New Hawking Landscape Paper & Mainstream String Theory Update"

In summary, this just posted, in case anyone's interested, there is a new paper by Robbert Dijkgraaf, Cumrun Vafa and Erik Verlinde. It proposes that the deeper fact about the universe is the no-boundary condition. It remains to be seen whether the two proposals, alone or in combination, will tell the whole story.
  • #1
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  • #2
I am more and more of the opinion that instead of trying to evade or deal with the landscape people should be treating it as a symptom, and asking the question, of what deeper, unrecognized, facts about the universe is the landscape a necessary result?

Famously Lee Smolin has proposed an answer to that question: the deeper fact is the evolution of universes. He claims that his hypothesis is testable through astrophysical observations.

Now Hawking has proposed an answer of his own: the deeper fact is the no-boundary condition on the universe. He also claims his idea is testable through astrophysics. It remains to be seen whether the two proposals, alone or in combination, will tell the whole story.

Absent experimental data, cosmology and astrophysics are the only ways to gather objective data that may lead to a full answer to the question and permit a new research program that deals with the landscape from strength.
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  • #3
selfAdjoint said:
I am more and more of the opinion that instead of trying to evade or deal with the landscape people should be treating it as a symptom, and asking the question, of what deeper, unrecognized, facts about the universe is the landscape a necessary result?

Remember that the notion of evolving universes is only really deep if it is meant in the sense of a metaphysical investigation of laws, an idea that came to light in that Edge essay of Smolin's. A simple picture of a bag of universes (which is the way it is often described) is quite misleading, I think.

  • #4
Kea said:
Remember that the notion of evolving universes is only really deep if it is meant in the sense of a metaphysical investigation of laws, an idea that came to light in that Edge essay of Smolin's. A simple picture of a bag of universes (which is the way it is often described) is quite misleading, I think.


I am all for depth, as my post indicated. If we can't escape metaphysics then we should face it. But I wonder if what you see as metaphysics really is?:confused:
  • #5
selfAdjoint said:
But I wonder if what you see as metaphysics really is?:confused:

Ah! Exactly! Of course, if it becomes physics its not metaphysics, is it? But since it's the sort of stuff that people like to label as metaphysics, I thought it would be OK to use the word. Bad idea, I guess. :smile:
  • #6
I think both approaches have causality issues. CNS may be the lesser evil, but paradoxes appear to abound in both models. I dislike the path integral approach because, IMO, it treats the universe as a particle. The evidence favoring that assumption is sorely lacking, IMO.
  • #7
Chronos said:
I think both approaches have causality issues. CNS may be the lesser evil, but paradoxes appear to abound in both models. I dislike the path integral approach because, IMO, it treats the universe as a particle. The evidence favoring that assumption is sorely lacking, IMO.

(Warning: mixed metaphor ahead!):blushing:
There is absolutely no evidence for the nature of the universe at all. Testible theories that take us beyond saving the phenomena can be thought of as arrows pointing, perhaps vaguely or incorrectly, toward such an understanding. In the absence of evidence the brainstorming strategy is often thought valuable; don't put constrants on thinking too early, let a hundred flowers bloom. If Smolin's and Hawking's ideas are testable as their authors claim, then the false ones will be pruned soon enough.
  • #8
selfAdjoint said:
I am all for depth, as my post indicated. If we can't escape metaphysics then we should face it. But I wonder if what you see as metaphysics really is?:confused:

a crucial and sometimes exciting philosophical issue, where to draw the line
since the thread started with a Hawking paper I will mention that old Hawking co-author George Ellis has some pertinent comments in his new essay

I quoted some of Ellis here, in post #3. he rocks.

Related to New Hawking Landscape Paper & Mainstream String Theory Update"

1. What is the New Hawking Landscape Paper and what does it propose?

The New Hawking Landscape Paper is a recent research paper published by renowned physicist Stephen Hawking and his colleagues. It proposes a new way of looking at the landscape of the universe using string theory, suggesting that the universe may have a much larger number of possible states than previously thought.

2. How does the New Hawking Landscape Paper update mainstream string theory?

The New Hawking Landscape Paper introduces a new concept called the "Hawking-Hartle wavefunction", which could provide a more complete and unified understanding of the universe within the framework of string theory. This new approach to string theory has the potential to resolve some long-standing issues and open up new avenues for research.

3. What is the significance of the New Hawking Landscape Paper in the scientific community?

The New Hawking Landscape Paper has generated a lot of excitement and discussion among physicists and scientists. It challenges traditional views and offers new perspectives on the universe and the laws of physics. If the proposed ideas are proven correct, it could have a significant impact on our understanding of the universe and the development of future scientific theories.

4. What are the potential implications of the New Hawking Landscape Paper for future research?

The New Hawking Landscape Paper has the potential to lead to new discoveries and advancements in the field of string theory and cosmology. It could also provide a more complete and coherent understanding of the universe, including its origins and evolution. The proposed ideas could also have practical applications in areas such as quantum computing and space exploration.

5. Are there any criticisms of the New Hawking Landscape Paper?

As with any new scientific theory, there are some criticisms and debates surrounding the New Hawking Landscape Paper. Some researchers argue that the proposed ideas are not yet fully supported by evidence and need more testing. Others question the complexity and feasibility of the proposed mathematical framework. However, these criticisms are expected and will likely lead to further discussions and research in the future.

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