Newtons cooling law not making sense

In summary: Thanks for the help guys!I'm a little confused as to why the k value is positive, but I think I can figure it out from here. Thanks again!The k value is negative. Check your math again.In summary, a body was found at the University Center at 9am on October 19, 2009. The room was kept at a constant temperature of 72 degrees. The medical examiner arrived in 8 minutes and found the body's temperature to be 83 degrees. 30 minutes later, the body's temperature was 78 degrees.
  • #1
I'm going to write this up the same way my teacher gave me the sheet

Homework Statement

At 9am on october 19, 2009 a body was found in room 327 at University Center. The room is kept at a constant temperature of 72 degrees. The medical examiner was called and he arrived in eight minutes. The first thing he did was to take the temperature of the body. It was 83 degrees. Thirty minutes later the temperature of the body was taken again and it was now 78 degrees. Help the police by telling them when the person was murdered.


t= time
y= temp. in degrees Fahrenheit of an object in a room
T= temperature in degrees Fahrenheit of the room
T= 72
yinitial(0)= 98.6 (assumed)
yfirst(t+8?)= 83
ysecond(t+38?)= 78
I put the question marks cause I'm not sure whether that is the right time.

Homework Equations

This is the equation as it was given to me

ln|y-T|= kt + C

but everywhere else I look has a different formula than this one the closest i could find/come up with (i can't remember at this point) is

y-T=e^(kt + C)

The Attempt at a Solution

I have tried the equation (and just about every other one I could find or think of) so many times that I cannot figure them out on the paper anymore and I am basically lost as to where to start because every way I've tried by plugging the numbers back into try and get the temp at the time comes out wrong. Can someone please help?? Thanks to whomever can
Physics news on
  • #2
At 9:08 the temperature was 11 F (above background), at 9:38 it was 6 F you need to extrapolate back to when it was 26.6 F

Hint - log scale
  • #3
actually i forgot to put it into the question but she wants us to use the formula and show all the work, so i can't do it the easy way lol
  • #4
This still makes no sense this is what I tried and got stuck at:


so k and 0 cancel and i get


so then since I don't know M (which i think you originally used x) but from going from 908 to 938 and there being a 5 degree drop I assumed that's constant and figure 30 minutes after he died the temp would be at 93.6 so i did:


and get


so I tried both dividing first and subtracting first and when i checked both dividing first gave me wild numbers and subtracting actually gave me the right answer so:

-3.280911216 -3.280911216
gives me
gives me
so then to check it i did
and got something around 93.59999333 or so rounding up to 93.6 so I thought it had worked so then i tried this to check it

so then
-3.280911216 -3.280911216
getting this
so to check it i divide 127 ish by 30 to see how many halfs there are (4.240826263) then multiply that by 5 (21.20413132) then I add 83 to see if it gets back to 98.6 since that was the original, and end up with 104.2041313... sooo I am completely lost again
  • #5
ln|y-T|= kt + C
Is the equation of a straight line ( eg y = mx + c) on the graph I suggested you plot.
The Y axis is the log of the temperature difference and the X axis is time.

You know 2 points,
y=ln(11), x=8 (when the body is 11F above background and 8 mins after 9:00)
y=ln(6) x=38 (30mins later)

You are trying to solve y = mx + c
ln(11) = 8m + C
ln(6) = 38m + C

In order to find the x (ie time) at which y = ln(98.6-72).
Note we took time=0 to be 9:00am so a negtive answer is minutes before 9:00am
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  • #6
08:25 am?
  • #7
Sounds roughly correct - a quick graph plot would check
  • #8
You can see a quick plot here,^%28-0.0202t%29

The equation I finally obtained was,


The solution is obtained by solving for [itex]t[/itex], such that,

[itex]98.6=72+11e^{-0.0202t}\rightarrow ln(\dfrac{11}{26.6})=0.0202t[/itex]

[itex]t = -43.7[/itex]

Since I took T(0) = 83 °F, this meant my time was based at 09:08 am. Hence subtracting 43 minutes takes me to ~08:25 am.
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  • #9
This problem was also cross-posted to the Precalculus Math section under Homework and Coursework questions.

pezgoon, that's not a good thing to do.
  • #10
Mark44 said:
This problem was also cross-posted to the Precalculus Math section under Homework and Coursework questions.

pezgoon, that's not a good thing to do.

