Exploring Light Emission and Newtonian Physics

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of light emission orthogonal to motion and its comparison to Newtonian mechanics. It is suggested that this behavior may be a cosmic coincidence and that photons may have mass. The concept of conserved longitudinal momentum is also explored, along with the Lorentz transformation and the invariance of the scalar speed of light. The conversation also touches on the idea of photon beaming and the behavior of momentum in both massive particles and photons. The summary concludes with a discussion on the changes in direction and magnitude of velocity and momentum for both massive particles and photons.
  • #1
From what I have learned so far, it appears that a light emission orthogonal to motion acts exactly like a Newtonian massive particle with conserved longitudinal momentum. Is this correct?
If so it would seem to be a cosmic coincidence of monumental proportions.
Having given it some thought all I have arrived at is: Possibly Newton was right and photons do have mass, Then the massless staus would appear to be a conventional calibration of the metric and a lack of rest photons.
In this case the independence of light from the motion of the emitter would seem to only strictly apply wrt emissions parallel to motion where the physical cap of c would prevent momentum conservation while all other angles of emission would retain coordinate speed of c but would have different velocity vectors
Is there any conceptual mechanism to explain this??
Am I totally misinformed regarding beaming?
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  • #2
Austin0 said:
From what I have learned so far, it appears that a light emission orthogonal to motion acts exactly like a Newtonian massive particle with conserved longitudinal momentum. Is this correct?

What do you mean by "conserved longitudinal momentum" here?

For what it's worth, the energy-momentum four-vector (E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z) transforms from one frame to another (via a Lorentz transformation, of course) in exactly the same way as the time-position four-vector (ct, x, y, z). This is true for both massive and massless particles.

In particular, for a relative velocity in the x-direction (only), the Lorentz transformation affects only p_x, leaving p_y and p_z unchanged, just as it affects only x, leaving y and z unchanged.
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  • #3
jtbell said:
What do you mean by "conserved longitudinal momentum" here?

For what it's worth, the energy-momentum four-vector (E/c, p_x, p_y, p_z) transforms from one frame to another (via a Lorentz transformation, of course) in exactly the same way as the time-position four-vector (ct, x, y, z). This is true for both massive and massless particles.

In particular, for a relative velocity in the x-direction (only), the Lorentz transformation affects only p_x, leaving p_y and p_z unchanged, just as it affects only x, leaving y and z unchanged.

I mean that a photon emitted transversely in a moving system and reflected within that system bounces straight up and down just like a Newtonian ball. It retains the forward motion of the system. i.e. conserved forward momentum. It is not independant of the motion of the source except with regard to emissions along the path of motion.
As I understand it, this is true as observed from other inertial frames as well. Photon beaming.
So if the frame is moving in x and the photon is emitted with a pure y vector relative to that frame , as observed in other frames the photon would have an x velocity component as well. Is this incorrect?
Unless I am misunderstanding what I have been reading.
  • #4
Consider a hydrogen atom with the electron emitting a 2p-1s transition photon (~10.2 eV) in the y direction transverse to its motion with velocity βc in the x direction. What is the energy, direction, and mass of the photon in the moving frame?

Use Lorentz transform (in thumbnail)

In hydrogen atom rest frame, the photon is:

E = 10.2 eV =pyc, and pxc = pzc = 0

The photon mass is M2 = E2 - (pyc)2 = 0

In moving frame:

E* = γE

pxc*=- βγE

pyc* = pyc = E
pzc* = 0

Photon mass in moving frame is

(M*)2 =(E*)2 - [(pxc*)2 +(pyc*)2]

= (γE)2 -[(βγE)2 + E2 ] = γ2(E22E2) - E2 = 0
Photon has no mass in moving frame.

angle in moving frame is θ = tan-1(pyc*/pxc*) = tan-1(1/βγ)

