Are Natural Bijections Only About Terminology in Category Theory?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of natural bijections and isomorphisms in the category of sets. These are maps that are defined independently of the particular objects they are considering, making them "natural". The conversation also touches on examples of natural maps in linear algebra and algebraic topology, as well as the category-theoretic definition of naturality. Recommended resources for further study include Wikipedia and the free ebook "Abstract and Linear Algebra" by E. L. Lady.
  • #1
Seems like a silly question, but a search of the forum and Google and my online textbook yielded no results (*shakes fist at textbook writer). Please help?
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  • #2
The question is best answered by category theory: a natural bijection is a natural isomorphism in the category of sets. (Since you're asking this question, I'm assuming you know nothing about category theory.) Conceptually, a "natural" map is one that may be defined independent of the particular object you're considering.

For example: given two sets A and B, there is a bijection ηA,B: A × B → B × A, defined by ηA,B(a, b) = (b, a). Notice that this definition doesn't depend on the particular sets A and B. In particular, given any f: A → A' and g: B → B', they give a function f × g: A × B → A' × B' taking (a, b) to (f(a), g(b)), and similarly a function (g × f): B × A → B' × A. You can check that
ηA',B' ∘ (f × g) = (g × f) ∘ ηA,B.​
This equation is actually what it means for η to be a natural transformation, so we call η a natural bijection. (In category theory terms, the maps F: ((A, B) ⟼ A × B; (f, g) ⟼ f × g) and G: ((A, B) ⟼ B × A; (f, g) ⟼ g × f) are functors from the category Set × Set to Set, and η is a natural isomorphism from F to G.)

Another classic example, not of sets this time, but involves linear algebra: If V is a real vector space, let V* = {f: V → R | f is linear} be the dual space of V. Then V* is a vector space with the vector operations defined pointwise. If T: V → W is a linear map, then define the linear map T*: W* → V* by T*(f)(v) = f(T(v)) (more concisely: T*(f) = f ∘ T).

If V is finite-dimensional, then it has a basis {e1, ... en}; define a linear map φV: V → V* by φV(ei)(ej) = δij. This map is actually a bijection (isomorphism), but it is not natural: it depends on the choice of basis of V. (In category theory terms: the identity functor and the dual space functor are not naturally isomorphic; in fact, the identity functor is covariant and the dual space functor is contravariant, making such a thing impossible.)

However: there is an isomorphism ηV from V to the double dual space V** = (V*)*, defined by ηV(x)(f) = f(x). Note that this definition doesn't depend on the choice of basis (or generally on the particular structure of V), and in fact, the following equation holds for any linear map T: V → W:
ηW ∘ T = T** ∘ ηV.​
Therefore η is a natural isomorphism. (Category-theoretically: η is a natural isomorphism from the identity functor to the double dual functor (which takes V to V** and T: V → W to T**: V** → W**) in the category of finite-dimensional real vector spaces.)

It really is impossible to give a general definition of naturality without talking about category theory, so if you're really interested you should read about that. For a terse Wikipedia guide to natural transformations, read these:
  1. Category (mathematics)
  2. Functor
  3. Natural transformation
(Wikipedia is, as usual, not the best way to learn about a new topic, but there are plenty of resources out there.)
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  • #3
Basically, it is an bijection that you can construct "without making unatural choices". The classic example is that if V,W are two vector spaces of the same dimension, then given any choice of a basis of V and of W, the linear map that sends one basis to the other is an isomorphism. But this isomorphism is not natural, because there is no natural choice of basis for V and W. Every basis is on the same "footing" and there is no reason to prefer one over the other. In other words, there is no reason to prefer one isomorphism over the other: there is none that feels more natural than the others.

However, given any vector space V, then in the case W=V**, there is an isomorphism that feels natural. It is the isomorphism η that take x in V and sends it to the linear map V*-->R η(x)(f):=f(x). (See the above post) Again, I say it feels natural because there is no awkward choices involved in the definition of the isomorphism.

If you study algebraic topology, you will encounter tons of examples of natural and unnatural maps.

The category-theory definition gives a rigorous meaning to "natural", but I don't know if it is of any use besides fixing the vocabulary. In any case, when you start to get a feel for what natural means, you will rarely need to check with the category-theory definition to determine whether a map is natural or not, because it is first a notion that appeals to the intuition.
  • #4
quasar987 said:
If you study algebraic topology, you will encounter tons of examples of natural and unnatural maps.

The category-theory definition gives a rigorous meaning to "natural", but I don't know if it is of any use besides fixing the vocabulary. In any case, when you start to get a feel for what natural means, you will rarely need to check with the category-theory definition to determine whether a map is natural or not, because it is first a notion that appeals to the intuition.
It is way more than just terminology. Natural isomorphisms/transformations are all around the place in category theory, notably with (co)limits and adjoint functors. There are a lot of useful results, like "every functor which has a left-adjoint commutes with limits", where natural isomorphisms and the like are relevant.
  • #5
Thanks guys, really appreciate the help. Speaking of resources, any recommendations for material readily available online? I'm just going looking through some abstract and linear algebra on my own time. Currently I'm working through a free ebook at" , but I'd assume that there are better ones out there.
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  • #6
Landau said:
It is way more than just terminology. Natural isomorphisms/transformations are all around the place in category theory, notably with (co)limits and adjoint functors. There are a lot of useful results, like "every functor which has a left-adjoint commutes with limits", where natural isomorphisms and the like are relevant.

Ah, cool!

Related to Are Natural Bijections Only About Terminology in Category Theory?

1. What is a natural bijection?

A natural bijection is a type of function that maps every element in one set to a unique element in another set, without any external influence or manipulation. In other words, it is a one-to-one correspondence between two sets that occurs naturally and without any artificial constraints.

2. How is a natural bijection different from a regular bijection?

A regular bijection is a function that maps every element in one set to a unique element in another set, but it can also be artificially constructed or manipulated. On the other hand, a natural bijection occurs without any external influence or manipulation, making it a more fundamental and fundamental concept in mathematics.

3. What are some examples of natural bijections?

One example of a natural bijection is the mapping between the set of natural numbers and the set of even numbers. Every natural number has a unique double in the set of even numbers, and vice versa, without any external influence or manipulation. Another example is the mapping between the set of real numbers and the set of positive real numbers, where every positive real number has a unique square root in the set of real numbers.

4. Why is a natural bijection important?

A natural bijection is important because it helps us understand the fundamental relationship between two sets without any artificial constraints. It also plays a crucial role in many mathematical concepts, such as permutations, combinations, and functions. In addition, it allows us to prove the equality of two sets by showing the existence of a natural bijection between them.

5. How do you prove the existence of a natural bijection between two sets?

To prove the existence of a natural bijection between two sets, you need to show that every element in one set has a unique corresponding element in the other set, and vice versa. You can do this by constructing a function that maps each element in one set to its corresponding element in the other set, and then proving that this function is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto).

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