What can the GRACE Gravity Model 01 reveal about Earth's gravity field?

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In summary, the GRACE Gravity Model 01 was released in July 2003 and is based on preliminary data from the GRACE mission. It is a major advancement for oceanographers and has improved weather and climate change predictions. The model is 10 to 50 times more accurate than previous models of Earth's gravity field. The abundance of iron and titanium dioxide on the Moon's surface was measured by the Clementine mission, showing a higher concentration in the smooth plains on the nearside. The Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission, launched in October 2004, is dedicated to studying these powerful explosions in the universe. The elemental response to early universe formation and the distribution of elements in the Moon's cooling process are also discussed. The two basic
  • #1
This is an animation of the GRACE Gravity Model 01 which was released in July of 2003. This model is based upon preliminary data provided by the GRACE mission. The release of this preliminary model is a major advancement for oceanographers and a taste of scientific advancements yet to come from GRACE. Improved weather and climate change predictions now result from this model of Earth's gravity field 10 to 50 times more accurate than previous models


What does this model tell us?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Or Maybe with the Moon

Why Iron?

Clementine measured the abundance of (a) iron oxide and (b) titanium dioxide on both the nearside and farside of the Moon. The scale bar indicates the percentage-by-weight values, the highest concentration is shown in red and the lowest is in blue. Note the higher abundance of both iron oxide and titanium dioxide in the smooth plains, known as maria, on the nearside.


Gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS). Gamma rays are produced on the lunar surface through the decay of radioactive isotopes, and via the bombardment of the surface by high-energy cosmic rays. Since the energy of the resulting gamma ray is characteristic of its parent element, the GRS can map the lunar distribution of these elements
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  • #3
One has to become accustom to how we percieve Window on the Universe.


The Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission (Scheduled launch: October 7, 2004)

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful explosions the Universe has seen since the Big Bang. They occur approximately once per day and are brief, but intense, flashes of gamma radiation. They come from all different directions of the sky and last from a few milliseconds to a few hundred seconds. So far scientists do not know what causes them. Do they signal the birth of a black hole in a massive stellar explosion? Are they the product of the collision of two neutron stars? Or is it some other exotic phenomenon that causes these bursts?

With Swift, scientists will now have a tool dedicated to answering these questions and solving the gamma-ray burst mystery. Its three instruments will give scientists the ability to scrutinize gamma-ray bursts like never before. Within seconds of detecting a burst, Swift will relay a burst's location to ground stations, allowing both ground-based and space-based telescopes around the world the opportunity to observe the burst's afterglow.

Swift, a NASA mission with international participation, is scheduled for launch on October 7, 2004.




Gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS). Gamma rays are produced on the lunar surface through the decay of radioactive isotopes, and via the bombardment of the surface by high-energy cosmic rays. Since the energy of the resulting gamma ray is characteristic of its parent element, the GRS can map the lunar distribution of these elements


If we take in the theoretical views of what is on the horizon in terms of our research predictions, they must follow some predetermined framework.

The elemental response then to early universe formation asks us to consider the phase changes from the Planck Epoch, through Grand Unification and standard models arise from this. This leading perspective then asks us how we shall see this most outer boundry of these shells, and if current day elemental consideration are self evident in the matters around us, then how shall we percieve this in the early universe?
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  • #4
kuenmao said:
If you look at the graph of binding energy per nulceon against atomic number, you'll realize that elements around the position of iron have the highest binding energy. Fission occurs only in elements which have an atomic number much larger than iron(ie. uranium), and fusion occurs in elements with a smaller atomic number compared to iron(i.e. hydrogen). Both extract energy through converting part of their mass into energy.


I am looking at this in context of post on moon(cooling) and its elemental distribution as it did so? What is the age of the moon? Is it older then earth?

The two basic types of supernovas are Type Ia and Type II. Other types, such as Types Ib and Ic, are unusual supernovas that have most of the properties of type II supernovas.

Type Ia are believed to be triggered by a large transfer of mass from a companion star onto a white dwarf that pushes the white dwarf over the Chandrasekhar limit. A thermonuclear explosion follows, blowing the entire star apart, and sending material rich in iron and other products of the explosion rushing out into space. Since a white dwarf is involved, Type Ia supernovas are expected to be found among old star systems, such as globular clusters, the central bulges of galaxies and elliptical galaxies.

