Navier&Stokes to follow Poincare?

  • Thread starter neutrino
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In summary: Cached - Similar pagesMaybe the paper is old and she is no longer in mathematics. It happensI can't find any papers by "Penny Smith" on mathscinet. In summary, there is speculation about the potential solution of the Navier-Stokes Equation by Penny Smith, a doctoral student, which has since been withdrawn due to a serious flaw. However, there is still ongoing research on the topic, with recent solutions proposed by David Purvance. The discussion also touches on the Riemann Hypothesis and the credibility of sources on such topics.
  • #1
Navier&Stokes to follow Poincare??

It seems that yet another important problem in mathematics, and more importantly in physics, may have been solved. This time it's the Navier-Stokes Equation. This, too, is on the Clay Mathematical Institute's list of Millenium Problems. I've seen a couple of blog entries in the past week on this, so here are all the links...

Immortal Smooth Solution of the Three Space Dimensional Navier-Stokes System[/url][Arxiv]

Obviously, I can't make head or tail of all this, so the pros here can decide whether it's worthy enough of the award. :-p

To the mods: I've posted this in General Math section based on the author's choice in the Arxiv.
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Mathematics news on
  • #2
If this holds true, then it is a great advance.

I'll try to get a head of this, but I'm not sure if I manage to attach its tail properly.

Thanks, neutrino!
  • #3
Yeah, I called my local newspaper yesterday to see if they wanted to run a note mentioning this.
  • #4
Did they understand you?
  • #5
when i looked at that columbia blog page one of the last comments said pennny's paper had been 'withdrawn'. the person didnt say what was wrong with the proof but it looks like 'false alarm'... for now.
  • #6
Thanks for that, Fourier jr. Looking at the arxiv link, one can see that it has gone through a few revisions in the past week.
  • #8
Karlisbad said:
Did anyone tried the proposed proof of RH ?

That looks like quasi-math by someone who doesn't know TeX.
  • #9
CRGreathouse said:
That looks like quasi-math by someone who doesn't know TeX.

You can't judge a book by its cover...:mad: :frown: :mad: if you were "ugly" would yo like to be judged by your physical aspect?.

Of course i have read by didn't understand most of it, at least i think the author is trying to say us that the "Trace" of the operator [tex] Tr(u)=e^{iu\hat H} [/tex] exists and is related to the derivative of a certain numer-theory function, and that the potential satisfies (as seen on the wikipedia)

[tex] Tr(u)u^{1/2}\sim \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dxExp(iuV(x)+0.25i\pi) [/tex]
  • #10
"Authors: Penny Smith
Comments: Withdrawn
Subj-class: Differential Geometry; Analysis of PDEs
MSC-class: 35Qxx

This paper is being withdrawn by the author due a serious flaw. "

Looks like false alarm.
  • #11
Karlisbad said:
Of course i have read by didn't understand most of it, at least i think the author is trying to say

It is going to take some convincing for me to believe that you are not Jose. Every post you make just emphasises the point that you are indeed he, and attempting to foist off this nonsense as if it weren't is intellectually dishonest. If you weren't he then why get bothered abuot the comments on its presentation?

Of course there could be two people who post on identical topics here, in identical fashoin, I suppose. And you might not be at all related to the Jose of that post on the arxiv. But twice now you've put a link to it, just raising suspicions once more.
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  • #12
"In September 2006, Penny Smith of Lehigh University posted a paper on arXiv claiming to "prove the existence of a smooth solution for all time--under physicially reasonable hypothesis on the initial data--for the Navier-Stokes System in three dimensions."[1] On October 8, 2006, this paper was withdrawn by the author due a serious flaw."

From Wiki

Interesting how this unfolds, Andrew Wiles also found a major flaw in his proof of FLT, but quickly corrected it. I mean if this error is too serious that undermines the whole proof.
  • #13
Penny Smith's paper may have been withdrawn but this recent solution to the Navier-Stokes equations by David Purvance is still standing:"

The Arbitrarily-Close and Convergent Fer Product Solution to the Three Spatial Dimension Navier-Stokes Equations.
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  • #14
If they really have found solutions then this shud be headline news lol, because these equations have been found to describe the motions in the universe, which is obviously surprising as these equations were orignally intended to describe fluid motion, correct me if I am wrong. And also, all of us here, talking as if we know anything about the Riemann hypothesis, like were all mathmaticians. seriously, i swear if ANYONE knows crap about it, its matt grime, and even he probably has troubles understanding the proof. I swear, we all think were smarter than we really are.
  • #15
Gib Z said:
And also, all of us here, talking as if we know anything about the Riemann hypothesis, like were all mathmaticians. seriously, i swear if ANYONE knows crap about it, its matt grime, and even he probably has troubles understanding the proof. I swear, we all think were smarter than we really are.
Like everyone knows what's really happening inside the White House, or Iraq, or N.Korea. This is just math gossip, and everyone who is anyone can gossip. :-p
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  • #16
I know very little about the Riemann Hypothesis (and since there isn't a proof of it, Gib I certainly can't understand that).
  • #17
Who was this Penny Smith?

And if you "solve" NS, are arxiv and a blog good places to get comments from?

