in the Gigahertz Frequency Range, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 197401 (2007).

Abstract: It is generally believed that nature does not provide materials with negative refraction. Here we demonstrate experimentally that such materials do exist at least at GHz frequencies: ferromagnetic metals reveal a negative refraction index close to the frequency of the ferromagnetic resonance. The experimental realization utilizes a colossal magnetoresistance manganite La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 as an example. In this material the negative refractive index can be achieved even at room temperature using external magnetic fields.


This is quite a find. Previously, all material that exhibit such negative refraction are "metamaterial", i.e. they are constructed out of various elements such as wire arrays and split ring resonators. This is the first such "natural" material that has been shown to exhibit this property.

  • #43
How pure is the material? Could this be an echo?
  • #44
Science 25 May 2007:
Vol. 316. no. 5828, pp. 1169 - 1172

An On-Demand Coherent Single-Electron Source
G. Fève, A. Mahé, J.-M. Berroir, T. Kontos, B. Plaçais, D. C. Glattli, A. Cavanna, B. Etienne, Y. Jin
We report on the electron analog of the single-photon gun. On-demand single-electron injection in a quantum conductor was obtained using a quantum dot connected to the conductor via a tunnel barrier. Electron emission was triggered by the application of a potential step that compensated for the dot-charging energy. Depending on the barrier transparency, the quantum emission time ranged from 0.1 to 10 nanoseconds. The single-electron source should prove useful for the use of quantum bits in ballistic conductors. Additionally, periodic sequences of single-electron emission and absorption generate a quantized alternating current.
  • #45
V. V. Flambaum and M. G Kozlov, "Limit on the Cosmological Variation of [itex]m_p/m_e[/itex] from the Inversion Spectrum of Ammonia",

Fundamental constant is pretty much constant

The idea that fundamental constants do not actually stay constant over space and time has long played on the mind of physicists. But by looking at how a distant galaxy has absorbed the light from a quasar, researchers in Australia have obtained a new limit on how much one fundamental constant -- the ratio of the electron and proton masses -- is changing with time. Their result, which is 10 times more accurate than previous measurements, gives the thumbs up to our current understanding of physics (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 240801).
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  • #46
I. Neder et al. "Interference between two indistinguishable electrons from independent sources", Nature v.448, p.333 (2007).

Abstract: Very much like the ubiquitous quantum interference of a single particle with itself, quantum interference of two independent, but indistinguishable, particles is also possible. For a single particle, the interference is between the amplitudes of the particle's wavefunctions, whereas the interference between two particles is a direct result of quantum exchange statistics. Such interference is observed only in the joint probability of finding the particles in two separated detectors, after they were injected from two spatially separated and independent sources. Experimental realizations of two-particle interferometers have been proposed; in these proposals it was shown that such correlations are a direct signature of quantum entanglement between the spatial degrees of freedom of the two particles ('orbital entanglement'), even though they do not interact with each other. In optics, experiments using indistinguishable pairs of photons encountered difficulties in generating pairs of independent photons and synchronizing their arrival times; thus they have concentrated on detecting bunching of photons (bosons) by coincidence measurements. Similar experiments with electrons are rather scarce. Cross-correlation measurements between partitioned currents, emanating from one source, yielded similar information to that obtained from auto-correlation (shot noise) measurements. The proposal of ref. 3 is an electronic analogue to the historical Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment with classical light. It is based on the electronic Mach–Zehnder interferometer that uses edge channels in the quantum Hall effect regime. Here we implement such an interferometer. We partitioned two independent and mutually incoherent electron beams into two trajectories, so that the combined four trajectories enclosed an Aharonov–Bohm flux. Although individual currents and their fluctuations (shot noise measured by auto-correlation) were found to be independent of the Aharonov–Bohm flux, the cross-correlation between current fluctuations at two opposite points across the device exhibited strong Aharonov–Bohm oscillations, suggesting orbital entanglement between the two electron beams.

