How Can I Calculate the Distance of an Object in an Elliptical Orbit Over Time?

In summary,The distance of an object orbiting another object in an elliptical orbit with time as the variable would be determined by Kepler's laws of planetary motion.
  • #1
What would the equation be for the distance of an object orbiting another object in an elliptical orbit with time as the variable? How would I derive this equation?

A comet would be an example. I am looking for the equation that would plot the distance from the sun at any given time.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

The short answer is that, depending on your background, it may be a little bit involved. You can get a short summary of what is needed at [1]. If you want a more thorough introduction there should be plenty of astronomy textbooks to choose from at various levels. If you have specific questions to this derivation or to astronomy in general you are of course free to ask them here.

  • #3
Although I did it in college and generally understand it, it has been a while since I have tried to use polar coordinates and calculus. I will probably have to devote some time if I want to understand the derivation.

If I wanted to plot the distance as a function of time with t=0 being the closest the object would get, how would I do it? I appreciate your help.
  • #4
I'm wondering if there is an analytic solution. I've seen this question asked before, but never answered. Googling for "eliptical orbit distance as a function of time" returns a thread from this forum started by me 4 years ago.
  • #5
Texas2011 said:
If I wanted to plot the distance as a function of time with t=0 being the closest the object would get, how would I do it? I appreciate your help.
Follow the steps in the WP article. To do step #2, you will have to do some kind of iterative method such as Newton's method:'s_method

tony873004 said:
I'm wondering if there is an analytic solution.
No, there isn't.
  • #6
Texas2011 said:
...I am looking for the equation that would plot the distance from the sun at any given time.

bcrowell said:
...No, there isn't.
With no equation, you'll have to plot it using numerical methods. Here's my attempt. In Gravity Simulator, I created 10 planets with semi-major axes of 100,000,000 km from the Sun. This gives them a period of 200 days. I gave them eccentricities of 0.0 to 0.9. I then output their positions to Excel once a day for 200 days. I then computed their distances from their positions and plotted the results. Along the x-axis, time is expressed as a fraction of 200 days, so 1 means 200 days. Along the y-axis, I expressed distance is a fraction of semi-major axis, so 1 = 100,000,000 km. These 2 axes should scale to any planet at any distance.
  • #7
Texas2011 said:
If I wanted to plot the distance as a function of time with t=0 being the closest the object would get, how would I do it?

If you have access to a spreadsheet or similar you can fairly easy make such a plot based on an approximation of the radius.

First you have mean anomaly

[tex]M = \frac{2 \pi T}{P}[/tex]

where T is the time since last periapsis passage and P is period, both values expressed in same time unit. From M you now have to solve Keplers equation to get eccentric anomaly E which relates to mean anomaly M as

[tex]M = E -e\sin E[/tex]

In a program you would normally solve this equation numerically by iteration until a desired accuracy is obtained. In a spreadsheet you can instead use a fixed approximation like (taken from [1])

[tex] E \approx M+\left(e-\frac{e^3}{8}\right)\sin M + \frac{1}{2}e^2 \sin 2M + \frac{3}{8}e^3 \sin 3M[/tex]

if eccentricity is not too large, or you can set up a fixed number of fast converging iterations, like using Newton's method (see for instance [2]) to get

[tex] E_{i+1} = E_i + \frac{M+e\sin E_i - E_i}{1-e\cos E_i} [/tex]

with all angles in radians and [itex]E_0 = M[/itex] for [itex]e < 0.8[/itex] and [itex] E_0 = \pi[/itex] otherwise. In a spreadsheet you can set up a fixed number of successive columns to calculate [itex]E_i[/itex] and then use the last approximation as E.

From eccentric anomaly E you can calculate the normalized radius as

[tex] \rho = \frac{r}{a} = 1 - e \cos E [/tex]

where a is the semi-major axis. In a spreadsheet you can now plot [itex]\rho[/itex] as a function of time or mean anomaly. Notice that I skipped calculating the so-called true anomaly and went straight to radius. The true anomaly would for instance be needed in addition to the radius if you wanted to plot the 2D position instead of only the radius.

As you can see, apart from finding a good approximation for E, the rest is rather simple. Feel free to ask if some of the above is too hazy for you.

[1] Orbital Motion, A.E. Roy, Adam Hilger, 1988.
[2] Weisstein, Eric W. "Kepler's Equation." From MathWorld --

FAQ: How Can I Calculate the Distance of an Object in an Elliptical Orbit Over Time?

What is an elliptical orbit?

An elliptical orbit is a type of orbit that follows the shape of an ellipse. An ellipse is a flattened circle, where two points inside the ellipse called foci are located. In an elliptical orbit, the orbiting object travels around one of the foci in a curved path.

What causes an elliptical orbit?

An elliptical orbit is caused by the gravitational pull of a larger object, such as a planet or a star. The strength of the gravitational pull and the speed of the orbiting object determine the shape of the ellipse. The more massive the object, the stronger the gravitational pull, and the more circular the orbit will be.

How is an elliptical orbit different from a circular orbit?

An elliptical orbit is different from a circular orbit in terms of shape and speed. A circular orbit has a constant distance from the center of the object being orbited, while an elliptical orbit has varying distances from the center. Additionally, the speed of an object in an elliptical orbit changes as it moves closer or farther away from the center, while the speed in a circular orbit remains constant.

Can an object have an elliptical orbit around multiple objects?

Yes, an object can have an elliptical orbit around multiple objects. This is known as a binary or multiple star system, where two or more stars orbit around each other in an elliptical path. In this case, the two foci of the ellipse would be located at the centers of the two stars.

What factors can affect the shape of an elliptical orbit?

The shape of an elliptical orbit can be affected by various factors, including the mass and distance of the orbiting object from the central object, the gravitational pull of other nearby objects, and any external forces acting on the orbiting object, such as thrust from a spacecraft. These factors can change the size, shape, and orientation of the ellipse.
