Proving Adjoint of an Operator in Hilbert Space: Common Mistakes Explained

  • Thread starter spaghetti3451
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This is a bit of a simplification, but the idea is that operators can be thought of as matrices and vectors can be thought of as column matrices. The notation works out, with the column matrix on the left multiplying the matrix on the right.If you're more familiar with the ordinary notation, this may help.In summary, the bra-ket notation is a useful and convenient way to express algebraic operations involving scalars, vectors, covectors, and operators. It is commonly used in quantum mechanics and can also simplify problems in other contexts. It can be thought of as a graphical representation of ordinary matrix algebra, with kets as column matrices, bras as row matrices, and operators as matrices.
  • #1
Hi, I am wondering what mistake i might have made in the following.

(v, Au) = [(v, Au)*]* = [(A†v, u)*]* = (u, A†v)* = ((A†)†u, v)* = (v, (A†)†u), where v and u are arbitrary vectors in a Hilbert space. That proves that A = (A†)†, doesn't it?

My tutor says some of the steps are wrong. What might those be?
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  • #2
That looks correct. But I find it weird that you take the complex conjugate twice. Can't you just say

[tex]<v,Au>=<A^\dagger v,u>=<v,A^{\dagger\dagger} u>[/tex]

Since this holds for all v, we conclude that [itex]Au=A^{\dagger\dagger}u[/itex] for all u.
  • #3
Wow! That is indeed a revelation! Thank you so much for accepting my reasoning.

Actually, the same question was in one of my problem sheets, and here was the solution:

If we take a basis {|ei>}, then <ei|A†|ej> = <ej|A|ei>*.

Consider <ei|(B†)†|ej> = <ej|B†|ei>* = (<ei|B|ej>*)* = <ei|B|ej> for all i,j.

Therefore, (B†)† = B.

I am not sure why the guy has gone to all trouble of using the inconvenient Dirac notation and basis vectors. What are your thoughts?
  • #4
That's also correct. Perhaps that proof is easier for people used to bra-ket notation, I don't consider it ver yeasy. It doesn't really matter really, there are many good proofs.
  • #5
I've always wondered about this notation: <ej|A|ei>.

I understand the pairing involved in <A ei,ej> but what does this <ej|A|ei> mean?
  • #6
naturemath said:
I've always wondered about this notation: <ej|A|ei>.

I understand the pairing involved in <A ei,ej> but what does this <ej|A|ei> mean?

In my understanding, it just means [itex]<e_i,Ae_j>[/itex].
  • #7
Thanks micromass. This notation is commonly found in books on quantum mechanics. So are physicists just complicating a notion that supposed to be simple?

I'm not attacking physicists but I feel that there must be more/other reasons why they use such notation...
  • #8
naturemath said:
I've always wondered about this notation: <ej|A|ei>.

I understand the pairing involved in <A ei,ej> but what does this <ej|A|ei> mean?

micromass said:
In my understanding, it just means [itex]<e_i,Ae_j>[/itex].
It's equal to that, but I wouldn't say that that's what the notation means.

In bra-ket notation, members of a Hilbert space ##\mathcal H## are written as ##|\alpha\rangle,\ |\beta\rangle##, or ##|\psi\rangle,\ |\phi\rangle##, instead of as x,y. And they're called "kets" instead of (or rather in addition to) "vectors". Members of the dual space ##\mathcal H^*## are called "bras". So far, it's just a weird notation and terminology.

I will use the notation (x,y) for the inner product of x and y, and I will use the convention that the inner product is linear in the second variable. For each ##x\in\mathcal H##, I will denote the map ##y\mapsto (x,y)## from ##\mathcal H## into ##\mathbb C## by ##(x,\cdot)##. The Riesz representation theorem for Hilbert spaces says that ##x\mapsto (x,\cdot)## is an antilinear (=conjugate linear) bijection from ##\mathcal H## onto the dual space ##\mathcal H^*##. In bra-ket notation, the member of ##\mathcal H^*## that corresponds to ##|\alpha\rangle## via this antilinear bijection is denoted by ##\langle\alpha|##. So ##\langle\alpha|=\big(|\alpha\rangle,\cdot\big)##, and the result of ##\langle\alpha|## acting on ##|\beta\rangle## is
$$\langle\alpha|\,|\beta\rangle = \big(|\alpha\rangle,\cdot\big)|\beta\rangle =\big(|\alpha\rangle,|\beta\rangle\big).$$
The right-hand side is the inner product of ##|\alpha\rangle## and ##|\beta\rangle##. It's conventional to simplify the notation for the thing on the left-hand side to ##\langle\alpha|\beta\rangle##. This can be pretty confusing, since now it looks like the inner product of ##\alpha## and ##\beta##, but this would be nonsense, since ##\alpha## is undefined. The vector we've been talking about is denoted by ##|\alpha\rangle##, not ##\alpha##.