In other words, the interference from different, independent sources that is taken for granted for classical electromagnetic waves, is now demonstrated for electrons as well for the very first time. Also read the News and Views about this paper in the same issue of Nature.

  • #47
T. Wilk et al., "Single-Atom Single-Photon Quantum Interface", Science, v.317, p.488 (2007).

Abstract: A major challenge for a scalable quantum computing architecture is the faithful transfer of information from one node to another. We report on the realization of an atom-photon quantum interface based on an optical cavity, using it to entangle a single atom with a single photon and then to map the quantum state of the atom onto a second single photon. The latter step disentangles the atom from the light and produces an entangled photon pair. Our scheme is intrinsically deterministic and establishes the basic element required to realize a distributed quantum network with individual atoms at rest as quantum memories and single flying photons as quantum messengers.

  • #48
H. Müller et al., "Tests of Relativity by Complementary Rotating Michelson-Morley Experiments", Phys. Rev. Lett. v.99, p.050401 (2007).

Abstract: We report relativity tests based on data from two simultaneous Michelson-Morley experiments, spanning a period of more than 1 yr. Both were actively rotated on turntables. One (in Berlin, Germany) uses optical Fabry-Perot resonators made of fused silica; the other (in Perth, Australia) uses microwave whispering-gallery sapphire resonators. Within the standard model extension, we obtain simultaneous limits on Lorentz violation for electrons (5 coefficients) and photons (8) at levels down to 10^-16, improved by factors between 3 and 50 compared to previous work.

The more they test it, the more they verify it.

  • #49
A. Ourjoumtsev et al., "Generation of optical 'Schrödinger cats' from photon number states", Nature v.448, p.784 (2007).

Abstract: Schrödinger's cat is a Gedankenexperiment in quantum physics, in which an atomic decay triggers the death of the cat. Because quantum physics allow atoms to remain in superpositions of states, the classical cat would then be simultaneously dead and alive. By analogy, a 'cat' state of freely propagating light can be defined as a quantum superposition of well separated quasi-classical states—it is a classical light wave that simultaneously possesses two opposite phases. Such states play an important role in fundamental tests of quantum theory and in many quantum information processing tasks, including quantum computation, quantum teleportation, 10 and precision measurements. Recently, optical Schrödinger 'kittens' were prepared; however, they are too small for most of the aforementioned applications and increasing their size is experimentally challenging. Here we demonstrate, theoretically and experimentally, a protocol that allows the generation of arbitrarily large squeezed Schrödinger cat states, using homodyne detection and photon number states as resources. We implemented this protocol with light pulses containing two photons, producing a squeezed Schrödinger cat state with a negative Wigner function. This state clearly exhibits several quantum phase-space interference fringes between the 'dead' and 'alive' components, and is large enough to become useful for quantum information processing and experimental tests of quantum theory.

  • #50
C. Guerlin et al., "Progressive field-state collapse and quantum non-demolition photon counting", Nature v.448, p.889 (2007).

Abstract: The irreversible evolution of a microscopic system under measurement is a central feature of quantum theory. From an initial state generally exhibiting quantum uncertainty in the measured observable, the system is projected into a state in which this observable becomes precisely known. Its value is random, with a probability determined by the initial system's state. The evolution induced by measurement (known as 'state collapse') can be progressive, accumulating the effects of elementary state changes. Here we report the observation of such a step-by-step collapse by non-destructively measuring the photon number of a field stored in a cavity. Atoms behaving as microscopic clocks cross the cavity successively. By measuring the light-induced alterations of the clock rate, information is progressively extracted, until the initially uncertain photon number converges to an integer. The suppression of the photon number spread is demonstrated by correlations between repeated measurements. The procedure illustrates all the postulates of quantum measurement (state collapse, statistical results and repeatability) and should facilitate studies of non-classical fields trapped in cavities.

Also See the News and Views article in the same issue. A summary of this paper can also be found at the

  • #51
S. Fölling et al., "Direct observation of second-order atom tunnelling", Nature v.448, p.1029 (2007).

