History Channel's Ancient Aliens

In summary: I think it should be up to every individual to decide what to believe in, but it is also important to have critical thinking skills and not just blindly accept everything presented as fact.In summary, "Ancient Aliens" is a popular show that presents theories about ancient civilizations and their possible interactions with extraterrestrial beings. However, many of its claims have been debunked and criticized for being deceptive and lacking scientific evidence. It is important to approach this show with a critical mindset and not accept everything presented as fact.
  • #1
History Channel's "Ancient Aliens"

I watched a few episodes of this after repeated requests from my friends ,i not really convinced by their theories but since my knowledge of physics is limited ,i might need some help in either dismissing or accepting their theories, i hope those who are reading this have know what i am talking about.

With my little knowledge of biology i think i can completely dismiss the idea of aliens interbreeding with humans ,i am puzzled about how people in the ancient world managed to move rocks weighing 100's of tons or whatever ,i have seen a lot of internet jokes making fun of these theories and i am not sure whether i should laugh at all the theories or at only some of them.

in one episode they said the inner chambers of the pyramid of Giza showed traces of HCl and some some kind of chemical reaction took place and that the pyramid was actually a power plant ,can this be atleast slightly true? and there are many more theories.

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Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Monsterboy said:
I watched a few episodes of this after repeated requests from my friends ,i not really convinced by their theories but since my knowledge of physics is limited ,i might need some help in either dismissing or accepting their theories, i hope those who are reading this have know what i am talking about.

With my little knowledge of biology i think i can completely dismiss the idea of aliens interbreeding with humans ,i am puzzled about how people in the ancient world managed to move rocks weighing 100's of tons or whatever ,i have seen a lot of internet jokes making fun of these theories and i am not sure whether i should laugh at all the theories or at only some of them.

in one episode they said the inner chambers of the pyramid of Giza showed traces of HCl and some some kind of chemical reaction took place and that the pyramid was actually a power plant ,can this be atleast slightly true? and there are many more theories.


I've watched quite a few episodes - mostly to learn about places I've never heard of before. However, I find it a little silly that every episode concludes an underlying ancient alien involvement. If they want to be taken seriously, perhaps they should focus on their best case?
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  • #3
That program is UTTER horse manure, run by con men who cannot possibly be stupid enough to believe the garbage they spew. Its audience is conspiracy theory nut cases and the woefully ignorant, of which there are enough to guarantee advertisers for the show.
  • #4
Monsterboy said:
I watched a few episodes of this after repeated requests from my friends ,i not really convinced by their theories but since my knowledge of physics is limited ,i might need some help in either dismissing or accepting their theories, i hope those who are reading this have know what i am talking about.

With my little knowledge of biology i think i can completely dismiss the idea of aliens interbreeding with humans ,i am puzzled about how people in the ancient world managed to move rocks weighing 100's of tons or whatever ,i have seen a lot of internet jokes making fun of these theories and i am not sure whether i should laugh at all the theories or at only some of them.

in one episode they said the inner chambers of the pyramid of Giza showed traces of HCl and some some kind of chemical reaction took place and that the pyramid was actually a power plant ,can this be atleast slightly true? and there are many more theories.

[/PLAIN] No, none of it is true. If you want to see the kind of tricks Ancient Aliens uses to mislead people I have an excellent Youtube video for you.


As I recall it doesn't go into the pyramid thing, but it does go through more than enough other claims to give you a firm idea as to how it operates. Very much worth your time to see.
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  • #5
Monsterboy said:
I watched a few episodes of this after repeated requests from my friends ,i not really convinced by their theories but since my knowledge of physics is limited ,i might need some help in either dismissing or accepting their theories, i hope those who are reading this have know what i am talking about.

