Emergent Realities ( What Lies Beneath)

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In summary: Each kind of energy has its own properties, and it is possible to do work with it. In summary, Post Cards from The Edge discusses the possibility that we may never be able to see much deeper into reality than the level of subatomic particles. Smolin's summarization discusses how we may need to develop different theoretical arsenals in order to answer questions about the nature of reality. Laughlin discusses the nature of reality and how it could be anything. Finally, Marcus provides a summary of his thread on Unitariness.
  • #1
After doing soemtime here researching the issues of quantum gravity and quantum geometry is has become pretty plain that we are operating from a area below Planck length that requires some rules about the order that would have to emerge?

Is it unitary, that we might have look to people like Lauglin to help us describe a feature about self organzational principles that we had not realized could underly the structure of the nature of this reality.

Post Cards from The Edge

Postcard from the edge: maybe we can never see much deeper into reality than the level of these subatomic particles

Likewise, if the very fabric of the Universe is in a quantum-critical state, then the "stuff" that underlies reality is totally irrelevant-it could be anything, says Laughlin. Even if the string theorists show that strings can give rise to the matter and natural laws we know, they won't have proved that strings are the answer-merely one of the infinite number of possible answers. It could as well be pool balls or Lego bricks or drunk sergeant majors.


Part of Smolins distilliation was to look at Laughlin as well in his summation about what could possibly be considered from differing theoretical arsenals, to help us along here. So what language shall we adopt to help orientate our thinking, to deal with this strange world of uncertainty and bring out of it, a tangible way in which to deal nature phiosophy?

So here for the first time we can all agree on some basic principles that require theoretical development to answer from a unifying/unifying principle?

I thank Marcus for his thread on Unitariness, as it is something I have been holding off on speaking about, and then quite honestly slipped my mind.

So to help some people along I would have liked to place Smolin's summation( I have not found this paper yet) and paper, for those who know what I am talking about. You might have seen this distilliation process was a good one for summarizing and might have been a good venture for one like Lubos or Baez to project on? Certain mathes arise out of such logical reflectiveness?

But anyway back to Robert Laughlin http://large.stanford.edu/rbl/lectures/index.htm . Such principles ahve been spoken on in regards tothe higg's boson as a underlying factor about such consolidations, that the story of the professor crossing the rooms has certain implications tied to it.

So who is right from this platonic ideas of discrete function or the Pythagorean string harmonies of nature? :smile: What are First Principles and I have been thinking about this a long time. Lauglin abhorrs this term?

Historically, such ventures have been inbreed, in our inquistiveness it seems. :smile:

The questions of what math might emerge from such area below Planck length is really a quest to find the math structures that would make it apporpriate, to talk about such organzation principles. So has LQG and String found something that Platoism and Pythagoreans, had not?

Look at how well these two archetypal forms have materialize in modern efforts? :smile:
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is it possible to find equations for entropy for spacetime itself, its curvature and expansion, and to relate this to the entropy of the submanifolds within spacetime we call particles?
  • #3
Assimilation of Model Apprehension as Geometry of Consciousness?

That is immediate? :smile:

If we were to consider the harmonical nature of reality, how would we do this? :smile:

Maybe develope strings?

Here a simple mind experiment.

Look around you. Now let's put on your glasses that only allows you to see this energy in all that you had seen previous. How would you unite thermodynamcial issues together with the energy determinations of that reality.

Woud there be a stronger energy value as a correlation in the density of vibrations?

lets just use a bubble for instance and the way we can transfer information inside this bubble. Is there a direct correlation between the amount of infomration inside that black hole and the diameter of that sphere?

So the boundaries of that sphere and the amount of information concentrated here, are causing the bubble to expand. But this action is cooling in nature so it runs contradictory to what we have understood of entropic issues?) I might need help here)

The bubble bursts or the bubble immediately contracts? There is a enormous amount of energy created in that contraction, the energy increases from the boudaries of that bubble). Still this determination and the amount of energy calculated is equal to the radius of that bubble at its maximun exapnsive mode. The amount of energy expended becomes a result in the expansitory mode of the universe and can be recognized from the inception of this universe from such a black hole contraction?

