Biology Not a Science? I Prove It!

In summary, the conversation revolves around the idea that biology is not a real science. The proof provided includes the fact that there are too many attractive biology majors, biology is in the news too much, people are not interested in science but are interested in evolution, people do not react to the word "biologist" with awe like they do with other science majors, there is too much memorization and not enough formulas in biology, biology is not explosive like other sciences, people don't misspell "biology", and biologists seen on TV are often women instead of men with receding hairlines. However, it is argued that this proof is weak and that biology is a legitimate science. The conversation also includes a discussion on how physicists are perceived
  • #1
Gold Member
I believe I have found proof that infact, biology is NOT a science.

My proof is as followed:

1) There are too many good looking chicks who are biology majors

This is self-explanatory

2) Biology is in the news too much (evolution)

People are not interested in science. People are interested and talk about evolution. Thus, Biology can't be a science.

3) People do not recoil when you say "biologist"

People are amazed and in awe upon uttering the fact that you are a "physicist" or "chemist" (and a few others, except geology, no one is scared of geologists). This is not true of biologists.

4) There is too much memorization

Where are the formulas? Science without formulas is like Italians without spaghetti.

5) Nothing explosive is made

Explosive things are the secret "coolness" of science. Biology doesn't like to blow things up. I do.

6) People don't mispell "biology"

Ok I guess this only is a problem with physics (seriously people, there is only 1 'i' in physics and no 'k')... but I'm still using it. Tough.

7) Biologists seen on tv are women much of the time, not men with receeding hairlines, thus, biology isn't a science

Only men with receeding hairlines do science. Except one of my chemistry professors, but that's just because he's awesome.

I shall approach my university with this proof of biology not being a science so that I may replace it with a journalism class.
Biology news on
  • #2
People are amazed and in awe upon uttering the fact that you are a "physicist" or "chemist"

:approve: Yep, one of the many perks of being a physics major, people's jaws drop when you mention it. I know my parents brag about it all the time. :biggrin:

Anyways, biology and chemistry are just primitive degenerates of almighty physics.
  • #3
Pengwuino said:
1) There are too many good looking chicks who are biology majors
This is self-explanatory
Since when does being a loser is requirement for a scientifist. You have to know how to mix pleasure with business and biology major guy know how to do this. Therefore they are smatter
Pengwuino said:
2) Biology is in the news too much (evolution)
People are not interested in science. People are interested and talk about evolution. Thus, Biology can't be a science.
You forgot cancer, drugs, etc. It is not biology fault if it talks about thing that are real and has an effect on people. It is not as if people care if a new planet is discovered. :wink:
Pengwuino said:
3) People do not recoil when you say "biologist"
People are amazed and in awe upon uttering the fact that you are a "physicist" or "chemist" (and a few others, except geology, no one is scared of geologists). This is not true of biologists.
I always get people to awe when I say I am doing a PhD in microbiology. People also thin I will make tones of money. If you said your doing a PhD in physics or math they would think you are idiot without future. :-p
Pengwuino said:
4) There is too much memorization
Where are the formulas? Science without formulas is like Italians without spaghetti.
there is formula in biology. You did not look hard enough. Try to calculate the growth rate of a bacteria without a formula. We have to calculate the time that separate two specie with mutation rate.
Pengwuino said:
5) Nothing explosive is made
Explosive things are the secret "coolness" of science. Biology doesn't like to blow things up. I do.
Try to give a cigarette to a frog.
Pengwuino said:
6) People don't mispell "biology"
Ok I guess this only is a problem with physics (seriously people, there is only 1 'i' in physics and no 'k')... but I'm still using it. Tough.
I have seen people mispell biology. You did not look hard enough.
Pengwuino said:
7) Biologists seen on tv are women much of the time, not men with receeding hairlines, thus, biology isn't a science
Only men with receeding hairlines do science. Except one of my chemistry professors, but that's just because he's awesome.
TV is not reallity. My old and my current supervisor have receeding hair line. 50% of the male falculty in my department have receeding hairline. Again you are not looking hard enough.

In conclusion, your research was poorly done and don't blame biology if it is cool and you are not.
  • #4
Entropy said:
:approve: Yep, one of the many perks of being a physics major, people's jaws drop when you mention it. I know my parents brag about it all the time. :biggrin:

One of my professors use to say something to the effect of "If you're ever on an airplane with someone you want to talk to, tell them that you are a physicist. If you don't want to talk to them, say you are a 'nuclear physicist' and if you REALLY don't want to talk to them, say you are an 'atomic physicist' ".
  • #5
iansmith said:
Again you are not looking hard enough.