Bob S


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  • #5
Thanks, Bob S. Good answer.
  • #6
  1. The scalar speed of light is invariant (the same in all frames) but the vector velocity of light is not. It can change direction when you change frames.
  2. Photon momentum behaves like any other kind of momentum. The total momentum of a system is conserved (remains unchanged over time when measured in the same frame throughout).
  3. Momentum is conserved but not invariant.
  4. Momentum of a massive particle relative to a frame is given by [itex]p = \gamma mv[/itex].
  5. Momentum of a photon relative to a frame is given by [itex]p = E / c = h \nu / c = h / \lambda [/itex]
  • #7
DrGreg said:
  1. The scalar speed of light is invariant (the same in all frames) but the vector velocity of light is not. It can change direction when you change frames.
  2. Photon momentum behaves like any other kind of momentum. The total momentum of a system is conserved (remains unchanged over time when measured in the same frame throughout).
  3. Momentum is conserved but not invariant.
  4. Momentum of a massive particle relative to a frame is given by [itex]p = \gamma mv[/itex].
  5. Momentum of a photon relative to a frame is given by [itex]p = E / c = h \nu / c = h / \lambda [/itex]
From these posts I seem to understand that my initial grasp was basically correct as far as the behavior if not on any implications of mass.
As a self test:
1) A massive particle accelerated transversely changes vector magnitude as well as direction relative to an observing frame for both velocity and momentum??
2) A photon emitted transversely changes direction of the velocity vector but not the magnitude??
Changes both the direction and magnitude of the momentum vector with the magnitude decreased relative to the magnitude in the emitting frame??

3) With regard to a massive particle say a bullet that is rotating around the axis of motion: in a relative frame the forward momentum would result in a sideways drift relative to the spin??
Wrt a photon this is not such a comfortable picture. If we consider a photon as a traveling waveform this would mean it would be out of phase along an orthogonal front relative to its linear motion, yes?
It would seem to be more realistic to view the angle derived from the vector sum of conserved momentum as an actual propagation angle with the wave front in phase, relative to travel, does this make any sense??

4) Given the picture I have so far it would seem impossible for any photon to have a straight linear path orthogonal to the emitter motion.
That if there is a light detector at the end of a long light absorbtive tube aligned directly perpendicular to the source motion that it would seem impossible for a photon to reach the detector??
Whats wrong with this picture?

Thanks to all for your help in elucidating this question
  • #8
Austin0 said:
4) Given the picture I have so far it would seem impossible for any photon to have a straight linear path orthogonal to the emitter motion.
That if there is a light detector at the end of a long light absorbtive tube aligned directly perpendicular to the source motion that it would seem impossible for a photon to reach the detector??
Whats wrong with this picture?
My first thought on this is that from the point of view of the moving emitter, the tube will appear to be tilted towards the emitter, giving a point on its trajectory when a photon can be fired down the tube.

I'll try the calculation tomorrow unless someone (please :smile:) beats me to it.

The scenario is shown in the picture. The tube has end coordinates (0,0) and the (0,L). The emitter travels along (V t, yE ). We can define the tube in 4 dimensions by imagining a light beam emitted at the bottom end and sent to the top end. This gives a 4D position vector of the event when the light reaches the top ( L/c, 0, L ). From the emitter frame this transforms

[tex] ( L/c,0,L) \rightarrow ( \gamma L/c, \gamma \beta L/c, L)[/tex]

The x-coord of the top moves left, tilting the tube. I've cheated by choosing axes so the bottom doesn't move, but it shows the effect.
The important thing is that the bottom and top of the tube have different relative velocities with the emitter, and so the change in the x-coords will be greater at the top than the bottom, giving the tilt. As the emitter passes over the tube, it appears to the emitter that the tube becomes vertical then starts tilting the other way.

Because every point of the tube has a different relative velocity with the emitter frame, the tube will appear bent and tilted.

I could have got this wrong but it seems right.


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  • #9
Austin0 said:
4) Given the picture I have so far it would seem impossible for any photon to have a straight linear path orthogonal to the emitter motion.
That if there is a light detector at the end of a long light absorbtive tube aligned directly perpendicular to the source motion that it would seem impossible for a photon to reach the detector??
Look at it this way. Consider an emitter in the CM system emitting a photon in the direction perpendicular to its direction of motion at velocity βc with respect to an observer in the Lab system. The photon is moving down a long straight absorptive tube, at rest in the CM system. Regardless of the velocity of the emitter and the absorptive tube relative to the observer, the photon will always exit the end of the tube, independent of the emitter's velocity in the Lab system. The observer sees the photon exiting the absorptive tube, at an angle θlab = tan-1(1/βγ) relative to its direction of motion. (see Post #4).