Abstract: Tunnelling of material particles through a classically impenetrable barrier constitutes one of the hallmark effects of quantum physics. When interactions between the particles compete with their mobility through a tunnel junction, intriguing dynamical behaviour can arise because the particles do not tunnel independently. In single-electron or Bloch transistors, for example, the tunnelling of an electron or Cooper pair can be enabled or suppressed by the presence of a second charge carrier due to Coulomb blockade. Here we report direct, time-resolved observations of the correlated tunnelling of two interacting ultracold atoms through a barrier in a double-well potential. For the regime in which the interactions between the atoms are weak and tunnel coupling dominates, individual atoms can tunnel independently, similar to the case of a normal Josephson junction. However, when strong repulsive interactions are present, two atoms located on one side of the barrier cannot separate, but are observed to tunnel together as a pair in a second-order co-tunnelling process. By recording both the atom position and phase coherence over time, we fully characterize the tunnelling process for a single atom as well as the correlated dynamics of a pair of atoms for weak and strong interactions. In addition, we identify a conditional tunnelling regime in which a single atom can only tunnel in the presence of a second particle, acting as a single atom switch. Such second-order tunnelling events, which are the dominating dynamical effect in the strongly interacting regime, have not been previously observed with ultracold atoms. Similar second-order processes form the basis of superexchange interactions between atoms on neighbouring lattice sites of a periodic potential, a central component of proposals for realizing quantum magnetism.

I am highlighting this paper to show how difficult it is to get whole atoms to tunnel through a barrier. We constantly get questions (and hypothesis) about things like tennis balls or even a person tunneling through walls, under the pretense that since tunneling phenomena is real for single particles, then in principle, whole macroscopic objects can as well. This is a fallacy.

The requirement and the complications for whole objects to undergo quantum tunneling are astounding. Requiring that each part of the atom or each part of the object be in total coherence with each other for the whole thing to tunneling through is one almost-impossible barrier (no pun intended). As can be seen just from this experiment, other effects that are not present or not significant in single-particle tunneling will start to creep up. The nature of the barrier and what is embedded in it will play a larger role in such tunneling process. It isn't easy nor obvious that such macro object tunneling can be done. It is already this difficult for simple atoms that, in the scale of things, can be easily made to be in coherent with all of the parts within it. The same cannot be said with a tennis ball.

  • #52
V. Parigi et al., "Probing Quantum Commutation Rules by Addition and Subtraction of Single Photons to/from a Light Field", Science v.317, p.1890 (2007).

Abstract: The possibility of arbitrarily "adding" and "subtracting" single photons to and from a light field may give access to a complete engineering of quantum states and to fundamental quantum phenomena. We experimentally implemented simple alternated sequences of photon creation and annihilation on a thermal field and used quantum tomography to verify the peculiar character of the resulting light states. In particular, as the final states depend on the order in which the two actions are performed, we directly observed the noncommutativity of the creation and annihilation operators, one of the cardinal concepts of quantum mechanics, at the basis of the quantum behavior of light. These results represent a step toward the full quantum control of a field and may provide new resources for quantum information protocols.

Read also the Perspective on this paper by R. Boyd et al. in the same issue of the journal. In that Perspective, the description of what has been accomplished can be summed up in these 2 paragraphs:

In an intriguing and illustrative report on page 1890 of this issue, Parigi et al. (3) present the results of a laboratory demonstration of what happens in the quantum mechanical operations of photon creation and annihilation, which lacks commutativity. These authors add a single photon to a light beam, which corresponds to the action of the standard quantum mechanical creation operator â. They can also subtract a single photon from the light beam, which corresponds to the annihilation operator a.

Parigi et al. measure the quantum mechanical state of a thermal light field after performing these two operations on it, and they show that the final state depends on the order in which the operations are performed. This result is a striking confirmation of the lack of commutativity of quantum mechanical operators. Moreover, the authors present the strongly counterintuitive result that, under certain conditions, the removal of a photon from a light field can lead to an increase in the mean number of photons in that light field, as predicted earlier.