With my little knowledge of biology i think i can completely dismiss the idea of aliens interbreeding with humans ,i am puzzled about how people in the ancient world managed to move rocks weighing 100's of tons or whatever ,i have seen a lot of internet jokes making fun of these theories and i am not sure whether i should laugh at all the theories or at only some of them.

in one episode they said the inner chambers of the pyramid of Giza showed traces of HCl and some some kind of chemical reaction took place and that the pyramid was actually a power plant ,can this be atleast slightly true? and there are many more theories.


Ancient aliens is a beautiful show. And they should show it in every school. I mean it. It is beautiful because it clearly shows how deceptive the authors are. They use all kind of techniques to make you think that there is a problem where there actually is none.
It is a prime example of how they can make you believe something that is not true. This is why they should show it in schools together with a detailed analysis of the techniques.

Many of the things they say in ancient aliens are simply false. They are lies. Other things are omissions of the truth and wilfully misinterpreting everything.

Please watch this It debunks most of the arguments of ancient aliens. I must warn you that this video is made by christians and is biased. But I think most of the information is correct. In any case, they show sources, so you can always investigate things on your own.

After this, I would recommend you to read some things about how the media can be deceptive and how they can make you believe something that is not true. If you realize the techniques that are used, then you will be less susceptible to them.
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  • #6
I caught Ancient Aliens while channel surfing.

One of the persons was talking about some ancient structure that represented a particle accelerator, but he was talking about a cyclotron while the image behind him was one of a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator, which is what the outline of the ancient structure vaguely resembled.

I imagine that show is produced by non-scientists who are the least bit interested in reality or facts or truth.

I cannot see any merit in the program, other than to explain to someone - "See that dog poop? Don't step in it!"
  • #7
The video provided by aquitane and micromass is quite good at debunking the show's claims.

Some reviewers have characterized the show as "far-fetched",[15] "hugely speculative",[16] and "...expound[ing] wildly on theories suggesting that astronauts wandered the Earth freely in ancient times."[17] Many of the ideas presented in the show are not accepted by the scientific community, and have been criticized as pseudoscience and pseudohistory.[18] History professor Ronald H. Fritze observed that pseudoscience as offered by von Däniken and the Ancient Aliens program has a periodic popularity in America: "In a pop culture with a short memory and a voracious appetite, aliens and pyramids and lost civilizations are recycled like fashions."[18][19]
Forbes.com contributor Brad Lockwood criticized Ancient Aliens as an example of the History Channel's addition of "programs devoted to monsters, aliens and conspiracies", commenting that, "Ancient Aliens defies all ability to suspend disbelief for the sake of entertainment."[20] Forbes.com staff writer Alex Knapp also criticized the series and cited archaeologist Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews rebuke of the History Channel for "treating (Ancient Aliens) nonsense as though it were fact."[21]
Smithsonian.com science writer Brian Switek was extremely critical of the series, particularly an episode that suggested "aliens exterminated dinosaurs to make way for our species". He characterized the show as "some of the most noxious sludge in television’s bottomless chum bucket.

  • #8
I think that the vast majority of the "Ancient Alien" stuff on the TV and in books is rubbish.

However, at the same time, I happen to think that it's the least implausible explanation for some of the things going on in the Bible and in some other ancient writings.

Note that there's obviously no question biologically of interbreeding with aliens, but the creation stories that evolved into Genesis plus various other stories (see "The Genius of the Few" by Christian O'Brien) appear to suggest a more biogically plausible alternative.

An alien visitor (nothing like any humanoid - perhaps described as a "lamb that had been slain" in Revelations) collected up some early humanoids then educated and improved them over some period of time (making them tall and long-lived).

According to Enoch (and echoed in later writings about the levels of heaven) anyone going near the levels where the visitor lived had to be robed in white and anointed with something which had the effect of making them shine. Sounds like the visitor liked more ultra-violet and his visitors had to put on some sort of sun screen. They could be described as "shining ones", which would correspond to "Elohim" in the language of the old testament, a curiously plural term usually considered to refer to a singular god in the first part of Genesis.