So why does the absorptive tube appear to be rotated in the Lab system? It is due to the Terrell effect:


Also see visual effects in


also see Post #9 in thread https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=19860&highlight=terrell+relativistic

Bob S
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  • #10
This is embarassing, I came back to delete my post #8 but I'm too late.
  • #11
Austin0 said:
4) Given the picture I have so far it would seem impossible for any photon to have a straight linear path orthogonal to the emitter motion.
That if there is a light detector at the end of a long light absorbtive tube aligned directly perpendicular to the source motion that it would seem impossible for a photon to reach the detector??
Whats wrong with this picture?
If in the rest frame of the emitter, the photon reaches a detector at the end of the tube, then it follows that in any other frame the same must be true, in relativity and in Newtonian physics. Considering a vertical tube in a train. A ball is dropped in the top of the tube by an observer on the train and the ball appears to follow a path straight down to the bottom of the tube. To an observer outside the train, the ball follows a diagonal path that is combination of the balls vertical path due to gravity and trains horizontal motion. In the Newtonian context, the ball follows a diagonal path while staying within the confines of the vertical tube at all times. In the relativistic case, it is pretty much the same. If the tube is exactly orthogonal to the motion, then it does not rotate or bend. If the tube is tilted at some angle other than orthogonal or parallel to the motion, the tube angle relative to the motion appears different in the different frames and appears to be tilted differently (but not bent). Either way the ball (or a photon) stays inside the tube in both frames and hits the target or detector in both frames. I gave an equation for calculating the velocity of a particle or photon that is emitted at an angle to the relative motion of two frames, in a similar thread: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=423338
  • #12
Bob S said:
Look at it this way. Consider an emitter in the CM system emitting a photon in the direction perpendicular to its direction of motion at velocity βc with respect to an observer in the Lab system. The photon is moving down a long straight absorptive tube, at rest in the CM system. Regardless of the velocity of the emitter and the absorptive tube relative to the observer, the photon will always exit the end of the tube, independent of the emitter's velocity in the Lab system. The observer sees the photon exiting the absorptive tube, at an angle θlab = tan-1(1/βγ) relative to its direction of motion. (see Post #4).

So why does the absorptive tube appear to be rotated in the Lab system? It is due to the Terrell effect:


Also see visual effects in


also see Post #9 in thread https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=19860&highlight=terrell+relativistic

Bob S

Hi Bob S ...I am afraid I was not clear enough in my post.
The tube and detector are both at rest in the lab frame. There is clearly no problem if the tube is in the emitter frame otherwise a light clock could not work.
As for Terrell rotation I am very interested , even if it is an optical effect that would not really apply to this situation. I read about the effect years ago and can't remember the source , From what I do remember the effect only involved length contraction and the optical effects resulting from light propagation time from vatious parts of the object.
I have searched for more detailed links other than the one you cited but without success.
I will try the thread you referenced , thanks.
BYW thanks for your post wrt momentum and mass. Some of the notation was unfamiliar to me but I think I got the gist.
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  • #13
kev said:
If in the rest frame of the emitter, the photon reaches a detector at the end of the tube, then it follows that in any other frame the same must be true, in relativity and in Newtonian physics. Considering a vertical tube in a train. A ball is dropped in the top of the tube by an observer on the train and the ball appears to follow a path straight down to the bottom of the tube. To an observer outside the train, the ball follows a diagonal path that is combination of the balls vertical path due to gravity and trains horizontal motion. In the Newtonian context, the ball follows a diagonal path while staying within the confines of the vertical tube at all times. In the relativistic case, it is pretty much the same. If the tube is exactly orthogonal to the motion, then it does not rotate or bend. If the tube is tilted at some angle other than orthogonal or parallel to the motion, the tube angle relative to the motion appears different in the different frames and appears to be tilted differently (but not bent). Either way the ball (or a photon) stays inside the tube in both frames and hits the target or detector in both frames. I gave an equation for calculating the velocity of a particle or photon that is emitted at an angle to the relative motion of two frames, in a similar thread: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=423338

Ooops I was too ambiguous . In this case it is dropping a ball from the train down a vertical tube in the track frame. Thanks
  • #14
Mentz114 said:
This is embarassing, I came back to delete my post #8 but I'm too late.

Looking at your post I don't exactly get the source of any embarrassment.
Perhaps you could explain in detail just how you screwed up:-p
  • #15
Mentz114 said:
My first thought on this is that from the point of view of the moving emitter, the tube will appear to be tilted towards the emitter, giving a point on its trajectory when a photon can be fired down the tube.

I'll try the calculation tomorrow unless someone (please :smile:) beats me to it.

