Photo Contest - Summer Lovin' (7/16-7/23)

In summary: I like his shirt :)In summary, the contest is about anything or any activity that is the epitome of summer. Members are allowed to post digital photos of anything related to the theme. The deadline for submissions is July 31st. The winner will be selected by a poll and will be announced at a later date.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Summer Lovin'

The theme this time is all about summer. Anything or any activity that is the epitome of summer qualifies. So use your imagination.

Contest Rules:

1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a grey area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

2. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 pixels. You may also crop your picture if you wish. But other than that, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo for identification purposes.

3. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

4. Only ONE picture per member per contest.

5. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

6. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, I will do the polling in more than one thread. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

7. These pictures must be something that you took, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

8. You can use a picture only once. Once it is used in a contest, it cannot be reused in another contest.

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.

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  • #2
  • #3
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  • #4
Nice Deere, Scorpa. Of course, by posting that, you totally screwed up my intended post of "I'm in Alberta! What's summer?" :-p
By the way, did that hail last Wednesday beat the snot out of your area the way it did here?
  • #5
Danger said:
Nice Deere, Scorpa. Of course, by posting that, you totally screwed up my intended post of "I'm in Alberta! What's summer?" :-p
By the way, did that hail last Wednesday beat the snot out of your area the way it did here?

Haha this is one of the first years we managed to get the haying done without it being rained a few times or worse. We didn't get the hail luckily, I think it stayed in your area. I saw it on the news though, it looked like it got pretty crazy out there for awhile.

Larkspur, where was that photo taken? It's very nice!
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  • #6
scorpa said:
Haha this is one of the first years we managed to get the haying done without it being rained a few times or worse.
Glad to hear it. Gotta love this place, huh? Drought or flood. Alberta farmers have one of the riskiest jobs on the planet.
  • #7
scorpa said:
Larkspur, where was that photo taken? It's very nice!
Thanks Scorpa. That was taken in Waikoloa,on the Big Island of Hawaii.
  • #8
Danger said:
Glad to hear it. Gotta love this place, huh? Drought or flood. Alberta farmers have one of the riskiest jobs on the planet.

Haha yup you got that one right. I remember one year it was so dry there was no hay around, and then the next year it rained so much that it took forever to get all of it cut and baled...a lot of guys ended up with rotting hay.
  • #9
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  • #10
Hypnagogue has been to some nice places! Where is that one from?

I used to take pictures of nice places. Now I take pictures of my kids.

Speaking of which...

  • #11
Chi Meson said:
Hypnagogue has been to some nice places! Where is that one from?

I used to take pictures of nice places. Now I take pictures of my kids.

Speaking of which...


Oh that is so cute!
  • #12
larkspur said:
Oh that is so cute!

I like the pool picture posted by Larkspur, but it's a bit crowded for my taste.

I like hypnagogue's rock overlooking the ocean.
  • #13
Astronuc said:
I like hypnagogue's rock overlooking the ocean.
Yeah, that is one cool rock!
  • #14
This is going to be another tough one! For some reason, though, Larkspur's photo reminds me more of winter...because that's the sort of place I want to escape to in winter! Gorgeous! Chi Meson's photo reminds me most of playing in kiddie pools in the backyard, that's summer! :approve:
  • #15
Chi Meson said:
Hypnagogue has been to some nice places! Where is that one from?

I used to take pictures of nice places. Now I take pictures of my kids.

Speaking of which...


:smile: He's a cool dude :cool:
  • #16
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  • #17
Nice waterfall, but where is it?
  • #18
Thirsty, ain't she?

- Warren
  • #20
Chi Meson said:
Hypnagogue has been to some nice places! Where is that one from?
That's a plateau overlooking Sand Dollar Beach in Big Sur. The entire western US coast (as seen from highway 1 and nearby offshoots) is just about as gorgeous, and also rife with cool rocks.
  • #21
Astronuc said:
Nice waterfall, but where is it?

It is Upper Horsetail Falls (Sometimes called Ponytail Falls). It is located in the Columbia Gorge, on the Oregon side of the Columbia River. About 30 miles East of Portland, OR.
  • #22
I can't find the photos I had in mind to submit to this contest. :frown: I don't know if I saved them to CD, or lost them with an old computer crash, or if they're saved on my ancient, barely functioning PC that's up in the attic (can't remember what computer I had when I took those's been a while). I'm going to have to go do something fun and take new pictures! :rolleyes: By the 23rd, huh?
  • #23
I'm going through my photos from the nude beach at Laguna; over, and over, and over...
  • #24
For me, summer in Chicago means neighborhood street fairs ... lots and lots of neighborhood street fairs. This picture was taken from the one in my neighborhood - the North Halsted Street Market Days, which claims to be the largest neighborhood street fair in the Midwest (Taste of Chicago is not a neighborhood street fair). This fair, incidentally, is coming up in late August.


  • #25
Ivan Seeking said:
I'm going through my photos from the nude beach at Laguna; over, and over, and over...
:smile: Find any suitable for sharing, or are you skipping those as you go through them over and over? :biggrin:
  • #26

What summer would be complete without some time on the beach?
  • #27
I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that pooch when she gets out of that puddle.


  • #29
Fred, use imageshack.
  • #30
Gokul43201 said:
Fred, use imageshack.
Oh...ok. I resisted long enough.

EDIT: That was pretty easy.
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  • #31
You have a couple of days left to submit a photo for this contest, if you haven't done so already.

  • #32
Chi Meson said:
Hypnagogue has been to some nice places! Where is that one from?

I used to take pictures of nice places. Now I take pictures of my kids.

Speaking of which...


Chi, you should submit this for the National Geographic "Your Shot" contest. Next months theme is "Hot" .
Read about it here:"
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  • #33
Unfortunately I got outside a few minutes too late to catch the full intensity of the fire in the sky the other night, but it was incredibly dramatic.
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  • #34
Ivan Seeking said:
Unfortunately I got outside a few minutes too late to catch the full intensity of the fire in the sky the other night, but it was incredibly dramatic.

Er, "fire in the sky" was the last contest.

Great photo by the way.
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  • #35
Janus said:
Ivan Seeking said:
Unfortunately I got outside a few minutes too late to catch the full intensity of the fire in the sky the other night, but it was incredibly dramatic.


Er, "fire in the sky" was the last contest.

Great photo by the way.

Heh, a poor choice in words. :biggrin:

A summer sunset.

Related to Photo Contest - Summer Lovin' (7/16-7/23)

1. What is the theme of the photo contest?

The theme of the photo contest is "Summer Lovin'". This means that we are looking for photos that capture the essence of summer, such as warm weather, outdoor activities, and fun in the sun.

2. Who can participate in the photo contest?

The photo contest is open to everyone, regardless of age or location. We encourage people of all skill levels to participate and share their unique perspectives on the theme.

3. How many photos can I submit?

Each participant is allowed to submit up to three photos for the photo contest. This gives everyone a chance to showcase their best work and increases the variety of submissions.

4. What are the judging criteria for the photo contest?

The photos will be judged based on creativity, originality, and how well they capture the theme of "Summer Lovin'". Technical aspects such as composition, lighting, and editing will also be taken into consideration.

5. What is the deadline for submitting photos?

The deadline for submitting photos is July 23rd. Any submissions received after this date will not be considered for the photo contest. Winners will be announced on July 30th.

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