But trully(?) this has been all about energy?

Einstein's usage:

We can distinguish various kinds of theories
in physics. Most of them are constructive.
They attempt to build up a picture of the more
complex phenomena out of the materials of a
relatively simple formal scheme from which
they start out. Thus the kinetic theory of gases
seeks to reduce mechanical, thermal, and
diffusional processes to movements of molecules
-- i.e., to build them up out of the hypothesis of
molecular motion. When we say that we have
succeeded in understanding a group of natural
processes we invariably mean that a constructive
theory has been found which covers the
processes in question.
Along with this most important class of
theories there exists a second, which I will
call 'principle-theories'; These employ the
analytic, not the synthetic, method. The elements
which form their bases and starting-point are not
hypothetically constructed but empirically
discovered ones, general characteristics of
natural processes, principles that give rise to
mathematically formulated criteria which these
separate processes or the theoretical
representations of them have to satisfy. Thus
the science of thermodynamics seeks by
analytical means to deduce necessary conditions,
which separate events have to satisfy, from the
universally experienced fact that perpetual
motion is impossible.
The advantages of the constructive theory
are completeness, adaptability, and clearness,
those of the principle theory are logical
perfection and security of the foundations.
The theory of relativity belongs to the latter
class. In order to grasp its nature, one needs
first of all to become acquainted with the
principles on which it is based. Before I go
into these, however, I must observe that the
theory of relativity resembles a building
consisting of two separate stories, the special
theory and the general theory. The special
theory, on which the general theory rests,
applies to all physical phenomena with the
exception of gravitation; the general theory
provides the law of gravitation and its relations
to the other forces of nature.
Found in: "What is the Theory of Relativity?",
Einstein, Ideas and Opinions, Three Rivers
Press, p. 228-9.

Something has to be said about the basis of these formulations in what Lies Beneath? But still changing the very foundation of our thinking in terms of harmonically realizations, what did strngs think would happen when we begin to interpret the reality of GR and the extension of it from those brane theories? :smile:

Ask any theoreticain, what and how s/he thinks, and how the dynamical reality of nature has become? There is price that has to be paid? :smile:

In another "time" is might have been much more simple, playing with balls of clay(?) or strummed, calculated note derivations? :smile:
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  • #4

In order for mechanical oscillation to occur, a system must posses two quantities: elasticity and inertia. When the system is displaced from its equilibrium position, the elasticity provides a restoring force such that the system tries to return to equilibrium. The inertia property causes the system to overshoot equilibrium. This constant play between the elastic and inertia properties is what allows oscillatory motion to occur. The natural frequency of the oscillation is related to the elastic and inertia properties by:


From Taylor and Hulse perspective we had to come to certain conclusions about the http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/courses/astro201/merc_adv.htm From this we are lead to further understandings of something else? :smile: Does one not thnk the pricipals being played out could not have been played out at the quantum level?

Is there not a organizatinal principal, we are not aware of at below Planck length?

Boson Creation to Blackhole? The whole time we had be talking about things leaving the brane? :smile:

Weak field measure so gravity to the very strong. If we put on those sun glasses what would this look like vibrationally. A strong concentration of energy? Or a very big whole? :smile:
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  • #5

The geometric view of nature works very well for describing gravity at astronomical distance scales

But Einstein then extended his Special Theory of Relativity to encompass Newton's theory of gravitation, and the result, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, brought the mathematics called differential geometry into physics.
General relativity has had many observational successes that proved its worth as a description of Nature, but two of the predictions of this theory have staggered the public and scientific imaginations: the expanding Universe, and black holes. Both have been observed, and both encapsulate issues that, at least in the mathematics, brush up against the very nature of reality and existence.


So way down at the quantum level a fuzzy approach appears?