The scenario is shown in the picture. The tube has end coordinates (0,0) and the (0,L). The emitter travels along (V t, yE ). We can define the tube in 4 dimensions by imagining a light beam emitted at the bottom end and sent to the top end. This gives a 4D position vector of the event when the light reaches the top ( L/c, 0, L ). From the emitter frame this transforms

[tex] ( L/c,0,L) \rightarrow ( \gamma L/c, \gamma \beta L/c, L)[/tex]

The x-coord of the top moves left, tilting the tube. I've cheated by choosing axes so the bottom doesn't move, but it shows the effect.
The important thing is that the bottom and top of the tube have different relative velocities with the emitter, and so the change in the x-coords will be greater at the top than the bottom, giving the tilt. As the emitter passes over the tube, it appears to the emitter that the tube becomes vertical then starts tilting the other way.

Because every point of the tube has a different relative velocity with the emitter frame, the tube will appear bent and tilted.

I could have got this wrong but it seems right.

Is it perhaps the different relative velocities wrt the emitter that you are unhappy with?
  • #16
Austin0 said:
Hi Bob S ...I am afraid I was not clear enough in my post.
The tube and detector are both at rest in the lab frame. There is clearly no problem if the tube is in the emitter frame otherwise a light clock could not work.
If the tube and detector are both in the Lab (observer's) frame, then the tube tilt angle is

θlab = tan-1(1/βγ)

as shown in my earlier post #4. The tube is not bent in the lab frame, nor is the observed trajectory of the emitted photon. If the photon reaches the end of the tube and the detector in the lab frame, then it will also, when observed in the CM frame.

Bob S
  • #17
Bob S said:
If the tube and detector are both in the Lab (observer's) frame, then the tube tilt angle is

θlab = tan-1(1/βγ)

as shown in my earlier post #4. The tube is not bent in the lab frame, nor is the observed trajectory of the emitted photon. If the photon reaches the end of the tube and the detector in the lab frame, then it will also, when observed in the CM frame.

Bob S

Hi Bob I understood that the angle in post #4 was the vector sum i.e. direction of the photon relative to the lab frame.
If the tube (in the lab) is orthogonal to the path of the emitter where does the tilt come from? The terrell effect is purely optical as far as I know.
SO the question is; can a photon follow a path directly perpendicular to the motion of the emitter?
If not then how could it travel through the tube?
Thanks for your responce
  • #18
Austin0 said:
Hi Bob I understood that the angle in post #4 was the vector sum i.e. direction of the photon relative to the lab frame.
If the tube (in the lab) is orthogonal to the path of the emitter where does the tilt come from? The terrell effect is purely optical as far as I know.
SO the question is; can a photon follow a path directly perpendicular to the motion of the emitter?
If not then how could it travel through the tube?
Thanks for your responce
The tube in the lab cannot be orthogonal to the direction of motion; it has to be at an angle

θlab = tan-1(1/βγ).

Bob S
  • #19
Bob S said:
The tube in the lab cannot be orthogonal to the direction of motion; it has to be at an angle

θlab = tan-1(1/βγ).

Bob S

What do yu mean "can't" As in " if its not at an angle the photon won't make it through "

or that somehow it is not possible to align a tube orthogonal to the motion of the emitter?
  • #20
Austin0 said:
What do yu mean "can't" As in " if its not at an angle the photon won't make it through "

or that somehow it is not possible to align a tube orthogonal to the motion of the emitter?
If the tube is stationary in the lab frame, then it has to be aligned at an angle θlab = tan-1(1/βγ) relative to the direction of motion.. If the tube is stationary in the rest frame of the emitter, it has to be aligned orthogonal to the direction of motion.

Bob S
  • #21
Bob S said:
If the tube is stationary in the lab frame, then it has to be aligned at an angle θlab = tan-1(1/βγ) relative to the direction of motion.. If the tube is stationary in the rest frame of the emitter, it has to be aligned orthogonal to the direction of motion.

Bob S

Hi Bob S I am sorry but I am still unsure as to your meaning.

1) It has to be aligned at angle tan-1(1/βγ) in order for the photon to make it through??

2) If it is orthogonal to the motion of the emitter in the lab frame , the photon will not get through to the detector??

So are both of these true?
Thanks for your patience
  • #22
Austin0 said:
Hi Bob S I am sorry but I am still unsure as to your meaning.

1) It has to be aligned at angle tan-1(1/βγ) in order for the photon to make it through??

2) If it is orthogonal to the motion of the emitter in the lab frame , the photon will not get through to the detector??

