Why are gauge fields in the adjoint rep?

In summary, the gauge fields are in the adjoint representation because it is a way to transform the same way that the field transforms.
  • #1
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Does anyone know a deep reason why we always put the gauge fields in the adjoint representation of the group? I am not sure if there is a deep reason or it's just that it "happens" to work for SU(2) and SU(3).

Just wondering.
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  • #2
nrqed said:
Just wondering.

Good question. The answer requires stepping away from gauge theory into the proper version of the Standard Model, where symmetry is NOT fundamental and groups tend to arise as automorphism groups.


  • #3
note that a rep with dimension equal to the number of generators always exists (may be constructed from the structure constants), and this is your adjoint rep.
  • #4
nrqed said:
Does anyone know a deep reason why we always put the gauge fields in the adjoint representation of the group? I am not sure if there is a deep reason or it's just that it "happens" to work for SU(2) and SU(3).

Just wondering.

It is general.

Equation (11.58) of Griffiths is

[tex]\mathbf{\tau} \cdot \mathbf{A}'_\mu = S \left( \mathbf{\tau} \cdot \mathbf{A}_\mu \right) S^{-1} + i \left( \frac{\hbar c}{q} \right) \left( \partial_\mu S \right) S^{-1}. [/tex]

Here, [itex]S[/itex] is a member of the Lie (gauge) group and [itex]\mathbd{\tau}[/itex] is a basis for its Lie algebra.

If [itex]S[/itex] is a rigid (independent of spacetime position), then only the first term on right survives, and this is just the definition of the adjoint representation of the Lie group on its Lie algebra.

I am not sure if this answers your question.

For mathematicians, [itex]\mathbf{\tau} \cdot \mathbf{A}_\mu[/itex] is a Lie algebra-valued one-form. Since the the spacetime index [itex]\mu[/itex] is downstairs, the [itex]A_\mu[/itex] are the components of a standard one-form. Evaluating this one-form at a 4-vector and using the result in [itex]\mathbf{\tau} \cdot \mathbf{A}_\mu[/itex] gives the sum of a bunch of scalars times the basis elements of the Lie algebra, which is just an element of Lie algebra. Hence, the name Lie algebra-valued (instead of real-valued) one-form.
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  • #5
nrqed said:
Does anyone know a deep reason why we always put the gauge fields in the adjoint representation of the group? I am not sure if there is a deep reason or it's just that it "happens" to work for SU(2) and SU(3).

Just wondering.

I was just perusing old posts and found this one, and thought I might add something. One way you can see that the gauge fields must be in the adjoint is to remember that they are connection coefficients. The way that you define the covariant derivative (I don't know if this is the "fundamental" way to think of it, but it's the way I learned it) is that you want the covariant derivative of a field to transform the same way that the field transforms. In other words:

[tex]\psi\rightarrow U\psi\Rightarrow D_\mu\psi\rightarrow UD_\mu\psi[/tex]

This can be thought of as an operator tranforming as:

[tex]D_\mu\rightarrow UD_\mu U^{\dagger}[/tex]

If [itex]U[/itex] is a fundamental rep transformation, this is how the adjoint transforms.

Conclusion: the covariant derivative transforms as an adjoint, and therefore the gauge fields are in the adjoint rep (up to the inhomogeneous term that is canceled by the ordinary derivative).

Now here's a cute follow-up question: what if the quarks/leptons/higgs are NOT in the fundamental? So let's imagine that there is a colored object that is in the 6 of SU(3). Applying the same rule as above, the covariant derivative could transform as any rep of the [itex]6\otimes\bar{6}=27\oplus 8\oplus 1[/itex]. In particular, I see no reason why the gauge fields cannot be in the 27(!)

Now, it should be clear that if there is EVEN **ONE** fundamental, then the covariant derivative of that field forces the gauge fields to be in the adjoint. So this is all irrelevant for the SM. However, if there is some more complicated symmetry at a higher scale, and no fundamentals of that symmetry, then perhaps we can have more exotic gauge fields!

I don't know if this is right or not. What do you think?

FAQ: Why are gauge fields in the adjoint rep?

1. What is an adjoint representation?

The adjoint representation is a mathematical concept used in the study of gauge fields in physics. It is a way of representing the transformations of a gauge field and its associated particles.

2. Why are gauge fields in the adjoint representation?

Gauge fields are represented in the adjoint representation because it allows for the most efficient and consistent description of their interactions with matter particles. It also simplifies the mathematical calculations involved in studying these interactions.

3. How does the adjoint representation affect the behavior of gauge fields?

The adjoint representation affects the behavior of gauge fields by determining how they transform under different symmetries. This representation also plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of gauge fields and their interactions with other particles.

4. Are there any other representations for gauge fields?

Yes, there are other representations for gauge fields, such as the fundamental representation and the symmetric representation. However, the adjoint representation is the most commonly used representation in the study of gauge fields due to its mathematical convenience and physical significance.

5. How does the choice of representation impact the predictions of gauge field theories?

The choice of representation can impact the predictions of gauge field theories in terms of the mathematical complexity of calculations and the physical interpretation of results. However, the choice of representation does not affect the validity of the underlying theory, as different representations are mathematically equivalent and can be transformed into one another.

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