Incomplete collapse of wavefunction

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty in understanding situations where a measurement causes only incomplete collapse of the wavefunction in quantum mechanics. This can be seen in the example of measuring an electron's position, where the postulates of QM would suggest a collapse into a position eigenstate, but this would go against energy conservation. The concept of "weak" or "nondemolition" measurements is explored, and it is suggested that the issue may be related to referring to position as a "real" observable compared to other observables that combine position and momentum. The idea of creating operators that combine position and momentum is also discussed, but it is emphasized that these operators must be hermitian. The conversation ends with a clarification that in
  • #1
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I'm otherwise pretty comfortable with the postulates of quantum mechanics, but I find it difficult to understand situations where a measurement causes only incomplete collapse of the wave function...

Suppose we have an electron in a state described by some wave function. Then we measure its position. If the QM postulates were taken literally, the measurement should collapse the wavefunction into a position eigenstate, a Dirac delta function, that is. But that would be against energy conservation, because an electron in a position eigenstate can have *any* value of kinetic energy with equal probability.

I think the position measurement collapses the wavefunction into some kind of an almost-position-eigenstate, like a gaussian spike that is narrow if the position was measured very accurately and wide if the measurement was inaccurate. To measure the position accurately, we should scatter something with very short De Broglie wavelength and very high energy off the electron, which explains the uncertainty in the electrons momentum after the measurement.

Probably an inaccurate measurement of the total energy of a molecule could also collapse the molecular wavefunction into a state that is still a superposition of several eigenstates of the Hamiltonian.

I don't really understand this, because the postulates don't tell how to handle these kinds of situations. I think this has something to do with the concept of a 'weak' or 'nondemolition' measurement.
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  • #2
The Born rule can be understood as relating the probability of an experimental outcome to the expectation value of the corresponding projection operator: P(ai) = Eψ(|ai><ai|) = |<ai|ψ>|². I don't think there's a problem to apply this to situations of incomplete collapse / higher dimensional projectors.
  • #3
^ But is the state of the electron after a position measurement even a projection of the original state? If the complex phase of the new wavefunction behaves differently, it would not be one.
  • #4
hilbert2 said:
I'm otherwise pretty comfortable with the postulates of quantum mechanics, but I find it difficult to understand situations where a measurement causes only incomplete collapse of the wave function...

Suppose we have an electron in a state described by some wave function. Then we measure its position. If the QM postulates were taken literally, the measurement should collapse the wavefunction into a position eigenstate, a Dirac delta function, that is. But that would be against energy conservation, because an electron in a position eigenstate can have *any* value of kinetic energy with equal probability.

I think the position measurement collapses the wavefunction into some kind of an almost-position-eigenstate, like a gaussian spike that is narrow if the position was measured very accurately and wide if the measurement was inaccurate. To measure the position accurately, we should scatter something with very short De Broglie wavelength and very high energy off the electron, which explains the uncertainty in the electrons momentum after the measurement.

Probably an inaccurate measurement of the total energy of a molecule could also collapse the molecular wavefunction into a state that is still a superposition of several eigenstates of the Hamiltonian.

I don't really understand this, because the postulates don't tell how to handle these kinds of situations. I think this has something to do with the concept of a 'weak' or 'nondemolition' measurement.

I don't know if I would use the term "incomplete collapse" by itself. It is always relative to some basis. This is much easier to see with something like spin. If you know an electron's x-spin, obviously its z-spin is completely uncertain. But if you measure at 45 degrees towards z, you learn something about the z spin. Is that full or partial collapse? Depends on what basis you are referring to. Obviously it is full collapse in 1 basis and partial in many others.

So you could say that the issue is referring to position as a "real" observable versus other observables that are combinations of position and momentum. In a sense, they are all equally real.
  • #5
^ According to the postulates of QM, collapse should happen relative to the eigenbasis of the observable that was measured.

Nice idea making operators that are combinations of position and momentum... One just has to make sure they are hermitian (not just any combination is).

EDIT: I suppose you were trying to say that when an incompletely accurate position measurement is made, one is actually measuring some observable that gives some information about both position and momentum.
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  • #6
hilbert2 said:
But is the state of the electron after a position measurement even a projection of the original state?
hilbert2 said:
According to the postulates of QM, collapse should happen relative to the eigenbasis of the observable that was measured.
Doesn't this answer your question? You expand your initial state in the eigenbasis of the observable and the final state is one of these eigenstates. That's a projection.

An easy way to picture a position measurement with finite resolution is a one-dimensional CCD. The ordinary position operator is X = ∫dx x|x><x|. The CCD operator would be something like XΔ = Ʃi xi|xi><xi| where the xi correspond to the CCD cells, Δx is the resolution and |xi><xi| is the projection operator for the cell xi. It could be written as |xi><xi| = ∫dx xi+Δxxi-Δx|x><x|.
  • #7
^ Yes I understand that. It's like a 'smoothed' position operator and its eigenstates are only approximations of a delta function. I guess that is the real observable that is being measured in a finite-resolution position measurement.
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Related to Incomplete collapse of wavefunction

1. What is the "incomplete collapse of wavefunction"?

The incomplete collapse of wavefunction is a concept in quantum mechanics that refers to the idea that the wavefunction of a particle may not fully collapse into a single state, but instead remains in a superposition of multiple states.

2. How does this concept differ from the traditional understanding of wavefunction collapse?

The traditional understanding of wavefunction collapse states that the wavefunction of a particle collapses into a single state upon measurement. However, the incomplete collapse of wavefunction suggests that this collapse may not be complete, and the particle may still exist in a superposition of states.

3. What evidence supports the idea of incomplete collapse of wavefunction?

Experiments such as the double-slit experiment and the quantum eraser experiment have provided evidence for the incomplete collapse of wavefunction. These experiments have shown that particles can exhibit wave-like behavior even after being measured, indicating that the collapse of the wavefunction may not be complete.

4. How does the concept of incomplete collapse of wavefunction impact our understanding of reality?

The incomplete collapse of wavefunction challenges our traditional understanding of reality as being deterministic and objective. It suggests that there may be inherent uncertainty and randomness at the quantum level, and that our perception of reality may be influenced by the act of observation.

5. What are the implications of incomplete collapse of wavefunction for practical applications?

The incomplete collapse of wavefunction has implications for technologies that rely on the principles of quantum mechanics, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. It also raises philosophical questions about the role of consciousness in shaping reality.

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