What Are the Best Books on the Evolution of Quantum Mechanics?

In summary, there are multiple books recommended for a thorough understanding of the history of quantum mechanics. Some suggestions include Resnick et al.'s "Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles," George Gamow's "Thirty Years that Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory," Jagdish Mehra and Helmut Rechenberg's "The Historical Development of Quantum Theory," Abraham Pais' "Inward Bound: Of Matter and Forces in the Physical World," and James Cushing's "Philosophical Concepts in Physics." Other notable works include Paul Dirac's "The Principles of Quantum Mechanics" and "Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work," as well as Max Jam
  • #1
Does anyone know of any books on the history of quantum mechanics? I'd ideally like an in depth coverage of the experimental results and theoretical developments, with references to original papers. A complete treatment of non-relativistic quantum mechanics (from pre-Planck to Dirac) would be good, and through QED and QFT would be even better.

Any suggestions?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you want a nice thorough explanation of it, I think Resnick et al. 's Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles is a book you might want to look into.

It takes a typical approach of developing Q.P. in chronological order. Its at the level of first/second year calc based physics course
  • #3
It is not really a technical book on the history, but https://www.amazon.com/dp/048624895X/?tag=pfamazon01-20 by George Gamow is a really great book (and fun to read too) on the history of quantum theory. It is pretty cheap as well and is probably in most university libraries. I think it is important to understand the overall story, as well as the technical story.
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  • #4
Take a look at the scholarly (in both history and physics) six-volume set The Historical Development of Quantum Theory by Jagdish Mehra and Helmut Rechenberg. Beautiful.
  • #6
Thomas Kuhn, Black–Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1894 – 1912, has a good history of the early days. Bohr's Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature is also essential reading for a historical view, especially considering the misconceptions about Bohr and the Copenhagen Interpretation that were prevalent for a long period of time.

Other good primary sources that don't sound quite like what you are looking for are the original EPR paper, Schrodinger's cat paradox paper, Bohm's 1952 paper, Bohr's Essays on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science, Bohm's Wholeness and the Implicate Order and other books.

James Cushing's Philosophical Concepts in Physics: The Historical Relation Between Philosophy and Scientific Theories has a good introductory level walk through of QM and its relations to relation to relativity and classical physics.

Actually, Bohm wrote a QM textbook (before coming up with his own interpretation), https://www.amazon.com/dp/0486659690/?tag=pfamazon01-20 is also probably good.

I do recommend checking out multiple sources for multiple versions of what you're reading about. Almost no one agrees on much of anything.
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  • #7
kote said:
Actually, Bohm wrote a QM textbook (before coming up with his own interpretation), https://www.amazon.com/dp/0486659690/?tag=pfamazon01-20 is also probably good.

I actually own both the Bohm book, and the one I suggested (Resnick's Quantum Physics), and I found the Bohm book a little harder to read (to be honest, I didnt get out of the first few pages before stopping). I think its just his style of writing. But the Bohm book certainly has gotten a lot of good reviews and probably works well for a lot of people.

Might just be worth picking both up. Bohm's book is a Dover book, so that cheap enough and you can find either an older edition or an international edition of Resnick's for cheap as well I'm sure.

Let me say why I originally suggested the Resnick book. Sounded to me that T.S. wanted something a bit more "meaty" than a pop-sci book, but maybe not something quite as rigorous as to be for the upper-div/grad level. The Resnick book fit in well for this because it wasnt just simply a pop-sci treatment, doesn't require much more than a years worth of classical calc based physics and first year calc. The book also develops Q.P. in chronological order, giving lots of references to the ground breaking experiments.

Cant really comment on some of the others, as I haven't looks at them, but I am sure they are worth looking at too.
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  • #8
George Jones said:
Take a look at the scholarly (in both history and physics) six-volume set The Historical Development of Quantum Theory by Jagdish Mehra and Helmut Rechenberg. Beautiful.
Yoiks! That's pricey, but probably worth it.


QED and the men who made it: Dyson, Feynman, Schwinger, and Tomonaga
Silvan S. Schweber

Dirac: a scientific biography
https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521380898/?tag=pfamazon01-20 ($160)
By Helge Kragh

Both books have discussions of the mathematics and physics.

I think most of the great scientists have published their works.

These also look promising.

The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (International Series of Monographs on Physics) (Paperback) by Paul A. M. Dirac

Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work (Hardcover)
~ Abraham Pais (Author), Maurice Jacob (Author), David I. Olive (Author), Michael F. Atiyah (Author)

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: With Applications in Condensed Matter and Atomic Physics
by Paul Strange (Paperback - Nov 13, 1998)
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  • #9
Conceptual Developments of Quantum Mechanics, Max Jammer
Thomas Kuhn, Black–Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1894 – 1912
Mehra, The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, 6 vol. set (for the full story of QM)

Related to What Are the Best Books on the Evolution of Quantum Mechanics?

What is Quantum Physics?

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior and interactions of subatomic particles at a microscopic level.

Who were the pioneers of Quantum Physics?

The pioneers of quantum physics include Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, and many others.

What is the significance of the photoelectric effect in the history of Quantum Physics?

The photoelectric effect, discovered by Albert Einstein in 1905, was one of the first experimental observations that led to the development of quantum theory. It provided evidence that light behaves as both a wave and a particle, and helped to lay the foundation for the concept of photons.

How did Quantum Physics revolutionize our understanding of the universe?

Quantum physics introduced the concept of uncertainty and the idea that the behavior of particles at the subatomic level is probabilistic rather than deterministic. It also led to the development of new technologies, such as transistors and lasers, that have greatly impacted modern society.

What are some current applications of Quantum Physics?

Some current applications of quantum physics include quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum sensors. It is also being used in fields such as medicine, materials science, and energy production.

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