So are both of these true?
Thanks for your patience
(1) is always true: "aligned at angle tan-1(1/βγ) in the lab frame".
(2) is always true, unless the emitter is at rest in the lab frame.

[added] See thumbnail

Bob S


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  • #23
Bob S said:
(1) is always true: "aligned at angle tan-1(1/βγ) in the lab frame".
(2) is always true, unless the emitter is at rest in the lab frame.

[added] See thumbnail

Bob S

The equation you quote is correct for the angle of the photon's trajectory relative to the motion in the lab frame, but the tube does not rotate in the way your diagram suggests. See the attached modified diagram for what actually happens.


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  • #24
kev said:
The equation you quote is correct for the angle of the photon's trajectory relative to the motion in the lab frame, but the tube does not rotate in the way your diagram suggests. See the attached modified diagram for what actually happens.
If the tube is aligned orthogonal to the direction of motion in the CM system, and a photodetector at the end of the tube verifies that the emitted photon reaches the photodetector, then any observer in any moving reference frame will also observe that the photon does indeed reach the photodetector. So how can you say that an observer in a moving reference frame will see the photon blocked by a misaligned tube? Or are the laws of physics different in different reference frames?

Because the photon velocity is the same in all reference frames, the observer sees the photon at different locations at different times depending on time of flight, and her distance from the location of the photon. The same holds for the absorbing tube. So maybe the Terrell effect is relevant. In any case, all observers will agree that the photon hits the detector.

Bob S
  • #25
Bob S said:
If the tube is aligned orthogonal to the direction of motion in the CM system, and a photodetector at the end of the tube verifies that the emitted photon reaches the photodetector, then any observer in any moving reference frame will also observe that the photon does indeed reach the photodetector. So how can you say that an observer in a moving reference frame will see the photon blocked by a misaligned tube? Or are the laws of physics different in different reference frames?

Because the photon velocity is the same in all reference frames, the observer sees the photon at different locations at different times depending on time of flight, and her distance from the location of the photon. The same holds for the absorbing tube. So maybe the Terrell effect is relevant. In any case, all observers will agree that the photon hits the detector.

Bob S
I agree that all observers will agree that the photon hits the detector. I did not say the the photon is blocked by a misaligned tube. It is not blocked despite being misaligned! You can see this if you actually look at the diagram I uploaded (and I assume you have not, because the image has had zero views so far). The photon travels diagonally in the lab frame while at the same time traveling up the length of the moving tube and eventually arriving at any detector located on the far end of the tube.

Think of the famous light clock example. Let us say the mirror is at the top of the tube as the tube goes from left to right in the lab frame. If the tube had to tilt to accommodate the diagonal light path in the lab frame, it would have to tilt one way as the light pulse went on its outward journey and tilt the other way when the photon is on its return journey. This obviously does not happen.
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  • #26
kev said:
I agree that all observers will agree that the photon hits the detector. I did not say the the photon is blocked by a misaligned tube. It is not blocked despite being misaligned! You can see this if you actually look at the diagram I uploaded (and I assume you have not, because the image has had zero views so far). The photon travels diagonally in the lab frame while at the same time traveling up the length of the moving tube and eventually arriving at any detector located on the far end of the tube.
I did look at your thumbnail before, and I just did again. I now understand what you are saying, and I think you are right. But this is not what the observer in the lab frame actually sees, however, because according to the Terrell rotation effect, the tube will appear rotated to the observer. This simple movie of a relativistic tram going from right to left shows the observer's view of the tram apparently rotating, so the observer sees the back side of the tram as it passes. Without Terrell rotation, the observer would not see the back at all.


Bob S
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  • #27
Bob S said:
(1) is always true: "aligned at angle tan-1(1/βγ) in the lab frame".
(2) is always true, unless the emitter is at rest in the lab frame.

[added] See thumbnail

Bob S

Thanks Bob S It appears to me that kev is talking about a different thing.
As I understand your diagram the angled tube is stationary in the lab frame .
In kevs diagram the tube is stationary in the emitter frame. In that case there has never been a question about it reaching the detector.

So am I correct in thinking that if the tube is orthogonal in the lab frame no photon emitted at any angle from the moving emitter can reach the detector at the end of the tube?