  • #19
Penny Smith is from what I've heard a ~40 year old doctoral student.
  • #20
Wow! She must be good then; especially with a Ph.D at age 12.

# Penelope Smith

* Associate Professor (on leave)
* Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1978.
* Differential geometry and geometric measure theory
  • #21
neutrino said:
You might be interested in the article which came out last week...

Thanks for the link - poor woman, seems the blog wasn't all her fault. Still it shows that you shouldn't be eager to post something, which you think corrct and which the whole world will look at, on arxiv!
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  • #22
J77 said:
Still it shows that you shouldn't be eager to post something, which you think corrct and which the whole world will look at, on arxiv!

I never said/thought it was correct. See the '??' the title?
  • #23
CRGreathouse said:
Yeah, I called my local newspaper yesterday to see if they wanted to run a note mentioning this.

I'm a little late commenting, but this sort of thing is a bad idea. getting 'results' announced in the popular press before they are 'results' makes mathematicians look like tools to the general public if they have to be retracted. It's not a good idea to have the public thinking mathematicians can't even tell when they have solved a problem or not. Even loads of "alleged" or "supposed" or 'proposed" in front of the word "proof" in a newspaper article won't necessarily keep the publics views positive.

J77 said:
Still it shows that you shouldn't be eager to post something, which you think corrct and which the whole world will look at, on arxiv!

Why not? It makes the article more available to the relevant people, i.e. the experts capable of understanding the paper, compared to passing out copies to individuals (this won't make much of a difference if the pool of relevant experts is small enough). I mean you obviously expect the authors will make every effort to be sure their work is accurate, but mistakes do make it off peoples desks, and make it past colleagues they've communicated with privately, and past seminar rooms, etc. If it was someone who read her paper on arxiv that pointed out the flaw, then I'd say arxiv did it's job of getting it into the right hands.
  • #24
neutrino said:
I never said/thought it was correct. See the '??' the title?
Not you!

The post made on arxiv.
  • #25
shmoe said:
Why not? It makes the article more available to the relevant people, i.e. the experts capable of understanding the paper, compared to passing out copies to individuals (this won't make much of a difference if the pool of relevant experts is small enough). I mean you obviously expect the authors will make every effort to be sure their work is accurate, but mistakes do make it off peoples desks, and make it past colleagues they've communicated with privately, and past seminar rooms, etc. If it was someone who read her paper on arxiv that pointed out the flaw, then I'd say arxiv did it's job of getting it into the right hands.
You'd get much better feedback if you handed it out to individual people that you know are good in the field and that you know will give good criticism.

'Experts' don't have the time to take papers of arxiv and check for their accuracy - particularly w.r.t. a problem like this.

And I'm sure the mistakes on a topic of this size would be picked up by the journal referees.
  • #26
J77 said:
You'd get much better feedback if you handed it out to individual people that you know are good in the field and that you know will give good criticism.

Of course you want it in the hands of the experts you know, arxiv isn't stopping that. It can make it available to both the experts you want and others.

J77 said:
'Experts' don't have the time to take papers of arxiv and check for their accuracy - particularly w.r.t. a problem like this.

Was her error found by someone who read the paper on arxiv? I don't know.

experts certainly had the time to read perelman's work on arxiv. What do you think about the approach he took?

J77 said:
And I'm sure the mistakes on a topic of this size would be picked up by the journal referees.

I'm not. Referees are not guaranteed to pick up all the errors. There's a reason that the clay prize requires your work to stand for a year before being accepted, after it's published it will face the scrutiny of everyone interested, not just a few referees.

To be more clear, I'm not saying arxiv should be a dumping ground for things people "kinda, maybe" think are correct. I don't think it's wrong to use it to quickly spread work that you're 'pretty darn confidant' is correct, provided your version of 'pretty darn confident' is not in general wasting peoples time. Maybe it is wrong, I dunno. Maybe it should just be used to make pre-prints of articles already accepted for publication available.

FAQ: Navier&Stokes to follow Poincare?

1. What is the Navier-Stokes equation?

The Navier-Stokes equation is a set of partial differential equations that describes the motion of a fluid, taking into account the effects of viscosity, pressure, and external forces.

2. What is Poincare's contribution to the Navier-Stokes equation?

Poincare made significant contributions to the understanding of the Navier-Stokes equation, particularly in the area of boundary conditions and the existence of solutions.

3. How do Navier-Stokes and Poincare's work relate to each other?

Poincare's work built upon the Navier-Stokes equation, providing a deeper understanding of its behavior and limitations. He also developed new techniques for solving the equation.

4. What are the current challenges in solving the Navier-Stokes equation using Poincare's methods?

One of the main challenges is the existence and uniqueness of solutions. Poincare's methods have been successful in proving the existence of solutions in certain cases, but finding a general solution remains a challenge.

5. How has the study of Navier-Stokes and Poincare's work advanced the field of fluid dynamics?

The study of Navier-Stokes equation and Poincare's contributions has led to a deeper understanding of the behavior of fluids, and has allowed for the development of more accurate models and simulations in various fields such as aerodynamics, weather forecasting, and oceanography.

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