What is the truth behind the mysterious flying triangles?

In summary, the United States has been experiencing a significant increase in sightings of Flying Triangles since the 1990s, with a continued wave of sightings occurring. These triangular aircraft are being openly deployed over populated areas, a behavior that does not align with previous patterns of covert deployment. The purpose and origin of these Flying Triangles are currently unknown. Recent reports, including a sighting by Illinois police, suggest advanced technology and capabilities such as silent propulsion and dramatic acceleration. However, there are also claims that these craft are able to hover silently at low altitudes. Further investigation into the Flying Triangle enigma is ongoing.
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Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
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NIDS Investigations of the Flying Triangle Enigma.

August 2004
The United States is currently experiencing a wave of Flying Triangle sightings that may have intensified in the 1990s, especially towards the latter part of the 1990s. The wave continues. The Flying Triangles are being openly deployed over and near population centers, including in the vicinity of major Interstate Highways. The behavior of these Triangular aircraft does not conform to previous patterns of covert deployment of unacknowledged aircraft. Neither the agenda nor the origin of the Flying Triangles are currently known. [continued]

A synopsis of recent events - 1990 through 2004. Included is a summary of archieved data.

I'm still not quite sure about the flying triangle reports. I am convinced that these are real craft that are often seen as reported, but some good reports such as those from the Illinois police - who chased a flying and hovering triangle while at close range - seem to imply a super-technology. This may simply be due to exaggerated memories since nothing beyond our imagination was seen in that particular case. It may be that we have a little technology here that would surprise most people. At the least, we must have a silent propulsions system capable of producing dramatic acceleration in a relatively large aircraft. This craft is also able to hover silently at very low altitudes such as 100 feet above ground level. I don't see many claims [relative to the total number of claims] of FTs zipping out of the atmosphere in the blink of an eye, as do other reported, alleged crafts.

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FAQ: What is the truth behind the mysterious flying triangles?

What is the case of flying triangles?

The case of flying triangles refers to a phenomenon where people report seeing triangular-shaped objects in the sky that appear to be flying at high speeds and performing maneuvers that are beyond the capabilities of conventional aircraft.

Are these flying triangles real?

It is difficult to say for certain whether these flying triangles are real or not. Some people believe that they are secret military aircraft or advanced technology from other countries, while others think they could be extraterrestrial in origin. However, there is currently no concrete evidence to prove their existence.

Where have these flying triangles been seen?

Reports of flying triangles have been made all over the world, with some of the most well-known sightings occurring in the United States, Belgium, and the United Kingdom. They have also been reported in other countries such as France, Canada, and Australia.

What do scientists think about the case of flying triangles?

Many scientists are skeptical about the existence of flying triangles and believe that most sightings can be explained by natural or man-made phenomena. They argue that without solid evidence, it is difficult to support the idea of advanced technology or extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth.

What research is being done on flying triangles?

There is ongoing research being conducted by scientists and organizations to investigate the phenomenon of flying triangles. This includes analyzing eyewitness accounts, studying radar data, and examining any physical evidence that may be associated with these sightings. However, more research and evidence are needed to draw any definitive conclusions.

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