Way to suck the fun outa this thread :frown:
  • #6
Yeah, thanks a lot ian.
  • #7
My pleasure. That's what scientist do.
  • #8
Yah I mean come on, when Entropy comes in, it should be fairly obvious nothing intelligent is going to be said in this thread :P
  • #9
Does anyone know where my high school physics Ap study guide is...
  • #10
Bha! I didn't need it and I got a 4.
  • #11
I got a 1

basically because i dropped at the semester and all we ever did was rocket launches.

I want to see how much i was suppose to know by high school.
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
3) People do not recoil when you say "biologist"

People are amazed and in awe upon uttering the fact that you are a "physicist" or "chemist" (and a few others, except geology, no one is scared of geologists). This is not true of biologists.

Physicists are harmless, and if you are not scared of geologists, you really need to rethink this.
You should be more than a little cautious of anyone who:
-Cannot go for a quiet walk without taking a sizable hammer.
-Will happily undermine an unstable cliff face or landslide foot in persuit of a good ammonite, with no regard to their safety, or safety of anyone around them.
-knows precisely how hard your skull is in relation to the mineral samples on his desk/in his pocket.
-Can tell you what kind of fossil you'll leave, and how future palaeontologists would interpret it.
  • #13
I'm not scared, the kinetic energy of a comet will fix the geologist good.
  • #14
Pengwuino said:
Does anyone know where my high school physics Ap study guide is...
Goodness Gracious me! Why, it's right here...
Hmm, you doodle a lot.
...lots of exploding thngs...
I guess you liked Mariah Carey.
...Whoop! no, MC goes boom... that's' kinda sick
  • #15
There is too much memorization
Where are the formulas? Science without formulas is like Italians without spaghetti.
Try searching floral formula in google
What about genetics, you should be able to predict phenotypes, genotypes for which you can't memorise all the possible combinations.
Biology is a convergence of physics and chemistry.
The part about cute chicks is true though, coz of all the science sections in our school my class(Bio group) has got good looking chicks though very few in number.
5) Nothing explosive is made

Explosive things are the secret "coolness" of science. Biology doesn't like to blow things up. I do.

Biology helps to clean up the damage after the bomb blasts i.e. medicine
Check bioweapons like anthrax, etc wouldn't have been possible. Biology creates silent killers using very little of resources but causes a lot of damage.
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  • #16
iansmith said:
Try to give a cigarette to a frog.

Well that's it, ian, you not coming anywhere near my frogs, reptiles or turtles

You evil.. evil man!
  • #17
Pengwuino said:
I believe I have found proof that infact, biology is NOT a science.
Is that supposed to be fun, or ignorant? :devil:
and.. ever heard of exploding frogs? :wink:
  • #18
Monique said:
Is that supposed to be fun, or ignorant? :devil:

Its GE to us university students.

You non-physicists have no idea :P
  • #19
Most non-physicists have no idea, but neither do I, being a 17 year old annoying geek who is, at times, still rather desperately trying to understand special and general relativity. It's so fun to try an explain it to people when you haven't got a clue yourself either...
  • #20
Tell me how special and general relativity impacts on today's society, how it benefits our world? And how many people who say biology isn't a science, would say that string theory is?
  • #21
Pengwuino said:
I believe I have found proof that infact, biology is NOT a science.

My proof is as followed:

1) There are too many good looking chicks who are biology majors
  • #22
Monique said:
Tell me how special and general relativity impacts on today's society, how it benefits our world? And how many people who say biology isn't a science, would say that string theory is?

Monique is taking this all far too serious, I feel it in my bones...

And IMHO, string theory is hardly science. I can agree with you on that one.
  • #23
nazgjunk said:
Monique is taking this all far too serious, I feel it in my bones...
And IMHO, string theory is hardly science. I can agree with you on that one.

"String theory is Mathematics on LSD"

(c) cronxeh
  • #24
This explains why Pengwuino hasn't picked up any of those good looking chicks.

You might want to find a better opening line.:approve:
  • #25
JasonRox said:
This explains why Pengwuino hasn't picked up any of those good looking chicks.
You might want to find a better opening line.:approve:

Ever since i switched from Mechanical Engineering to Premed I've seen a 500% increase in female-to-male ratio in classes :biggrin: Cant complain, it motivates you to go to class :smile:
  • #26
iansmith said:
Since when does being a loser is requirement for a scientifist. You have to know how to mix pleasure with business and biology major guy know how to do this. Therefore they are smatter
You forgot cancer, drugs, etc. It is not biology fault if it talks about thing that are real and has an effect on people. It is not as if people care if a new planet is discovered. :wink:
I always get people to awe when I say I am doing a PhD in microbiology. People also thin I will make tones of money. If you said your doing a PhD in physics or math they would think you are idiot without future. :-p
there is formula in biology. You did not look hard enough. Try to calculate the growth rate of a bacteria without a formula. We have to calculate the time that separate two specie with mutation rate.
Try to give a cigarette to a frog.
I have seen people mispell biology. You did not look hard enough.
TV is not reallity. My old and my current supervisor have receeding hair line. 50% of the male falculty in my department have receeding hairline. Again you are not looking hard enough.
In conclusion, your research was poorly done and don't blame biology if it is cool and you are not.
So... Biologists are 'smatter', huh? :biggrin: Ian, I think you either have rented fingers or you just blew your credibility all to hell! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #27
Tsu said:
So... Biologists are 'smatter', huh? :biggrin: Ian, I think you either have rented fingers or you just blew your credibility all to hell! :smile: :smile: :smile:

