Becoming a student member of IEEE

In summary: It's worth it.In summary, being a member of IEEE is a plus on your applications and resume, but being a very active chairperson of your local chapter shows leadership. Joining IEEE can also help you network with individuals and other industry professionals for internship and job opportunities.
  • #1
Hey everyone. I'm a sophomore in Electrical Engineering, and loving it (except for the homework...and tests...). Anyways, it's almost time for me to be applying for scholarships (well, in a couple months), and I was thinking about applying to IEEE as a student member. I was wondering if anyone has any opinions on if its helpful or not, informational wise, and also for scholarships/resumes? And also, are there any other organizations that I should look into joining to bolster my scholarship chances? I mean, don't take it that to mean that I'd join just to make myself look better, I also want it to be helpful to me as an engineer. Thank you :)
Engineering news on
  • #2
I am interested in this also. I would love to see some ideas about it
  • #3
I joined IEEE somewhere in my undergrad, and was the chairperson of our student chapter for my senior year. Being a member is probably a plus on your applications and resume, but being a very active chairperson of your local chapter shows leadership. I helped organize field trips each term to prospective employers (mostly HP), and we had faculty mixers, etc. Consider running for chairperson of your local IEEE chapter.

As for other societies, the ones that matter are the ones that you earn your way into. Like Tau Beta Pi and other academic societies. Those definitely count on scholarship and job applications.
  • #4
Good question.

I'm a sophmore EE and I'm the VP of our IEEE organization. It's a definite plus to join. Also, go to the events, because you can also network with individuals and other industry professionals for internship and also job opportunties. I'm also the student chair for the regional IEEE section. It's a definite plus to join those organizations.

Remember, its one thing to be a "member" and another to run the thing. Don't get me wrong, being a member is completley fine, and is what IEEE has been built from, but if you want to appeal more than just being a member, join the Eboard. Anyone can pay the $30 for students and be a member AND NEVER go to the meetings. I've seen it happen.

Bottom line: Be active, join the E-board.

FAQ: Becoming a student member of IEEE

1. What is IEEE?

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. It has over 400,000 members in over 160 countries and offers various resources, publications, and events for its members to connect, learn, and innovate.

2. How do I become a student member of IEEE?

To become a student member of IEEE, you must be enrolled as a student in a degree-granting program at an accredited college or university. You can then join IEEE by filling out an online application and paying the annual membership fee, which is significantly lower for students compared to regular membership fees.

3. What are the benefits of being a student member of IEEE?

As a student member of IEEE, you will have access to a variety of resources such as technical articles, career resources, networking opportunities, and discounts on conferences and publications. You will also have the chance to participate in IEEE student branch activities and competitions, which can enhance your skills and knowledge in your field of study.

4. Can I join more than one IEEE society as a student member?

Yes, as a student member of IEEE, you can join up to three IEEE societies at no additional cost. This allows you to explore different areas of interest and connect with professionals in those fields.

5. Is there a student discount for IEEE membership?

Yes, IEEE offers a significantly lower membership fee for students compared to regular membership fees. This makes it more affordable for students to join and take advantage of the benefits of being a member of the world's largest technical professional organization.
