Understanding Sound Levels & Protectors

In summary, the decibel is a logarithmic scale that can be calculated using the formula \beta=10\log_{10}{\frac{I}{I_{0}}} where I_{0} is a constant reference intensity. The intensity of a just audible sound is approximately 10^{-12}W/m^{2}. To solve the problem of reducing the sound level from that of a jet plane (150dB) to that of a chain saw, the intensity of the chain saw must be known. In this case, a decrease of 40dB is needed. The protectors mentioned can reduce the sound level of an aeroplane, and without them, a person would hear a sound 40dB louder than a barely audible whisper
  • #1
hi, i need help in understanding something on sound. if admam works near a jet plane that is taking off and experiences the sound level of 150dB. then the protectors to reduce the sould level to that of a chain saw, what decrease in dB is needed? i think it's 40 but i am not sure.
and also if Adam hears something that sounds like a whisper then what would a person w/o protectors hear? is there even a difference...
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  • #2
The decibel is a logarithmic scale. The decibel level can be calculated by

where [tex]I_{0}[/tex] is a constant reference intensity = [tex]10^{-12}W/m^{2}[/tex] This is roughly the intensity of a just audible sound.

Your problem can be solved only if the intensity of the chain saw is known.
I don't understand your problem ... sorry ...

who are those protectors? and how can they reduce the sound of an aeroplane?? :wink:
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  • #3
Your book should have a table with some common sound levels. Wikipedia has a table that is probably virtually identical with the table in your book (and, yes, that is a 40dB decrease).

Do you understand the relationship physicsprasanna gave? If you do, then you'll realize why decibels come in so handy. They turn a multiplication problem into an addition problem (i.e. - if the sound is the same as a barely audible whisper (0 dB), then a person without ear protection will hear a sound 40dB louder).

FAQ: Understanding Sound Levels & Protectors

What is sound level and how is it measured?

Sound level is a measure of the intensity or loudness of sound and is measured in decibels (dB). It is usually measured using a device called a sound level meter.

What is a safe level of sound?

The safe level of sound for human ears is generally considered to be below 85 dB. Prolonged exposure to sound levels above this can lead to hearing damage.

How do ear protectors work?

Ear protectors, also known as earmuffs or earplugs, work by reducing the amount of sound that reaches the inner ear. They do this by blocking or absorbing sound waves before they reach the eardrum.

What are the different types of ear protectors?

There are two main types of ear protectors: earmuffs and earplugs. Earmuffs cover the entire ear and create a seal around it, while earplugs are inserted into the ear canal. There are also electronic ear protectors that use technology to reduce loud sounds while still allowing normal conversation to be heard.

When should I wear ear protectors?

Ear protectors should be worn in any situation where the sound levels are high enough to potentially cause damage to the ears. This can include concerts, construction sites, and even some recreational activities like shooting guns or riding motorcycles.

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