That is certainly not a good thing to do. Reading through his responses I'll hold back the complete solution as I believe a bit more effort will easily yield the result. Rather solving the linear set of equations I found it far easier to approach from the solution for the differential solution itself. At least there is more than one way of going about it.
  • #11
Mark44 said:
This problem was also cross-posted to the Precalculus Math section under Homework and Coursework questions.

pezgoon, that's not a good thing to do.

@Mark: I just tried this out. When I took the linear equations solution method I obtained,

[itex]t=\dfrac{ln\left(\dfrac{11}{26.6}\right)\cdot 30}{ln\left(\dfrac{\left(\dfrac{6}{26.6}\right)}{\left(\dfrac{11}{26.6}\right)}\right)}=\dfrac{ln\left(\dfrac{11}{26.6}\right)\cdot 30}{ln\left(\dfrac{6}{11}\right)}=43.7[/itex]

I've [STRIKE]probably[/STRIKE] not made a mistake [STRIKE]as k needs to be negative[/STRIKE]; for some reason when I worked through the example, t, came out as positive.

Why? Am pulling my hair out over this one hah :p

Update: argh...same result!

t&=\dfrac{ln\left(\dfrac{11}{26.6}\right)\cdot 30}{ln\left(\dfrac{6}{11}\right)}=43.7

Well here's an even odder thing...


Now try,

[itex]k=\left(\dfrac{1}{43.7}\right)ln\left(\dfrac{11}{26.6}\right) = -0.0202[/itex]

So, k is correct with t = (+ve) 43.7 s. But why positive ??


And the answer goes to "read, read, and read again!"...

Mark44 said:
I'll set it up slightly different than I set it up before.

This time, let M = number of minutes between death and time 9:08
Then M + 30 = number of minutes between death and time 9:38

At 9:08, the body temp was 83 degrees, so
ln(83 - 72) = kM + C

At 9:38, the body temp was 78 degrees, so
ln(78 - 72) = k(M + 30) + C

You have C, and you now have two equations in two unknowns. Can you solve for k and M?

I get that he was killed sometime between 6am and 7am.

Therefore, t = 43.7 min, is the time between death and 09:08 am. Ah phew.
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FAQ: Newtons cooling law not making sense

1. Why does Newton's cooling law not always accurately predict the cooling rate of an object?

Newton's cooling law is based on several assumptions, such as constant ambient temperature and uniform heat transfer, which may not always be true in real-life scenarios. Additionally, the law only considers heat transfer through convection and does not account for other factors such as radiation or conduction.

2. Can the cooling rate of an object ever increase over time according to Newton's cooling law?

No, according to Newton's cooling law, the cooling rate of an object will always decrease over time as the temperature difference between the object and the surrounding environment decreases. However, in certain cases, the cooling rate may appear to increase due to other factors such as changes in the ambient temperature or increased air flow.

3. How does the surface area of an object impact its cooling rate according to Newton's cooling law?

The surface area of an object directly affects its cooling rate as it determines the amount of surface available for heat transfer. Objects with larger surface areas will cool faster than objects with smaller surface areas, assuming all other factors are constant.

4. Is Newton's cooling law applicable to all types of objects and materials?

No, Newton's cooling law is only applicable to objects that are in contact with a fluid (such as air or water) and undergo convective heat transfer. It is not applicable to objects that experience other forms of heat transfer, such as radiation or conduction.

5. Can Newton's cooling law be used to accurately predict the cooling rate of an object in real-life situations?

While Newton's cooling law provides a good approximation in ideal conditions, it may not be able to accurately predict the cooling rate of an object in real-life situations due to various factors such as changing ambient temperature, non-uniform heat transfer, and other external influences. It is best used as a starting point for understanding heat transfer and may require adjustments or modifications for more accurate predictions.