I think the Terrell effect as perceived in the emitter frame would make the tube in the lab appear tilted forward on approach and even more forward [away from the observer] on reccession. And likewise from the lab if the tube is in the emitter frame.
Thanks for your helpful time
  • #28
Austin0 said:
From what I have learned so far, it appears that a light emission orthogonal to motion acts exactly like a Newtonian massive particle

This is false, light does not act like a "Newtonian" and most definitely photons are not "massive"

Having given it some thought all I have arrived at is: Possibly Newton was right and photons do have mass,

No, this is also false.

Then the massless staus would appear to be a conventional calibration of the metric and a lack of rest photons.

This is incomprehensible.

In this case the independence of light from the motion of the emitter would seem to only strictly apply wrt emissions parallel to motion

This is also false since there is a whole class of experiments on this subject that falsifies the above statement.
where the physical cap of c would prevent momentum conservation

No, the "physical cap of c" does not prevent conservation of momentum. Conservation of momentum, as explained by DrGreg, is a general law.

while all other angles of emission would retain coordinate speed of c but would have different velocity vectors

What is this supposed to mean?

Am I totally misinformed regarding beaming?

  • #29
kev said:
The equation you quote is correct for the angle of the photon's trajectory relative to the motion in the lab frame, but the tube does not rotate in the way your diagram suggests. See the attached modified diagram for what actually happens.

The tube rotates in the moving frame , this was established in the another thread on the Thomas-Wigner rotation. In fact, the Terrell-Penrose effect is nothing but another facet of the Thomas effect.
The light beam also appears inclined in the moving frame due to the well-known effect of aberration. For the particular case of light traveling along the y-axis in frame S, it will travel at an angle [tex]cos(\theta')=\frac{cos(\theta)+\beta}{1+\beta cos(\theta)}=\beta[/tex] with axis Ox' in frame S'. This is exactly the same angle the tube rotates as well, so both light beam and the tube rotate by [tex]\theta'=arccos(\beta)=arctan(\frac{1}{\beta \gamma})[/tex]. So the photon does not hit the sides of the tube in either frame S or S', it travels perfectly centered along the axis of the tube in both frames.
ETA : If it iwere any different we would have devised an experiment that violates PoR :-)
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  • #30
Austin0 said:
From what I have learned so far, it appears that a light emission orthogonal to motion acts exactly like a Newtonian massive particle with conserved longitudinal momentum. Is this correct?

starthaus said:
This is false, light does not act like a "Newtonian" and most definitely photons are not "massive"

SO in the actual context of the question are you saying that a photon does not conserve the forward momentum of the source motion??
In this context how is the motion path of a photon different from a Newtonian massive particle?
Austin0 said:
Having given it some thought all I have arrived at is: Possibly Newton was right and photons do have mass,

starthaus said:
No, this is also false.
How can this stated possibility be definitively false. Especially given the equivalence of mass and energy

Austin0 said:
Then the massless staus would appear to be a conventional calibration of the metric and a lack of rest photons.

starthaus said:
This is incomprehensible.
No rest photons= no rest mass to measure. But electrons and atoms react to the imparted momentum so it is not completely off the wall to consider there might be equivalent mass , in which case it is a matter of convention that they are regarded as massless.

Austin0 said:
In this case the independence of light from the motion of the emitter would seem to only strictly apply wrt emissions parallel to motion where the physical cap of c would prevent momentum conservation

starthaus said:
This is also false since there is a whole class of experiments on this subject that falsifies the above statement.
I think these experiments were related to light parallel to motion. My comment was not made in reference to light speed independence from the motion of the source but wrt to the conservation of the source foward motion wrt photons emitted transversely.

starthaus said:
No, the "physical cap of c" does not prevent conservation of momentum. Conservation of momentum, as explained by DrGreg, is a general law.
In this instance it is not the general law under discussion but a specific limited aspect.
The constancy of the speed of light itself means that emissions in the direction of motion cannot conserve the forward motion of the source as would be the case with unlimited speed and simple additive velocities. No?

Austin0 said:
while all other angles of emission would retain coordinate speed of c but would have different velocity vectors

starthaus said:
What is this supposed to mean?
See below

Austin0 said:
2) A photon emitted transversely changes direction of the velocity vector but not the magnitude??

Austin0 said:
Am I totally misinformed regarding beaming?

starthaus said:
So far you have said nothing constructive to add to my understanding.

Perhaps you might have some insight on the question below??