It is hard to write when you are hangover. Also, english is not my first language.
  • #28
Tsu said:
So... Biologists are 'smatter', huh? :biggrin: Ian, I think you either have rented fingers or you just blew your credibility all to hell! :smile: :smile: :smile:
I think smatter is one of those technical statistics terms that business/biology majors use. They like to use those XY smatter charts in Excel. :rolleyes: Or maybe that's the business/art majors that use those - unless they use 'splatter charts', but I think the folks training to become EMTs use those.
  • #29
I think iansmith 'smatters' :wink:

smat·ter Audio pronunciation of "smatter" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (smtr)
v. smat·tered, smat·ter·ing, smat·ters
v. tr.

1. To speak (a language) without fluency.
  • #30
iansmith said:
It is hard to write when you are hangover. Also, english is not my first language.

Hangover, smangover. No excuses, my lad. You are hereby arrested by the Grammer Police. You'll have to come down to the station with me. Come along, now... :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #31
Pengwuino said:
I believe I have found proof that infact, biology is NOT a science.

My proof is as followed:

1) There are too many good looking chicks who are biology majors

This is self-explanatory
The number of good looking chicks majoring in biology has nothing to do with whether biology is a science or not.

I think it has more to do with the fact that women tend to be more obsessed with sex than men. Having sex isn't enough for them. They have to study every detail about it, including when and how other species do it.

For men, sex may be something fun to do in the backseat of a car, but as soon as its over, they're on to more pressing matters, such as:

Guy: "Aha! That's it. That's definitely it!"

Girl: "What's it?"

Guy: "See that 'star'? It was by that other group of stars before we started and now it's next to this group of stars over here! That's definitely a geosynchronous satellite. In fact, it's the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite intended to prove that a Ka Band system with onboard switching could reliably provide digital integrated services for all types of applications and data rates, and operate seamlessly with terrestrial networks. It's currently out of fuel, so the operators from the John Glenn Space Operations Center near Cleveland positioned it in a gravity valley and let the inclination drift to extend its life. It will eventually drift up to an inclination of about 15 degrees, then drift back down into an equatorial orbit, all within the next 26 to 27 years or so."

To which the biology major is sure to ignorantly reply, "But, isn't that star in the Southwest? I thought Cleveland was Northeast of us."

(Of course, this wouldn't apply to Evo. She would be fascinated that there's bandwidth beyond Ku and that it could be used just as effectively. :biggrin: )
  • #32
Tsu said:
Hangover, smangover. No excuses, my lad. You are hereby arrested by the Grammer Police. You'll have to come down to the station with me. Come along, now... :smile: :smile: :smile:

You are hereby arrested by the Spelling Police. You'll have to come along with me. Bring your prisoner, as well!:approve: :smile: :biggrin:
  • #33
BobG said:
Or maybe that's the business/art majors that use those - unless they use 'splatter charts', but I think the folks training to become EMTs use those.

Hey leave me outa this!
  • #34
BobG said:
(Of course, this wouldn't apply to Evo. She would be fascinated that there's bandwidth beyond Ku and that it could be used just as effectively. :biggrin: )
Damn, you have a good memory. :biggrin: Wasn't that thread about the effects of rain on transmissions? Or was that whiskers on kittens?
  • #35
Certainly, I agree that Biology is all about memorization. But we all know that memorization is a function of the brain. It's widely obvious. Well, how can we know that? Why is it obvious? Due to the study of brain functions, by a discipline called Biology.

I would define science, informally, as the willing to discover due to insatiable curiousity. Biology is all about discovering the biosphere that surrounds us. And Karl Popper defined science in his book, Logic of Scientic Discovery. And I can assure you, Biology fits in that category.

Rutherfor said something like this: "All science is either physics or stamp collecting. And I hate stamps.". Well, he won the Chemistry Nobel Prize in 1908. Does it sounds familiar to you?

Physics are very important to Biology that's for sure. But Physics are just a tool to Biology, like Biology is equally able to be a tool to Chemistry (for example). In conclusion, all science is important but you can allways have a preferred one.

If you want to prove your point of view, start by reviewing your post's fallacies and read something about the matter to help you.

PS: Sorry for my english.

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