Some of these "Elohim" later wanted to go back, taking some technological stuff with them, and live off the land in a fertile valley. However, they soon got tired of manual labour and wanted someone else to do the work, while they could live as lords over them. They cross-bred their improved strain with the local humanoids to create man as a worker. As described in Genesis 6, there was also some interbreeding with the subsequent generations.

The "Elohim" really want their alien visitor to come down and live with them, with all the technology and resources. However, the alien is rightly concerned about putting itself into a vulnerable situation.

The "Elohim" later split up, taking technology with them (basically one flying saucer each, as described later by Ezekiel, possibly using some sort of nuclear power).

One "lord of the Elohim" (which I think corresponds to the pair of words often spelt "Yahweh Elohim" at that stage in the bible) then tries to persuade his human contacts to help him tame his chosen people to create a sufficiently stable environment that the alien visitor will come down and live with them - and that's what the bible is mostly about, being largely literal rather than symbolic. He can do a few tricks with his flying saucer (pillar of cloud or fire, and various fire or light effects, such as midnight sunshine), and probably has some medical resources, but he is obviously very paranoid about catching diseases or other hazards.

It's not clear quite how extended his lifespan might be, but it seems that either him or one of his descendants still has the flying saucer at the time of the New Testament, featuring physically as the star that appears to the wise men and the "glory of the lord" that appears to the shepherds.

I wouldn't ask anyone to share the ridicule I've had for even entertaining such ideas, but personally I think it makes a lot more sense as a literal story than a lot of religious stuff.
  • #9
Jonathan Scott said:
I think that the vast majority of the "Ancient Alien" stuff on the TV and in books is rubbish.

However, at the same time, I happen to think that it's the least implausible explanation for some of the things going on in the Bible and in some other ancient writings.

Note that there's obviously no question biologically of interbreeding with aliens, but the creation stories that evolved into Genesis plus various other stories (see "The Genius of the Few" by Christian O'Brien) appear to suggest a more biogically plausible alternative.

An alien visitor (nothing like any humanoid - perhaps described as a "lamb that had been slain" in Revelations) collected up some early humanoids then educated and improved them over some period of time (making them tall and long-lived).

According to Enoch (and echoed in later writings about the levels of heaven) anyone going near the levels where the visitor lived had to be robed in white and anointed with something which had the effect of making them shine. Sounds like the visitor liked more ultra-violet and his visitors had to put on some sort of sun screen. They could be described as "shining ones", which would correspond to "Elohim" in the language of the old testament, a curiously plural term usually considered to refer to a singular god in the first part of Genesis.

Some of these "Elohim" later wanted to go back, taking some technological stuff with them, and live off the land in a fertile valley. However, they soon got tired of manual labour and wanted someone else to do the work, while they could live as lords over them. They cross-bred their improved strain with the local humanoids to create man as a worker. As described in Genesis 6, there was also some interbreeding with the subsequent generations.

The "Elohim" really want their alien visitor to come down and live with them, with all the technology and resources. However, the alien is rightly concerned about putting itself into a vulnerable situation.

The "Elohim" later split up, taking technology with them (basically one flying saucer each, as described later by Ezekiel, possibly using some sort of nuclear power).

One "lord of the Elohim" (which I think corresponds to the pair of words often spelt "Yahweh Elohim" at that stage in the bible) then tries to persuade his human contacts to help him tame his chosen people to create a sufficiently stable environment that the alien visitor will come down and live with them - and that's what the bible is mostly about, being largely literal rather than symbolic. He can do a few tricks with his flying saucer (pillar of cloud or fire, and various fire or light effects, such as midnight sunshine), and probably has some medical resources, but he is obviously very paranoid about catching diseases or other hazards.

It's not clear quite how extended his lifespan might be, but it seems that either him or one of his descendants still has the flying saucer at the time of the New Testament, featuring physically as the star that appears to the wise men and the "glory of the lord" that appears to the shepherds.

I wouldn't ask anyone to share the ridicule I've had for even entertaining such ideas, but personally I think it makes a lot more sense as a literal story than a lot of religious stuff.