Austin0 said:
Given the picture I have so far it would seem impossible for any photon to have a straight linear path orthogonal to the emitter motion as observed in any other frame.
That if there is a light detector at the end of a long light absorbtive tube aligned directly perpendicular to the source motion but in another frame, that it would seem impossible for a photon to reach the detector??
  • #31
starthaus said:
The tube rotates in the moving frame , this was established in the another thread on the Thomas-Wigner rotation. In fact, the Terrell-Penrose effect is nothing but another facet of the Thomas effect.
The light beam also appears inclined in the moving frame due to the well-known effect of aberration. For the particular case of light traveling along the y-axis in frame S, it will travel at an angle [tex]cos(\theta')=\frac{cos(\theta)+\beta}{1+\beta cos(\theta)}=\beta[/tex] with axis Ox' in frame S'. This is exactly the same angle the tube rotates as well, so both light beam and the tube rotate by [tex]\theta'=arccos(\beta)=arctan(\frac{1}{\beta \gamma})[/tex]. So the photon does not hit the sides of the tube in either frame S or S', it travels perfectly centered along the axis of the tube in both frames.

Does any of this relate to the case where the tube is orthogonally aligned to motion of the emitter but in another observing frame??
It appears to be related to the case where the tube is at rest in the emitter frame. Yes?
  • #32
Austin0 said:
How can this stated possibility be definitively false. Especially given the equivalence of mass and energy
Because that very equivalence between mass and energy implies that E = gamma*mc^2 for massive particles, where m is the rest mass and gamma is the usual 1/sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)...in the limit as v approaches c, gamma would approach infinity, and so would E for any particle with nonzero rest mass m! But obviously photons only have finite energy, given by the quantum formula E=hf (where f is frequency and h is Planck's constant).

Incidentally the equation E=gamma*mc^2 can also be written as E^2 = m^2c^4 + p^2c^2, where p is momentum. You can see that for a particle with m=0, this reduces to E=pc, so a photon's does have momentum (combining with the quantum formula E=hf, the momentum of a photon is p=hf/c)
Austin0 said:
In this instance it is not the general law under discussion but a specific limited aspect.
The constancy of the speed of light itself means that emissions in the direction of motion cannot conserve the forward motion of the source as would be the case with unlimited speed and simple additive velocities. No?
What do you mean by "conserve the forward motion of the source"? If the source is pointing perpendicular to its direction of motion, then the photon has the same horizontal speed sH as the source (so it always remains directly above the current position of the source), and its vertical speed sV is such that [tex]s_V^2 + s_H^2 = c^2[/tex] (i.e. the total velocity vector has a magnitude of c)
Austin0 said:
Given the picture I have so far it would seem impossible for any photon to have a straight linear path orthogonal to the emitter motion as observed in any other frame.
That if there is a light detector at the end of a long light absorbtive tube aligned directly perpendicular to the source motion but in another frame, that it would seem impossible for a photon to reach the detector??
Does the light detector have the same velocity as the source, so it always remains directly above the source? Or is the light detector at rest in the frame where the source is moving horizontally, so the source is only directly underneath the detector at the moment it emits the light? In the first case the light will hit the detector, in the second case it won't.
  • #33
Austin0 said:
How can this stated possibility be definitively false. Especially given the equivalence of mass and energy

JesseM said:
Because that very equivalence between mass and energy implies that E = gamma*mc^2 for massive particles, where m is the rest mass and gamma is the usual 1/sqrt(1 - v^2/c^2)...in the limit as v approaches c, gamma would approach infinity, and so would E for any particle with nonzero rest mass m! But obviously photons only have finite energy, given by the quantum formula E=hf (where f is frequency and h is Planck's constant).

Incidentally the equation E=gamma*mc^2 can also be written as E^2 = m^2c^4 + p^2c^2, where p is momentum. You can see that for a particle with m=0, this reduces to E=pc, so a photon's does have momentum (combining with the quantum formula E=hf, the momentum of a photon is p=hf/c).
Well I certainly wouldn't argue with any of the above. ANd in fact don't have any investment in massive photon stock, but coincidentally, in an unrelated thread I just encountered a paper talking about the calculated upper limit of possible photon mass so it is not a totally absurd topic of speculation. I think approaching limits of any kind leads to a certain fuzziness. I understand the concept of infinite energy needed to accelerate any massive particle to c ,,,but it would not bust my capacity for universal strangeness if photons were exempt because they can only move at c and are not accelerating from a lower velocity. Buts that just my feeling.

Austin0 said:
In this instance it is not the general law under discussion but a specific limited aspect.
The constancy of the speed of light itself means that emissions in the direction of motion cannot conserve the forward motion of the source as would be the case with unlimited speed and simple additive velocities. No??.