  • #53
A. L. Cavalieri et al., "Attosecond spectroscopy in condensed matter", Nature v.449, p.1029 (2007).

Abstract: Comprehensive knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of electrons in condensed-matter systems is pertinent to the development of many modern technologies, such as semiconductor and molecular electronics, optoelectronics, information processing and photovoltaics. Yet it remains challenging to probe electronic processes, many of which take place in the attosecond (1 as = 10-18 s) regime. In contrast, atomic motion occurs on the femtosecond (1 fs = 10-15 s) timescale and has been mapped in solids in real time using femtosecond X-ray sources. Here we extend the attosecond techniques previously used to study isolated atoms in the gas phase to observe electron motion in condensed-matter systems and on surfaces in real time. We demonstrate our ability to obtain direct time-domain access to charge dynamics with attosecond resolution by probing photoelectron emission from single-crystal tungsten. Our data reveal a delay of approximately 100 attoseconds between the emission of photoelectrons that originate from localized core states of the metal, and those that are freed from delocalized conduction-band states. These results illustrate that attosecond metrology constitutes a powerful tool for exploring not only gas-phase systems, but also fundamental electronic processes occurring on the attosecond timescale in condensed-matter systems and on surfaces.

Please read the News and Views article on this work in the same issue of Nature, and the

  • #54
M. König et al, "Quantum Spin Hall Insulator State in HgTe Quantum Wells", Science v.318, p.766 (2007)

Abstract: Recent theory predicted that the quantum spin Hall effect, a fundamentally new quantum state of matter that exists at zero external magnetic field, may be realized in HgTe/(Hg,Cd)Te quantum wells. We fabricated such sample structures with low density and high mobility in which we could tune, through an external gate voltage, the carrier conduction from n-type to p-type, passing through an insulating regime. For thin quantum wells with well width d < 6.3 nanometers, the insulating regime showed the conventional behavior of vanishingly small conductance at low temperature. However, for thicker quantum wells (d > 6.3 nanometers), the nominally insulating regime showed a plateau of residual conductance close to 2e2/h, where e is the electron charge and h is Planck's constant. The residual conductance was independent of the sample width, indicating that it is caused by edge states. Furthermore, the residual conductance was destroyed by a small external magnetic field. The quantum phase transition at the critical thickness, d = 6.3 nanometers, was also independently determined from the magnetic field–induced insulator-to-metal transition. These observations provide experimental evidence of the quantum spin Hall effect.

Read also the Perspective on this paper by Nagaosa in the same issue of Science. This would be a very strong evidence for the quantum spin hall effect.

  • #55
D. Akoury et al., "The Simplest Double Slit: Interference and Entanglement in Double Photoionization of H2", Science v.318, p.949 (2007)

Abstract: The wave nature of particles is rarely observed, in part because of their very short de Broglie wavelengths in most situations. However, even with wavelengths close to the size of their surroundings, the particles couple to their environment (for example, by gravity, Coulomb interaction, or thermal radiation). These couplings shift the wave phases, often in an uncontrolled way, and the resulting decoherence, or loss of phase integrity, is thought to be a main cause of the transition from quantum to classical behavior. How much interaction is needed to induce this transition? Here we show that a photoelectron and two protons form a minimum particle/slit system and that a single additional electron constitutes a minimum environment. Interference fringes observed in the angular distribution of a single electron are lost through its Coulomb interaction with a second electron, though the correlated momenta of the entangled electron pair continue to exhibit quantum interference.

Also see review of this work at the;jsessionid=588A14F90F3040EC50539DE92CD8249A (free registration required) and at PhysOrg.

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  • #56
L. Ozyuzer et al., "Emission of Coherent THz Radiation from Superconductors", Science v.318, p.1291 (2007).