Great. Do you have any evidence of this except mistranslating ancient texts?
  • #10
Astronuc said:
I cannot see any merit in the program, other than to explain to someone - "See that dog poop? Don't step in it!"

:smile:I think it's ok to watch it if you keep this in mind - again - they do visit some interesting places.
  • #11
Jonathan Scott said:
I wouldn't ask anyone to share the ridicule I've had for even entertaining such ideas

Gosh ... you've been ridiculed for having such ideas? I wonder why?
  • #12
To sum up what everyone said, no serious person would believe a single word they spew out.
  • #13
Julio R said:
To sum up what everyone said, no serious person would believe a single word they spew out.

Well, I DID once hear the word "rock" and I think they WERE actually talking about a rock, but that WAS the only word I believed in that episode.

Actually, I watch the show for maybe 1 minute or 2 at a time as I scan around looking for something to watch, and I frequently find it hilarious. The sad thing is that there are undoubtedly people who think they are serious.
  • #14
micromass said:
Great. Do you have any evidence of this except mistranslating ancient texts?

Most of the story is based on the one principle that the stuff in the bible and other non-canonical but related books such as Enoch was incredibly important and impressive for certain people in the past, and that I can accept the possibility of intervention in human development by a visit from an alien (who would presumably however be totally unlike any Earth creature). Given that this alien would obviously be considered a "god", much of the rest follows, except that one must not confuse the "sons of god" or "lords" who are actually improved humans with the alien itself.

I only found out about the curious terms such as "elohim" much later, but that all fitted with the same story. People are describing things they don't understand, especially in Ezekiel and even more so in 2 Esdras - where the flying saucer turns out to be a helicopter. :smile: It seems that the alien story makes much of it literally true, with more overall consistency than religious interpretations.
  • #15
Jonathan Scott said:
Most of the story is based on the one principle that the stuff in the bible and other non-canonical but related books such as Enoch was incredibly important and impressive for certain people in the past, and that I can accept the possibility of intervention in human development by a visit from an alien (who would presumably however be totally unlike any Earth creature). Given that this alien would obviously be considered a "god", much of the rest follows, except that one must not confuse the "sons of god" or "lords" who are actually improved humans with the alien itself.

I'm sure that if people find "Lord of the Rings" in 1000 years from now, that some might believe that we really had a war with a large eye. Just because a book says it doesn't make it true.

Since you believe in it, you must have some concrete evidence other then "it's possible". So please, where is it?

I only found out about the curious terms such as "elohim" much later, but that all fitted with the same story. People are describing things they don't understand, especially in Ezekiel and even more so in 2 Esdras - where the flying saucer turns out to be a helicopter. :smile: It seems that the alien story makes much of it literally true, with more overall consistency than religious interpretations.

I really don't think that Ezekiel described a helicopter. That is your interpretation. It reminds me of people who believe in Nostradamus. They see something that has happened and they look at the texts for something that talks about it. Eventually, they'll find something. If Nostradamus would be legit, then we would find something before it happens.

By the way, the video above talks about Ezekiel and his "helicopter". You should watch it. Although I doubt you'll change your mind.
  • #16
All commercial television is made with one intent foremost - to deliver you to the advertisement in a receptive frame of mind.

With that in mind, start looking for the subliminal messages in advertising.
Flo the pretty insurance girl with too much makeup appeals to non-aggressive young guys, the type an auto insurer likes to cover.
If you buy diet soft drinks you too will look great in a bikini and play volleyball on the beach with hunks.
Certain beer brands make you an elder statesman tower of strength type who keeps a wildcat , which is probably a sexual fantasy catwoman allegory . ( no disrespect to Julie Newmar intended - jh)
Certain trucks will elevate your macho above that of bikers.
Toyota ads are largely made in the Southwest and their logo looks like a cowboy hat- forget it's a foreign car company.
Nissan ads similarly feature New England scenes.