In order to make this notation easier to deal with, several other definitions are made. For example, the "product" of a bra and a linear operator is defined by
$$\big(\langle\alpha|A\big)|\beta\rangle =\langle\alpha|\big(A|\beta\rangle\big).$$ This is why parentheses are unnecessary in the expression ##\langle\alpha|A|\beta\rangle##. What I just said should make it clear that the notation can be interpreted as two different things, both of which are equal to ##\big(|\alpha\rangle,A|\beta\rangle\big)##. It's either the bra ##\langle\alpha|A## acting on the ket ##|\beta\rangle## or the bra ##\langle\alpha|## acting on the ket ##A|\beta\rangle##.

Another definition that's made out of convenience is to define the "product" of a ket and a bra by
$$|\alpha\rangle\langle\beta|\, |\gamma\rangle =\big(\langle\beta|\gamma\rangle\big) |\alpha\rangle.$$ We also define the product of a ket and a complex number (with the number on the right) by ##|\alpha\rangle a =a|\alpha\rangle##. This enables us to rewrite the previous equality as
$$\big(|\alpha\rangle\langle\beta|\big) |\gamma\rangle = |\alpha\rangle\big(\langle\beta|\,| \gamma\rangle\big) = |\alpha\rangle\big(\langle\beta| \gamma\rangle\big).$$ This is why no parentheses are needed in the expression ##|\alpha\rangle\langle\beta|\gamma\rangle##. It can be interpreted as the operator ##|\alpha\rangle\langle\beta|## acting on the ket ##|\gamma\rangle##, or as the product of the ket ##|\alpha\rangle## and the number ##\langle\beta|\gamma\rangle##.

As you can see, the definitions are chosen so that all the "products" one might want to form are defined, and also associative.

Now consider the equality that would be written as ##x=\sum_i (e_i,x)e_i## in the traditional (not bra-ket) notation. In bra-ket notation, we would write it as ##|\alpha\rangle=\sum_i|i\rangle\langle i|\alpha\rangle##. This means that the identity operator can be written as ##1=\sum_i|i\rangle\langle i|##. This observation makes many problems significantly easier to solve.
  • #9
Thanks Fredrik! Your explanation clarifies a lot.
  • #10
Fredrik explains that there is a very useful algebra involving scalars, vectors, covectors, and operators. The notation, I understand, was chosen specifically for the fact that the product of [itex]\langle x |[/itex] and [itex]| y \rangle[/itex] looks like [itex]\langle x, y \rangle[/itex]. Graphically suggestive notation is rather useful when what is suggested is actually true!

The algebra itself is rather useful in other contexts too, even if bras and kets aren't used.

If the meaning of the notation is confusing, it may help to think in terms of ordinary matrix algebra -- kets are column vectors, bras are row vectors, and operators are matrices.

FAQ: Proving Adjoint of an Operator in Hilbert Space: Common Mistakes Explained

1. What is an adjoint operator in Hilbert space?

An adjoint operator in Hilbert space is a linear operator that is the "dual" of another operator. It is defined as the operator that satisfies a specific inner product relation with the original operator, and it allows us to extend the definition of self-adjoint operators to more general operators.

2. How do you prove the adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space?

To prove the adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space, we need to show that it satisfies the inner product relation with the original operator. This can be done by using the definition of the adjoint operator and manipulating the inner product expression algebraically.

3. What are some common mistakes made when proving the adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space?

Some common mistakes when proving the adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space include not properly understanding the definition of the adjoint operator, not using the correct inner product expression, and making algebraic errors when manipulating the expression.

4. Can the adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space be non-linear?

No, the adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space must be a linear operator. This is because the definition of the adjoint operator involves a linear inner product relation with the original operator.

5. Why is proving the adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space important?

Proving the adjoint of an operator in Hilbert space is important because it allows us to extend the concept of self-adjoint operators to more general operators. This is useful in various areas of mathematics and physics, such as functional analysis and quantum mechanics.

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