Abstract: Compact solid-state sources of terahertz (THz) radiation are being sought for sensing, imaging, and spectroscopy applications across the physical and biological sciences. We demonstrate that coherent continuous-wave THz radiation of sizable power can be extracted from intrinsic Josephson junctions in the layered high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. In analogy to a laser cavity, the excitation of an electromagnetic cavity resonance inside the sample generates a macroscopic coherent state in which a large number of junctions are synchronized to oscillate in phase. The emission power is found to increase as the square of the number of junctions reaching values of 0.5 microwatt at frequencies up to 0.85 THz, and persists up to ~50 kelvin. These results should stimulate the development of superconducting compact sources of THz radiation.

Also read the Perspective of this work in the same issue of Science. A PhysicsWorld review of this work;jsessionid=909ED81C8AAAF5912FD9C1CED4C2FA94" .

I know quite a bit regarding this work, since I've done tunneling spectroscopy on superconductors and that I've worked with this Bi compound. Not only that, I personally know 2 of the authors in this paper, including the lead author. In fact, I believe I was in the lab when they were doing this work (yes, I'm nosy and tend to stick my nose into people's lab, if they let me). So I'm terribly happy that they've managed to publish in Science and get quite a bit of publicity regarding this work.

Secondly, note that this is simply another one in a long line of examples where something that appears to be esoteric and purely "physics" such as quantum tunneling, Josephson current, and the physics of superconductivity can produce a clear useful application. This is still physics, not engineering. Yet, there is a clear application of a physics principle at work here.

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  • #57
T. Paterek et al. "Experimental Test of Non-Local Realistic Theories Without The Rotational Symmetry Assumption", Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 210406 (2007).

Abstract: We analyze the class of nonlocal realistic theories that was originally considered by Leggett [Found. Phys. 33, 1469 (2003)] and tested by us in a recent experiment [Nature (London) 446, 871 (2007)]. We derive an incompatibility theorem that works for finite numbers of polarizer settings and that does not require the previously assumed rotational symmetry of the two-particle correlation functions. The experimentally measured case involves seven different measurement settings. Using polarization-entangled photon pairs, we exclude this broader class of nonlocal realistic models by experimentally violating a new Leggett-type inequality by 80 standard deviations.

This appears to a be a follow up to their earlier Nature paper which" in this thread. They claim to have excluded even a larger class of non-local realistic model.

Interestingly enough, there is ANOTHER paper right after this that presents a similar report of the violation of the Leggett inequality.

Cyril Branciard et al. " Experimental Falsification of Leggett's Nonlocal Variable Model", Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 210407 (2007).

Abstract: Bell's theorem guarantees that no model based on local variables can reproduce quantum correlations. Also, some models based on nonlocal variables, if subject to apparently “reasonable” constraints, may fail to reproduce quantum physics. In this Letter, we introduce a family of inequalities, which use a finite number of measurement settings, and which therefore allow testing Leggett's nonlocal model versus quantum physics. Our experimental data falsify Leggett's model and are in agreement with quantum predictions.

When you have two different experiments done by two independent group coming up with the same conclusion, it makes for a very convincing argument for the validity of such a conclusion.

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  • #58
Johannes Kofler and Časlav Brukner, " Classical World Arising out of Quantum Physics under the Restriction of Coarse-Grained Measurements", Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 180403 (2007).

Abstract: Conceptually different from the decoherence program, we present a novel theoretical approach to macroscopic realism and classical physics within quantum theory. It focuses on the limits of observability of quantum effects of macroscopic objects, i.e., on the required precision of our measurement apparatuses such that quantum phenomena can still be observed. First, we demonstrate that for unrestricted measurement accuracy, no classical description is possible for arbitrarily large systems. Then we show for a certain time evolution that under coarse-grained measurements, not only macrorealism but even classical Newtonian laws emerge out of the Schrödinger equation and the projection postulate.