I don't watch Ancient Aliens but I would guess it's aimed at credulous, suggestible personality types. See if you pick up any particular themes in their advertising.

The games people play, eh ? It's the only way I can tolerate the commercials.

When they find an electronic calculator or a turbine rotor fossilized in a coal seam i'll change my opinion.
Even the Antikythera mechanism was duplicated with hand tools. It does confirm that some old astronomer was very precise in his measurements, though, and he had a clever friend who was mechanically inclined.
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  • #17
Unfortunately the current and all future seasons of Ancient Aliens has been moved to their subscription channel H2, The History channel will only have reruns of the first few seasons.
  • #18
Evo said:
Unfortunately the current and all future seasons of Ancient Aliens has been moved to their subscription channel H2, The History channel will only have reruns of the first few seasons.

A bunch of episodes were posted on various Youtube channels and I'm pretty sure Hulu has some available as well.
  • #19
To me Ancient Aliens looks like a show that suggests (though generally far-fetched) possible answers to things which we do not have definite answers to. But almost all of the stuff suggested there is most likely wrong.
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  • #20
micromass said:
Since you believe in it, you must have some concrete evidence other then "it's possible". So please, where is it?

I'm not saying it's proven to be true, nor that I've ruled out alternatives. It's simply that of various explanations I've encountered, this one seems to fit significantly better than others at the moment.

If alien visitors are possible at all, they are of course unlikely to be able to visit other worlds very often and the statistical chance of them just happening to be around at a critical point in human pre-history may seem vanishingly small. However, if they are actually responsible for triggering the start of civilisation in a humanoid population that would otherwise have continued to evolve very slowly, then that removes the issue of coincidence.

Apart from that, it's 2 Esdras which describes a helicopter, with wings that come out from one side, "rule across the whole earth" slowly, then vanish on the other side, being followed by new ones, getting faster and faster until they can't be seen any more! It extends to Ezekiel by the fact that what Ezra is seeing appears to be the same thing Ezekiel described (in completely different terms) but as seen from near one corner.
  • #21
L4xord said:
To me Ancient Aliens looks like a show that suggests (though generally far-fetched) possible answers to things which we do not have definite answers to. But almost all of the stuff suggested there is most likely.

Actually, most of the "mysteries" in ancient aliens are not mysteries at all and are things that scholars know the answers to. In their show, they never show somebody who is a proponent of the mainstream view, I think that's very telling.

And I'm sorry, but if you think that the answers that the show suggest are "likely", then I'm afraid you have no knowledge of history or science.
  • #22
Sorry if you understood me. I don't mean them to be likely. But I don't like to call SOME things as being utter crackpot.
  • #23
Oops... I see my post... The phrasing is terrible. Have to edit.
  • #24
Jonathan Scott said:
I'm not saying it's proven to be true, nor that I've ruled out alternatives. It's simply that of various explanations I've encountered, this one seems to fit significantly better than others at the moment.

Explanations for what exactly?? What does this theory fit exactly that the mainstream theory does not? The passage with the helicopter (see below)? Is that passage your only reason to reject the mainstream theory? If not, I would like to hear your other explanations.

If alien visitors are possible at all, they are of course unlikely to be able to visit other worlds very often and the statistical chance of them just happening to be around at a critical point in human pre-history may seem vanishingly small. However, if they are actually responsible for triggering the start of civilisation in a humanoid population that would otherwise have continued to evolve very slowly, then that removes the issue of coincidence.

Well, that would defeat the theory of evolution, which states that humanoids did evolve into man without any genetic engineering. And there is evidence enough for that theory (unlike your theory, may I add).

Apart from that, it's 2 Esdras which describes a helicopter, with wings that come out from one side, "rule across the whole earth" slowly, then vanish on the other side, being followed by new ones, getting faster and faster until they can't be seen any more! It extends to Ezekiel by the fact that what Ezra is seeing appears to be the same thing Ezekiel described (in completely different terms) but as seen from near one corner.

