How Can I Improve My Approach to Solving 2D Motion Problems?

  • Thread starter Mono182
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In summary, the conversation discusses two different problems involving acceleration and velocity. The first problem involves finding the initial velocity of a ball thrown from a hot-air balloon, while the second problem involves calculating the x- and y-components of the average acceleration of a truck traveling on a winding highway. The conversation includes discussions about converting units and using vector diagrams to solve the problems.
  • #1
My main problem right now is that i can't figure out most of the 2 dimensional problems. I try sketching it out but I'm finding it really hard. Can anyone help me figure out strategies to help me to beable to draw or sketch them out in the future.

1) A passenger in a hot-air balloon throws a ball with an intial unknown velocity. The ball accelerates at 9.8 m/s² [down] for 2.0 s, at which time its instantaneous velocity is 24 m/s [45º below the horizontal]. Determine the ball's initial velocity.

2) At 3:00 PM a truck traveling on a winding highway has a velocity of 82.0 km/h [38.2º E of N]; at 3:15 PM it has a velocity of 82.0 kn/h [12.7º S of E]. Assuming that +x is east and +y is north, determine the x- and y-components of the average acceleration during this time interval.
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  • #2
Hi, sorry for dig up a old post. But i am stuck on question 2 (as above) as well.

This is what i did:

For x:

a= (v2 - v1)/ Δt
a= (82sin12.7 - 82cos38.2)/ 0.25
= -185.65 km/h(2)

For y

=(-82cos12.7 - 82sin38.2)/0.25
= -522.81 km/h(2)

the correct answer is for x: 0.009 m/s/s
y: -0.025 m/s/s

thank you.
  • #3
Looks like you have sin and cos switched around.
  • #4
can you speicify which part is switched incorrectly? It doesn't seem to be according to my vector diagram.
  • #5
Everywhere that has either sin or cos.

p.s. welcome to PF :smile:
  • #6
Thanks : )
but no matter how much i switch the sin or the cosine i still don't get the required answer.
  • #7
Are you watching the units carefully, for both distance and time?
  • #8
thanks for the replies be the way.

initiall the distance and time is in Km and Hours. So i converted the 15min into 0.25 hours and i plugged everything in. At the end i reconverted km/h to m/s to see if the answers match but they didn't. Would there be something wrong with my vector diagram? I have V1 pointing north east (assume north and east are both +) and i have v2 pointing in the south east direction (where Y= - and X= +)
  • #9
Ste_0 said:
thanks for the replies be the way.
You're welcome.
At the end i reconverted km/h to m/s
Shouldn't that be km/h2 to m/s2?

Would there be something wrong with my vector diagram? I have V1 pointing north east (assume north and east are both +)
Yes, and it should be 38.2º from due NORTH.

... and i have v2 pointing in the south east direction (where Y= - and X= +)
Yes, and hopefully you have it 12.7º from due EAST.

FAQ: How Can I Improve My Approach to Solving 2D Motion Problems?

1. What are the four fundamental forces of nature?

The four fundamental forces of nature are gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. These forces govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.

2. How do forces affect the motion of objects?

Forces can cause objects to speed up, slow down, or change direction. This is described by Newton's Laws of Motion, which state that an object will remain at rest or in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

3. What is inertia and how does it relate to forces and motion?

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. This means that an object will resist changes in its velocity unless acted upon by a force. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia.

4. How do you calculate the net force on an object?

The net force on an object is the sum of all the individual forces acting on it. To calculate the net force, you must first determine the direction and magnitude of each force, and then add them together using vector addition.

5. What is the difference between weight and mass?

Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object, while mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. Weight can vary depending on the strength of the gravitational field, but mass remains constant. Mass is typically measured in kilograms, while weight is measured in newtons.