A" can be found in Nature's Daily Science news (link may be restricted or open only for a limited time). This is an interesting and important work because they are trying to show the quantum to classical "transition" via a different approach then the standard decoherence scenario. Essentially, the coarse-grained measurement that we make causes the classical world to emerge. If we make our measurement more precise for a system that has a large number of particles, then we should start detecting random "jumps" in the system that signify the emergence of the quantum world.

So let's see some clever experimentalist design an experiment to verify this. :)

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  • #59
This is not entirely new research as such, but today's review article in Nature is still noteworthy as a review.

P. Monthoux, D. Pines and G. G. Lonzarich, Nature 450, 1177 (2007)

Abstract: The idea of superconductivity without the mediating role of lattice vibrations (phonons) has a long history. It was realized soon after the publication of the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) theory of superconductivity 50 years ago that a full treatment of both the charge and spin degrees of freedom of the electron predicts the existence of attractive components of the effective interaction between electrons even in the absence of lattice vibrations—a particular example is the effective interaction that depends on the relative spins of the electrons. Such attraction without phonons can lead to electronic pairing and to unconventional forms of superconductivity that can be much more sensitive than traditional (BCS) superconductivity to the precise details of the crystal structure and to the electronic and magnetic properties of a material.

The paper discusses superconductivity may be found near the onset of a magnetically (or the analogously with charge density) ordered state. The phase space for an effectively attractive e-e interaction is shown to be much wider than that traditionally assumed from phonon mediated interactions.
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  • #60
C. Hertlein et al, "Direct measurement of critical Casimir forces", Nature v.451, p.172 (2008).

Abstract: When fluctuating fields are confined between two surfaces, long-range forces arise. A famous example is the quantum-electrodynamical Casimir force that results from zero-point vacuum fluctuations confined between two conducting metal plates. A thermodynamic analogue is the critical Casimir force: it acts between surfaces immersed in a binary liquid mixture close to its critical point and arises from the confinement of concentration fluctuations within the thin film of fluid separating the surfaces. So far, all experimental evidence for the existence of this effect has been indirect. Here we report the direct measurement of critical Casimir force between a single colloidal sphere and a flat silica surface immersed in a mixture of water and 2,6-lutidine near its critical point. We use total internal reflection microscopy to determine in situ the forces between the sphere and the surface, with femtoNewton resolution6. Depending on whether the adsorption preferences of the sphere and the surface for water and 2,6-lutidine are identical or opposite, we measure attractive and repulsive forces, respectively, that agree quantitatively with theoretical predictions and exhibit exquisite dependence on the temperature of the system. We expect that these features of critical Casimir forces may result in novel uses of colloids as model systems.

Also read the News and Views article on this work in the same issue of Nature, and a" .

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  • #61
I. Ferreras et al., "Necessity of Dark Matter in Modified Newtonian Dynamics within Galactic Scales", Phys. Rev. Lett. v.100, p.031302 (2008).

Abstract: To test modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) on galactic scales, we study six strong gravitational lensing early-type galaxies from the CASTLES sample. Comparing the total mass (from lensing) with the stellar mass content (from a comparison of photometry and stellar population synthesis), we conclude that strong gravitational lensing on galactic scales requires a significant amount of dark matter, even within MOND. On such scales a 2 eV neutrino cannot explain the excess of matter in contrast with recent claims to explain the lensing data of the bullet cluster. The presence of dark matter is detected in regions with a higher acceleration than the characteristic MOND scale of ~10^-10 m/s^2. This is a serious challenge to MOND unless lensing is qualitatively different [possibly to be developed within a covariant, such as Tensor-Vector-Scalar (TeVeS), theory]

With the Bullet cluster evidence, and now this, could MOND be in serious trouble now?