Are you talking about this? http://www.biblestudytools.com/gnta/2-esdras/11.html Seriously? I'll admit I don't know much about bible symbolism, but I think it's pretty clear here. The wings represent kingdoms and rulers who start ruling from beginning to end. The upshot is that next chapter, the symbolism is explained as exactly that!
  • #25
micromass said:
Ancient aliens is a beautiful show. And they should show it in every school. I mean it. It is beautiful because it clearly shows how deceptive the authors are. They use all kind of techniques to make you think that there is a problem where there actually is none.
It is a prime example of how they can make you believe something that is not true. This is why they should show it in schools together with a detailed analysis of the techniques.

Yes, the government should teach us how to resist propaganda. Oh, wait...

Please don't tell them I said nothing. I got a wife and kid's, for Crhissakes...
  • #26
Unfortunately I have no time nor motivation to look into all this fiction. But it occurs to me that a lot of ancient not-understood events like for instance the recent meteor could been explained by ancient writers like for instance Pegasus or Phaeton.

From Plato's Timaeus:
There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Paethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt.
  • #27
micromass said:
Explanations for what exactly?? What does this theory fit exactly that the mainstream theory does not? The passage with the helicopter (see below)? Is that passage your only reason to reject the mainstream theory? If not, I would like to hear your other explanations.

It fits with the main story of the bible (working with chosen people to try to create a stable and secure environment to make it possible for their "god" to physically reside among them). It also provides a unified explanation for many of the more weird things, such as various miraculous things involving smoke, fire, flying machines, a low-flying "star" and the "glory of the lord".

As a student 40 years ago, I read right through the bible more than once (admittedly skimming somewhat at some of the "x begat y" sections), and that's when I began to wonder about some of the recurring themes. When someone later pointed me to the additional books such as 2 Esdras, that section with the obvious "helicopter" description was so unexpected that I found it hard not to believe that someone was playing a practical joke, and I later quietly checked a different much older edition in a different bookshop to try to reassure myself that it was for real. It still makes me laugh now.

micromass said:
Well, that would defeat the theory of evolution, which states that humanoids did evolve into man without any genetic engineering. And there is evidence enough for that theory (unlike your theory, may I add).

I don't think there's anything in being healthier, better nourished, longer lived and better educated which implies the need for significant genetic engineering. As the alien would clearly have to operate on very long time scales, probably over multiple generations, selective breeding might have occurred as well. However, it's clear that the "improved" humans were still the same species.

micromass said:
Are you talking about this? http://www.biblestudytools.com/gnta/2-esdras/11.html Seriously? I'll admit I don't know much about bible symbolism, but I think it's pretty clear here. The wings represent kingdoms and rulers who start ruling from beginning to end. The upshot is that next chapter, the symbolism is explained as exactly that!

Someone wrote that. They were shown something astonishing which they had difficulty describing, then went away and tried to interpret it. The same happens in Ezekiel, and in other parts of the bible, such as the Revelation. When someone says "I saw something that looked like such-and-such and I think it means so-and-so" then I find the first part much more important than the second.
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  • #28
Why can't the government monitor and evaluate such shows(and books etc) and take action against them for misleading people (after giving them a chance to defend their theories) ? .Is there a fundamental right called "Right to mislead others with wrong information" ? isn't there any law to prosecute people for spreading scientifically wrong information and claiming them to be right?

They show it in every school and kids over there learn how to debunk such theories ,what about others who don't get to learn their tricks at school ? Or should we conclude that people who are stupid enough to be misled deserve to be misled in the Internet age?

Thanks for the videos provided
  • #29
Monsterboy said:
Is there a fundamental right called "Right to mislead others with wrong information" ? isn't there any law to prosecute people for spreading scientifically wrong information and claiming them to be right?

Yes. It's called Freedom of Speech.