If we refer to the energy( a particle description) how shall we see cymatic views to reality, if not with the strings consideration in harmonical values?
  • #6
This question of whether math is created or natural still haunts my mind, so I am placing another post generated in another thread here as well.

How would such numbered systems arise if we had not realize a immediate consequence to quantum geometry that would have defined any method arising out of some math structure.

Consider the marble drop as a probability, and from it, an emergent system?

Discovering patterns

So how would we find understanding with Srinivasa Ramanujan

Why a octave and why 8 dimensions? If we are to use numerology then why not the kabalist, yet here we a certain romance with numbers?

What if Srinivasa Ramanujan was able to pull his information from the fifth dimension, what would that mean and where is that?

Would one have to know how to get past the noise of our subconcious, to know the creative ability, is mapping, and demonstrating our futures, all the while it kept a record of the day's events, knowing what would become possible?

How would you inject resonance into any system? How in the dimensional relation could this be possible? What place does the heart(now) hold in this and we come to know what the heart is capable of? How do we retain our memories? What value is the limbic system, as a emotive signalling function of memory construction?

Why 10 Dimensions?

When strings vibrate in space-time, they are described by a mathematical function called the Ramanujan modular function.26 This term appears in the equation:27

[1-(D - 2)/24]
where D is the dimensionality of the space in which the strings vibrate. In order to obey special relativity 9and manifest co-variance), this term must equal 0, which forces D to be 26. This is the origin of the 26 dimensions in the original string theory.

In the more general Ramanujan modular function, which is used in current superstring theories, the twenty-four is replaced by the number eight, making D equal to 10.28

In other words, the mathematics require space-time to have 10 dimensions in order for the string theory to be self-consistent, but physicists still don’t know why these particular numbers have been selected.


A neurual synapse that allows a extraordinary amount of information to enter yet it is based on harmonical laws? What is held forefront of the mind, has consequences?
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  • #7
What would A Toe Mean?

Having reached Planck length, what and how would one describe the quantum geometry of quantum gravity.

The "direct" way of quantizing gravity comes with many choices. Do we use functional integrals over Wick rotated Riemannian metrics (e.g. by Hawking)? See Euclidean path integral approach. Do we use the covariant Peierls bracket? Do we use BRST/Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism or gauge fixing or gauge factoring? If we pick canonical quantization, do we use the Einstein-Hilbert action with only the metric as dynamical to get the Wheeler-deWitt equation? Or do we treat the metric and the affine connection independently? Or do we have the whole Poincaré group as the gauge group starting with the Einstein-Cartan theory? Or do we use the Cartan method of moving frames with the Palatini action to get second class constraints? Do we elimanate the second class constraints using the Ashtekar variables to get loop quantum gravity or do we do something else? Actually, the existence of spinor fields probably forces us to work with the Cartan formalism or some variant of it. Or maybe we should look at representations of the diffeomorphism group just as Wigner looked at representations of the Poincaré group.


Did Smolin recognize the limitation in Lorentz Invariance which would dispell string theory?

The path taken by a photon through a discrete spacetime geometry would be different from the path taken by the same photon through continuous spacetime. Normally, such differences should be insignificant, but Giovanni Amelino-Camelia points out that photons which have traveled from distant galaxies may reveal the structure of spacetime. LQG predicts that more energetic photons should travel ever so slightly faster than less energetic photons. This effect would be too small to observe within our galaxy. However, light reaching us from gamma ray bursts in other galaxies should manifest a varying spectral shift over time. In other words, distant gamma ray bursts should appear to start off more bluish and end more reddish. Alternatively, highly energetic photons from gamma ray bursts should arrive a split second sooner than less energetic photons. LQG physicists eagerly await results from space-based gamma-ray spectrometry experiments (GLAST).

2007 will see the launch of GLAST, and (hopefully) the completion and operation of LHC. The results of these experiments will profoundly develop the course of QG. These experiments may establish spontaneously broken supersymmetry, Higgs boson and the Higgs field, extra spatial dimensions, and/or violations of Lorentz invariance.