  • #62
A.J. Leggett, "Realism and the physical world", Rep. Prog. Phys. v.71, p.022001 (2008)

Abstract: I consider the extent to which the applicability of the concept of classical realism is constrained, irrespective of the validity or not of the quantum formalism, by existing experiments both in the EPR–Bell setup, including recent experiments testing 'nonlocal realistic' theories, and in the area of 'macroscopic quantum coherence'. Unless we are willing to sacrifice one or more other intuitively plausible notions such as that of the conventional 'arrow of time', it appears impossible, in either context, to maintain the classical notion of realism.

  • #63
A. Caprez et al., "A macroscopic test of the Aharonov-Bohm effect", Phys. Rev. Lett., v99, p.210401 (2007).

Abstract: The Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect is a purely quantum mechanical effect. The original (classified as Type-I) AB-phase shift exists in experimental conditions where the electromagnetic fields and forces are zero. It is the absence of forces that makes the AB-effect entirely quantum mechanical. Although the AB-phase shift has been demonstrated unambiguously, the absence of forces in Type-I AB-effects has never been shown. Here, we report the observation of the absence of time delays associated with forces of the magnitude needed to explain the AB-phase shift for a macroscopic system.

Also see the" .

A Perspective on this work can also be found in March 20, 2008 issue of Nature (Nature, v.452, p.298 (2008)).

Looks like the AB effect is non-local after all!

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  • #64
A.N. Pasupathy et al., "Electronic Origin of the Inhomogeneous Pairing Interaction in the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{delta}", Science v.320, p.196 (2008).

Abstract: Identifying the mechanism of superconductivity in the high-temperature cuprate superconductors is one of the major outstanding problems in physics. We report local measurements of the onset of superconducting pairing in the high–transition temperature (Tc) superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+{delta} using a lattice-tracking spectroscopy technique with a scanning tunneling microscope. We can determine the temperature dependence of the pairing energy gaps, the electronic excitations in the absence of pairing, and the effect of the local coupling of electrons to bosonic excitations. Our measurements reveal that the strength of pairing is determined by the unusual electronic excitations of the normal state, suggesting that strong electron-electron interactions rather than low-energy (<0.1 volts) electron-boson interactions are responsible for superconductivity in the cuprates.

A" can be found on ScienceDaily. So the cuprates may not have a "glue" that is responsible for the superconducting mechanism? Oh my! Phil Anderson might be right after all! :)

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  • #65
E.V. Linder, "Mapping the cosmological expansion", Rep. Prog. Phys. v.71, p.056901 (2008).

Abstract: The ability to map the cosmological expansion has developed enormously, spurred by the turning point one decade ago of the discovery of cosmic acceleration. The standard model of cosmology has shifted from a matter dominated, standard gravity, decelerating expansion to the present search for the origin of acceleration in the cosmic expansion. We present a wide ranging review of the tools, challenges and physical interpretations. The tools include direct measures of cosmic scales through Type Ia supernova luminosity distances, and angular distance scales of baryon acoustic oscillation and cosmic microwave background density perturbations, as well as indirect probes such as the effect of cosmic expansion on the growth of matter density fluctuations. Accurate mapping of the expansion requires understanding of systematic uncertainties in both the measurements and the theoretical framework, but the result will give important clues to the nature of the physics behind accelerating expansion and to the fate of the universe.

And excellent review source, especially if you're interested in how various results in cosmology are obtained.

  • #66
D. N. Matsukevich et al., "Bell Inequality Violation with Two Remote Atomic Qubits", Phys. Rev. Lett. v.100, p.150404 (2008).

Abstract: We observe violation of a Bell inequality between the quantum states of two remote Yb+ ions separated by a distance of about 1 m with the detection loophole closed. The heralded entanglement of two ions is established via interference and joint detection of two emitted photons, whose polarization is entangled with each ion. The entanglement of remote qubits is also characterized by full quantum state tomography.

Could we be on a clear path for a loophole-free Bell-type experiment? This report certainly is providing a convincing evidence that we are well on our way!

  • #67
M.T. Murphy et al. "Strong Limit on a Variable Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio from Molecules in the Distant Universe", Science v. 320, p. 1611 (2008).

