Capacitance of coplaner (adjacent) plates

In summary: There is a closed-form solution for the two-dimensional stripline problem, that is, for infinitely long coplanar strips. It is solved by conformal mapping to a parallel plate (well, parallel strip) geometry where the answer is known and simple. Collin works it out in Field Theory of Guided Waves (2nd ed), and I think Smythe may as well (Static and Dynamic Electricity).I don't know of any analytic solution for finite coplanar plates, and I'll let more knowledgeable folks comment on numerical modeling.
  • #1

Does anyone know an equation/approximation/model or other to estimate the capacitance between two coplanar (adjacent) plates?

I know that for parallel plates: C = E0*Er*(A/d). I also know that the capacitance decrease as the plates move from a parallel to a coplanar geometry as the electric field becomes non-uniform.

I have been modelling parallel plates using a Boundary Element Method - I was wondering whether such a method would hold for a coplaner geometry?

Any help or thoughts would be much appreciated!


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  • #2
There is a closed-form solution for the two-dimensional stripline problem, that is, for infinitely long coplanar strips. It is solved by conformal mapping to a parallel plate (well, parallel strip) geometry where the answer is known and simple. Collin works it out in Field Theory of Guided Waves (2nd ed), and I think Smythe may as well (Static and Dynamic Electricity).

I don't know of any analytic solution for finite coplanar plates, and I'll let more knowledgeable folks comment on numerical modeling.
  • #3
Looking around on <> I came across the following:
"For the CSRC chambers the dominant contribution to the capacitance seen by the preamplifiers is the strip-to-strip capacitance. The capacitance between adjacent strips having a thickness, t, width, w, and separation, s, laying on a dielectric with constant, k, is approximately given by,

C(pf/cm) = 0.12t/w + O.O9(1+k)1og_10(l + 2w/s + w^2/s^2).

The second term dominates. Using k=3.5 (kapton), w=10 mm, s = 0.5 mm, t = 2 microns, the capacitance is 1.1 pf/cm. For the prototype test chamber the capacitance was measured to be 1.33 pf/cm in close agreement to the calculated value. We expect the maximum capacitance will be less than 500 pf for all stations so a basic requirement of the front-end electronics is that it must perform to specifications with an input capacitance of 500 pf or less."

I have not tried it out yet or done more than a few minutes search for a more solid reference.
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  • #4
Please note, in the last post there is a "1" at the start of "log" and an "l" instead of a "1" after the log. The perils of cut and paste.
  • #5

Thank you for this useful link. I am submitting my thesis on Thursday, but I am continuing to work in this area.

I found that Maxwell 2D software provided a very good approximation for coplanar geometries, plus it also produced electric field intensity plots; which helped in the design of my application.

Are coplanar electrodes a passing interest to you or have you an area of research or application in mind?

  • #6
Hi Tom,

I am interested in it from the perspective of adjacent PCB pads or traces, specifically in debugging a breadboarded filter that keeps almost working without quite doing it. With time and dedication I might have re-installed the free version of Sonnet to see if the simple equation in the link is useable. Playing for a few minutes in a borrowed field simulator it looks as if the equation is in the ball park for a configuration with no ground plane. For finite pads, at least, it seems as if the real world is not as constant in equivalent capacitance over frequency as the equation states.

Hope the thesis is well accepted.

  • #7
marcusl said:
There is a closed-form solution for the two-dimensional stripline problem, that is, for infinitely long coplanar strips. It is solved by conformal mapping to a parallel plate (well, parallel strip) geometry where the answer is known and simple. Collin works it out in Field Theory of Guided Waves (2nd ed), and I think Smythe may as well (Static and Dynamic Electricity).

I don't know of any analytic solution for finite coplanar plates, and I'll let more knowledgeable folks comment on numerical modeling.

Hey Marcus,

Regarding a coplanar, parallel strip capacitor and referenced Field Theory of Guided Waves by Collin. Could you point me to the page where he derives this? I can't seem to find it. THANKS!
  • #8
He doesn't solve a coplanar capacitor, he solves for the capacitance (and characteristic impedance) of an infinitely long parallel strip transmission line, also known as coplanar waveguide. See Collin ch. 4.

Related to Capacitance of coplaner (adjacent) plates

1. What is capacitance?

Capacitance is the ability of a system to store electrical charge. It is measured in units of Farads (F).

2. How is capacitance calculated for coplanar plates?

The capacitance of coplanar plates can be calculated using the formula C = εA/d, where C is capacitance, ε is the permittivity of the material between the plates, A is the area of the plates, and d is the distance between the plates.

3. What factors affect the capacitance of coplanar plates?

The capacitance of coplanar plates is affected by the distance between the plates, the area of the plates, and the dielectric constant of the material between the plates. It is also influenced by the shape and arrangement of the plates.

4. How does the distance between the plates affect capacitance?

The closer the plates are to each other, the higher the capacitance will be. This is because the electric field between the plates will be stronger, resulting in a higher charge storage capacity.

5. What is the significance of capacitance of coplanar plates in practical applications?

The capacitance of coplanar plates is an important factor in the design and functionality of many electrical systems. It is used in devices such as capacitors, sensors, and transmission lines. Understanding capacitance is crucial in optimizing the performance of these systems.

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