If GLAST detects violations of Lorentz invariance in the form of energy-dependent photon velocity, in agreement with theoretical calculations, such observations would strongly support LQG. However, string theory would not necessarily be disfavoured, since although it predicts an underlying exact Lorentz symmetry, it is possible that this may be spontaneously broken through a nonzero expectation value of tensor fields.

Other topics where observation may affect the future theoretical development of quantum gravity are dark matter and dark energy.

  • #8
Every Gamma Ray burst is a Bubble?

Nobody consider the significance of the collapses that gravitationally might have been perceived from gamma ray bursts?

What this means, is that each sequence of events in that collapse can be geometrically satisfied, from a overall perspective(see bubble nucleation/topology) given in the idea of this universe.

The multiverse theory, would show that the bubble formed from the beginining of each those events(gravitational collapses) and would have signalled other possible universe?

How would this be interpreted in Brane World?
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  • #9
nothing is perfect
in the space where nothing exists
will one find perfection
the perfect nothing

now about these bubbles

Imagine, if you will bubbles...
expanding as they float around
bumping into other bubbles
and inside of these bubbles
is another bubble expanding
and so on...

...and if all these bubbles
made a musical note,
as they bumped and merged
and expanded,
they created chords and melodies
and so on...
  • #10
During a first-order phase transition, the matter fields get trapped in a `false vacuum' state from which they can only escape by nucleating bubbles of the new phase, that is, the `true vacuum' state.

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  • #11
On 08-11-04

Russell Rierson said:
Still researching the tapping of the vacuum
The energy in a section of vacuum can be altered by the material around it, giving the "Casimir Effect". The effect has been experimentally verified by positioning two uncharged parallel metal plates, creating a symmetric - attractive force, pressing them together; the force only becomes measurable when the distance between the two plates is extremely small. If the two opposing metal plates move rapidly, some of the vacuum waves can become real waves.

Some people propose that a form of "dynamical Casimir effect" may be responsible for the mysterious phenomenon known as sonoluminescence, which is the emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound waves.

These visulaizations help you to look at the geometry of this universe from its beginnings and helps to describe the over all events and this includes gravitational collapse that lead to this universe being formed.

The principal is the same? You have to understand what the true vacuum state is ,and this has been given in the post above this one.

FAQ: Emergent Realities ( What Lies Beneath)

1. What are emergent realities?

Emergent realities refer to the idea that complex systems can produce unexpected and unpredictable outcomes that cannot be fully explained by simply understanding the individual components of the system. These outcomes can often be greater than the sum of their parts, and can only be understood by studying the interactions and relationships within the system as a whole.

2. How do emergent realities impact our understanding of the world?

Emergent realities challenge traditional reductionist approaches to understanding the world, which focus on breaking things down into smaller, more manageable parts. Instead, they highlight the importance of studying systems as a whole and considering the interactions and relationships between the parts. This can lead to a more holistic and nuanced understanding of complex phenomena.

3. Can emergent realities be studied and analyzed scientifically?

Yes, emergent realities can be studied and analyzed using scientific methods. While they may be difficult to predict or control, they can still be observed and measured through data collection and analysis. Scientists can also use computer simulations and modeling to better understand how emergent phenomena may arise in complex systems.

4. What are some examples of emergent realities in nature?

There are many examples of emergent realities in nature, such as flocking behavior in birds, schooling behavior in fish, and swarming behavior in insects. These collective behaviors emerge from the interactions of individual organisms and allow them to navigate their environment more efficiently. Other examples include self-organizing systems like ant colonies, immune systems, and even the human brain.

5. How can understanding emergent realities benefit society?

Understanding emergent realities can have many practical applications in fields such as biology, engineering, and computer science. By studying emergent behaviors, we can design more efficient and sustainable systems, improve decision-making processes, and better predict and mitigate potential crises. It also allows us to appreciate the complexity and interconnectedness of our world, leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of nature.