Abstract: The Standard Model of particle physics assumes that the so-called fundamental constants are universal and unchanging. Absorption lines arising in molecular clouds along quasar sightlines offer a precise test for variations in the proton-to-electron mass ratio, µ, over cosmological time and distance scales. The inversion transitions of ammonia are particularly sensitive to µ as compared to molecular rotational transitions. Comparing the available ammonia spectra observed toward the quasar B0218+357 with new, high-quality rotational spectra, we present the first detailed measurement of µ with this technique, limiting relative deviations from the laboratory value to |{Delta}µ/µ| < 1.8 x 10–6 (95% confidence level) at approximately half the universe's current age—the strongest astrophysical constraint to date. Higher-quality ammonia observations will reduce both the statistical and systematic uncertainties in these observations.

In other words, even as far back as half of the universe's age, this ratio of the mass of the proton to the mass of electron, hasn't changed up to the accuracy limit of this measurement.

  • #68
L. Li et al., "Phase Transitions of Dirac Electrons in Bismuth", Science v.321, p.547 (2008).

Abstract: The Dirac Hamiltonian, which successfully describes relativistic fermions, applies equally well to electrons in solids with linear energy dispersion, for example, in bismuth and graphene. A characteristic of these materials is that a magnetic field less than 10 tesla suffices to force the Dirac electrons into the lowest Landau level, with resultant strong enhancement of the Coulomb interaction energy. Moreover, the Dirac electrons usually come with multiple flavors or valley degeneracy. These ingredients favor transitions to a collective state with novel quantum properties in large field. By using torque magnetometry, we have investigated the magnetization of bismuth to fields of 31 tesla. We report the observation of sharp field-induced phase transitions into a state with striking magnetic anisotropy, consistent with the breaking of the threefold valley degeneracy.

Read a".

This is another example where relativistic equations need not require some esoteric conditions to be applicable. Some of them can be found in the very material that we use in our electronics.

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  • #69
Kamimara, Y. et al. "Iron-based superconductor LaO1-xFxFeAs (x=0.05-0.12) with Tc=26 K". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 3296 (2008).

Abstract: We report that a layered iron-based compound LaOFeAs undergoes superconducting transition under doping with F- ions at the O2- site. The transition temperature (Tc) exhibits a trapezoid shape dependence on the F- content, with the highest Tc of ~26 K at ~11 atom %.

Full paper available here:
For further developments, see:
Science Daily

Related follow up:
Chen, X.H. et al. "Superconductivity at 43 K in SmFeAsO1-xFx", Nature 453, 761 (2008).This is a first observation of high Tc behavior outside of cuprate systems.
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  • #70
L.W. Martin, et al., "Electric field control of ferromagnetism using a magnetoelectric multiferroic," Nature Mater. 7, 478 (2008)

Abstract: Multiferroics are of interest for memory and logic device applications, as the coupling between ferroelectric and magnetic properties enables the dynamic interaction between these order parameters. Here, we report an approach to control and switch local ferromagnetism with an electric field using multiferroics. We use two types of electromagnetic coupling phenomenon that are manifested in heterostructures consisting of a ferromagnet in intimate contact with the multiferroic BiFeO3. The first is an internal, magnetoelectric coupling between antiferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in the BiFeO3 film that leads to electric-field control of the antiferromagnetic order. The second is based on exchange interactions at the interface between a ferromagnet (Co0.9Fe0.1) and the antiferromagnet. We have discovered a one-to-one mapping of the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic domains, mediated by the colinear coupling between the magnetization in the ferromagnet and the projection of the antiferromagnetic order in the multiferroic. Our preliminary experiments reveal the possibility to locally control ferromagnetism with an electric field.

Full text and summary available here:

For a review on multiferroics, see: Ying-Hao Chu et al, "Controlling magnetism with multiferroics", Materials Today 10, 16 (2007)

The ability to control ferromagnetism using electric fields has huge potential in the area of GMR based memory storage devices.
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