No, not at all.
  • #30
Monsterboy said:
Why can't the government monitor and evaluate such shows(and books etc) and take action against them for misleading people (after giving them a chance to defend their theories) ? .Is there a fundamental right called "Right to mislead others with wrong information" ? isn't there any law to prosecute people for spreading scientifically wrong information and claiming them to be right?

They show it in every school and kids over there learn how to debunk such theories ,what about others who don't get to learn their tricks at school ? Or should we conclude that people who are stupid enough to be misled deserve to be misled in the Internet age?

Thanks for the videos provided

Shows like this really exploit people their ignorance. They know very well that almost nobody in the general public has any deep knowledge of history and ancient architecture. So they know they can say whatever they want, and we will believe them. They can even lie right to your face if they want.

It is very hard to counter things like this. To fully know that ancient aliens is false, you need to do years of study and research. There are not many people who do this.

Of course, you are skeptic towards the ancient alien theory (this is why you made the OP), because you know the entire premise is absurd. But still, you find that you had no rational arguments against the show. You had to watch another video to see why the show is flawed (and thus: taking another authority for granted). This is something you should be very aware of. Because, what if somebody makes a series of videos that is as deceptive as ancient aliens but with a premise that is plausible? Then everybody would buy into it. This is a very important realization. It is very easy to trick people into believing something. Ever wonder why so many people buy into creationism, or why so many people all over the world were into nazism? Manipulating people is of all time.
  • #31
Monsterboy said:
I watched a few episodes of this after repeated requests from my friends ,i not really convinced by their theories but since my knowledge of physics is limited ,i might need some help in either dismissing or accepting their theories, i hope those who are reading this have know what i am talking about.

Yeah, I know. Like Chariots of the Gods. There's a problem though: way too far, way hostile environment, and massively contingent. In my opinion, based on these barriers, it it much more reasonable to conclude that in the entire history of the Universe, there has never been physical contact between independently-evolved intellegent life forms from different solar systems.

Now, doesn't that feel much better?
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  • #32
How many people over here feel that the authors of the show took inspiration from Kubrick's movie 2001: A Space Odyssey based on Arthur Clarke's Sci fi book ?

I wonder why they did not show the monolith in some episode. :biggrin: (or did they ?)
  • #33
glb_lub said:
How many people over here feel that the authors of the show took inspiration from Kubrick's movie 2001: A Space Odyssey based on Arthur Clarke's Sci fi book ?

Clarke and Kubrick collaborated on the screenplay. The novel came later. By the way, the Jupiter monolith was a combination of Stonehenge and a near-death vision of CG Jung. He experienced a Hindu temple that was orbiting the Earth.
  • #34
micromass said:
Of course, you are skeptic towards the ancient alien theory (this is why you made the OP), because you know the entire premise is absurd. But still, you find that you had no rational arguments against the show. You had to watch another video to see why the show is flawed (and thus: taking another authority for granted).

No ,i have rational arguments with what little knowledge i have ,that's the reason i became a skeptic.
(1)first of all aliens cannot directly expose themselves to our atmosphere because their immune system will not be familiar with our bacteria ,viruses etc given this ,interbreeding of species will lead to offsprings only when the two species are very close to each other let alone species who have evolved in entirely different ecosystems ,so interbreeding between humans and aliens is not believable.

(2) Let us assume that aliens did bring all that technology to us ,then where did all that go? why didn't Egyptian light bulb etc survive till the modern times? even if the aliens left ,i don't think it would be so difficult for the Egyptians to build those light bulbs and batteries themselves ,they knew about metals,they are the ones built them with alien help ,they don't really have know the exact theory behind how the batteries and light bulbs work ,they can build it by knowing about all the raw materials required and how to assemble them. For example i might know how to assemble a computer but i may not know how exactly ,the motherboard ,processor ,harddisk ,RAM actually functions and what each and every circuit does. Egyptians did not contain anything as complicated as any of the computer parts so it was easier to build them and assemble.