Type II supernovas are thought to result from the collapse of a massive star (ten or more times as massive as the Sun) that has reached the end of the red giant stage of evolution, and formed an iron core. The core collapses under the weight of the outer layers of the star. A neutron star is formed, lots of neutrinos and other radiation is emitted, and everything except the neutron star is blown away. Since massive stars are involved, Type II supernovas are found in the spiral arms and other star-forming regions of spiral and disk galaxies, which have lots of gas and dust for the formation of new stars.


Live and learn eh?

If strings can congregate in the black hole, and the black hole contracts, what can happen with the energy? Can it become very hot?

Thought I would continue posting here, as they intend to axe this section of the forum. I think I can save the moderators some work.
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  • #5
The binding energy is pretty irrelevant to the elemental distribution in planets (and the Moon). These processes proceed by chemical interactions, not nuclear ones. The present ideas of the origin of the Moon, from a glancing collision of the early Earth with another body, are pretty consistent, if not absolutely dominant. Looking for an exotic origin, looks like a futile task.

As to the supernova production of the elements, that is something that affected the whole primeval cloud, not just the earth-mooon system. The heavier elements drifted to the inner cloud (lower gravitic potential), so the inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth-Moon, and Mars, and the asteroids, are richer in iron and heavy elements than the ourter planets.
  • #6
Would the Iron on the near side of the moon, be concentrated there, because of the attraction between Earths magnetism, and the Iron that was there when the moon coalesced into an orb, from a fragmented state?
  • #7
I doubt it. Migration through the liquid magma unde gravity toward the common center of gravity would seem more likely. And remember the Moon was much closer to the Earth in the remote past.
  • #8
That is such an interesting image of the iron concentrations on the moon. Is it possible that it mimics what would have been the shape of Pangea, the old super continent?
  • #9

Self Adjoint said:
As to the supernova production of the elements, that is something that affected the whole primeval cloud, not just the earth-mooon system. The heavier elements drifted to the inner cloud (lower gravitic potential), so the inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth-Moon, and Mars, and the asteroids, are richer in iron and heavy elements than the ourter planets.

See you capture the thnking in terms of shells. I mean certainly, weak gravitational interaction at a level that has manifested into today's view of the solid balls. From the Planck epoch to today

But really if we are to arrive at any exploded view of the standard model arising from a supersymmetrical world( consider a tree fractal that has a base signature to it), and all the time, it looks quite different when it has traversed from a beginning, as a evolution of design.

So we call it a string? Quantumly and cosmologically? From a one dimensional perspective, it contained gravity.

So I look at the moon, and I see it's layers, and the stratification like shells. It made sense in this cosmological scenario, did Chandra see more?
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  • #10
It's not just seeing, it's understanding. They can draw amazing conclusions from the CMB because it's just radiation and since the 19th century they've learned more and more about radiation. So when they draw conclusions about inflation, or big-bang nucleosynthesis they are on sound ground. By contrast, nobody has more than a speculative idea of how the iron layers of the Moon got distributed the way they are, and generic thinking about shells or "limnocentric structures" doesn't add specific undrstanding.

FAQ: What can the GRACE Gravity Model 01 reveal about Earth's gravity field?

1. What is "Let's Start with Earth First"?

"Let's Start with Earth First" is a movement and philosophy that focuses on prioritizing the health and sustainability of our planet. It encourages individuals, communities, and governments to take action towards preserving the Earth for future generations.

2. Why is it important to start with Earth first?

Starting with Earth first is important because our planet is our home and the only place we have to live. It provides us with the resources and environment necessary for our survival and well-being. By prioritizing the Earth, we can ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

3. What are some actions we can take to support "Let's Start with Earth First"?

There are many ways to support the "Let's Start with Earth First" movement. Some examples include reducing our carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources, conserving water and other resources, recycling, supporting sustainable businesses, and advocating for environmental policies.

4. How can "Let's Start with Earth First" benefit society?

Prioritizing the health and sustainability of the Earth can have many positive impacts on society. It can lead to cleaner air and water, healthier ecosystems, and a more livable planet. It can also create a sense of community and unity as we work together towards a common goal.

5. What are some challenges in implementing the "Let's Start with Earth First" philosophy?

One of the main challenges in implementing the "Let's Start with Earth First" philosophy is changing societal attitudes and behaviors. It may also require significant changes in infrastructure and policies, which can be difficult to achieve. Additionally, there may be resistance from industries or individuals who prioritize profit over environmental concerns.

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