JesseM said:
What do you mean by "conserve the forward motion of the source"? If the source is pointing perpendicular to its direction of motion,((1)) then the photon has the same horizontal speed sH as the source (so it always remains directly above the current position of the source), and its vertical speed sV is such that [tex]s_V^2 + s_H^2 = c^2[/tex] (i.e. the total velocity vector has a magnitude of c).
What I meant was your ((1)) above. Equally true of massive particles yes??
That with emissions in the direction of motion the sH component is not conserved at all i.e. does not contribute to the velocity vector c

JesseM said:
Does the light detector have the same velocity as the source, so it always remains directly above the source? Or is the light detector at rest in the frame where the source is moving horizontally, so the source is only directly underneath the detector at the moment it emits the light? In the first case the light will hit the detector, in the second case it won't.
The second case.
Question?? Can a photon emitted at any angle from the moving source possibly enter the tube and reach the detector. It seems clear that there would not be but at this point I want to check everything rather than make assumptions
Don't you find it somewhat [read extremely] curious that photons are not totally independant of the motion of the source and do act like massive particles wrt transverse emissions?

ANother related question: What happens in the case of an emitter, stationary in the lab and aligned orthogonally to a moving frame if the photon is reflected off a metal reflector on the moving frame?

from previous post
3) With regard to a massive particle say a bullet that is rotating around the axis of motion: in a relative frame the forward momentum would result in a sideways drift relative to the spin??
Wrt a photon this is not such a comfortable picture. If we consider a photon as a traveling waveform this would mean it would be out of phase along an orthogonal front relative to its linear motion, yes?
It would seem to be more realistic to view the angle derived from the vector sum of conserved momentum as an actual propagation angle with the wave front in phase, relative to travel, does this make any sense??

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  • #34
Austin0 said:
SO in the actual context of the question are you saying that a photon does not conserve the forward momentum of the source motion??

I am not saying anything of the kind, I simply pointed out that your whole post is a collection of errors.
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  • #35
Austin0 said:
Thanks Bob S
It appears to me that kev is talking about a different thing.
As I understand your diagram the angled tube is stationary in the lab frame.

If the tube was angled and stationery in the lab frame, then it would not be stationary in the co-moving (CM) frame. In this case the photon does not reach the end of the tube in either reference frame (if we do not allow reflections off the side the tube by e.g. lining the internal tube surface with absorptive material).

Austin0 said:
In kevs diagram the tube is stationary in the emitter frame. In that case there has never been a question about it reaching the detector.
Yep, in this case the photon reaches the detector in both reference frames and the tube is measured to be orthogonal to the line of motion in both frames.

Austin0 said:
So am I correct in thinking that if the tube is orthogonal in the lab frame no photon emitted at any angle from the moving emitter can reach the detector at the end of the tube?
No, this is not true. See the diagram I attached to my last post. The tube has to be orthogonal to the line of motion in both frames in order for the photon to reach the detector in both frames, even though the tube does not appear to be parallel to the photon path in the frame where the tube and emitter are not at rest.

Austin0 said:
I think the Terrell effect as perceived in the emitter frame would make the tube in the lab appear tilted forward on approach and even more forward [away from the observer] on recession. And likewise from the lab if the tube is in the emitter frame.
This is sort of correct but is very dependent on the location of the observer relative to the rod and what exactly you mean by "tilted forward".

Let us say we had a very long wire and a hollow tube threaded onto the wire and the tube is moving at relativistic speeds relative to the wire and an observer that is rest with the wire and standing to one side of the wire. In this case the observer sees the circular cross section at the back of the tube when the centre of the tube is opposite the observer as an elliptical cross section. The appearance of the tube is the same as the silhouette of the tube when it is rotated to an angle wrt the observer, but it is the shape of the tube that appears to change rather than the orientation of the tube wrt the observer. The long axis of the tube still appears to be parallel to the long wire that is it threaded onto. In this case there is no rotation of the long axis of the tube, but visually at first glance there appears to be. Basically Terell rotation is an optical illusion due to light travels times and the exact position of the observer, which is an aspect that is normally factored out in relativity calculations.

See these cool 3d optical illusions that come about as a result of your assumptions about the shape the object you are looking at:






Sorry for all the links, but I could not find exactly the optical illusion effect I was looking for, but the anamorphic street art is probably the closest. They are fun to look at anyway.
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