(3) If ancient people had flying machines and runways,how come they never had automobiles like bikes ,cars ,trains ? i don't think the ancient aliens have mentioned anything about ancient cars or trucks ,have they? i haven't seen all the seasons.

(4)Maybe we were fond of stone structures back then but why would aliens make us built their landing pads and runways,pyramids etc out of stone? they could got all the work done in a much easier and faster way with somekind of super strong hightech concrete which can be cast into any shape and size and last for centuries atleast.

(5)I saw an episode in which they were talking about peru and that not all dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago but some of them lived as recently as 10,000 BCE and that Aliens killed them to make way for humans because humans were not capable of killing them ,Humans were all over the world by 10,000 BCE except maybe Antarctica and few other places why kill dinosaurs in peru?

If dinosaurs did exist in 10,000 BCE in peru or south America ,then by that time they could have easily wiped out all the mammals over their.

But all these are logical arguments and (not technical) and some of the theories can only be denied if i can go to all the places they mention and have a look myself but that's not going to happen in the near future.

I wanted technical/scientific reasons to justify/dimiss certain theories of pyramids being power plants etc ,that's why i started this thread
  • #35
Monsterboy said:
No ,i have rational arguments with what little knowledge i have ,that's the reason i became a skeptic.
(1)first of all aliens cannot directly expose themselves to our atmosphere because their immune system will not be familiar with our bacteria ,viruses etc given this ,interbreeding of species will lead to offsprings only when the two species are very close to each other let alone species who have evolved in entirely different ecosystems ,so interbreeding between humans and aliens is not believable.

(2) Let us assume that aliens did bring all that technology to us ,then where did all that go? why didn't Egyptian light bulb etc survive till the modern times? even if the aliens left ,i don't think it would be so difficult for the Egyptians to build those light bulbs and batteries themselves ,they knew about metals,they are the ones built them with alien help ,they don't really have know the exact theory behind how the batteries and light bulbs work ,they can build it by knowing about all the raw materials required and how to assemble them. For example i might know how to assemble a computer but i may not know how exactly ,the motherboard ,processor ,harddisk ,RAM actually functions and what each and every circuit does. Egyptians did not contain anything as complicated as any of the computer parts so it was easier to build them and assemble.

(3) If ancient people had flying machines and runways,how come they never had automobiles like bikes ,cars ,trains ? i don't think the ancient aliens have mentioned anything about ancient cars or trucks ,have they? i haven't seen all the seasons.

(4)Maybe we were fond of stone structures back then but why would aliens make us built their landing pads and runways,pyramids etc out of stone? they could got all the work done in a much easier and faster way with somekind of super strong hightech concrete which can be cast into any shape and size and last for centuries atleast.

(5)I saw an episode in which they were talking about peru and that not all dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago but some of them lived as recently as 10,000 BCE and that Aliens killed them to make way for humans because humans were not capable of killing them ,Humans were all over the world by 10,000 BCE except maybe Antarctica and few other places why kill dinosaurs in peru?

If dinosaurs did exist in 10,000 BCE in peru or south America ,then by that time they could have easily wiped out all the mammals over their.

But all these are logical arguments and (not technical) and some of the theories can only be denied if i can go to all the places they mention and have a look myself but that's not going to happen in the near future.

I wanted technical/scientific reasons to justify/dimiss certain theories of pyramids being power plants etc ,that's why i started this thread

(1) I totally agree interbreeding isn't possible and that alien would probably have problems with our environment. In my scenario, the real "alien" remains in space and the "improved humans" are the ones who interact with the locals.

(2) and (3) The "improved humans" only have what technology the alien let them have, with limited capability for repair or improvement, and every bit of it would have been extremely precious.

(4) and (5) I don't believe their flying machines needed runways (that would be a stupid design, given that there weren't any before they arrived). From Ezekiel etc., it does seem that the improved humans wanted the locals to help them build a "temple", which could have been related to a landing pad for the mother ship, but I consider that extremely speculative.

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