PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year (12/29-01/04)

In summary, the contest this week is all about the number 7 and anything related to it. You can post a digital photo of anything with a clear connection to the number 7. You can only use one picture per member, and at the end of the contest period, the member with the best picture will win.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Education Advisor
Insights Author
Happy New Year!

Our contest this week will straddle into the new year, so what better theme can we have at this time? To celebrate the year 2007, our contest this week will involve anything to do with the Number 7. It could be a picture of a building that has only 7 floors, or a large number 7 painted on street signs, or a picture of seven swans-a-swimming, etc... Use your imagination. However, be sure that the connection to the "7" is clear and is the main subject of the picture.

Contest Rules:

1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a grey area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

2. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 or 490 x 650 pixels. You may also crop your picture if you wish. But other than that, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo for identification purposes.

3. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

4. Only ONE picture per member per contest.

5. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

6. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, I will do the polling in more than one thread. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

7. These pictures must be something that you took, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

8. You can use a picture only once. Once it is used in a contest, it cannot be reused in another contest.

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.

Physics news on
  • #2
I bet there will be a picture of a theatre showing Casino Royale. :biggrin:
  • #3
Seven Concrete Piers

There are seven concrete piers in this photo.
  • #4
I must be missing something. I only see 6.

  • #5
ZapperZ said:
I must be missing something. I only see 6.


There is a very small one on shore.
  • #6
An up-and-coming white rapper, "7-G"
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  • #7
SpaceTiger said:
An up-and-coming white rapper, "7-G"
Nick,[/URL] is that you? And how does the "7" come into play?
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  • #8
Seven fingers held up.
  • #9
turbo-1 said:
Nick, is that you?

I wish! 7-G is da bomb, yo.
  • #10
What, nobody has any pictures of something related to the number 7? Are you going to let SpaceTiger and larkspur win this by default??!


  • #11
I thought I didn't have a picture for this contest, but then I found this. Here are the seven dwarfs! :)

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's off to work we go...


  • #12
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  • #13
I don't think this needs any explanation :biggrin:
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  • #14
Seven minutes are up! I do have amazing powers of prediction! :biggrin:
  • #15
I didn't have anything that suited the theme, so had to stage a photo just for it...and I can't believe the action shot I got! Some of the others I just took were in crisper focus, but this was the most fun.

Yay! Seven Toy Mice!

I could've had more fun cropping out the feather lure (it's her absolute favorite toy, so easy to get her into the shot with it). I had to hunt all over the house to round up those mice though, which begs the question...where are the other gazillion of them hiding? (Note that the gray mice sort of blend in with the carpet in the background - there are two of those in the picture if you can't see them to count them.)
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  • #16
Gokul43201 said:
Okay, here goes! I predict this picture survives 7 minutes before it is scratched out by the twin lightning bolts of the mighty Zz ... but what the heck; I like to tell a story!

This is one of our instrument banks that let's us measure momentum transfer rates between electrons living in a pair of quantum wells. Since "momentum transfer rate" is just a fancy term for 'force', and since Bia is the Greek Goddess of force, I've always wanted to name this bank the Super Bia. The reason I haven't overtly done this, is out of concern that it may offend the sensibilities of any christians around here - "super Bia" sounds and looks a lot like superbia, which, as you all no doubt know, is the Latin word for 'hubris', the last and deadliest of the Seven Deadly Sins!

...tick tock tick tock...

PS: Just made up the above story a couple minutes ago, so when I said "always wanted", that may be a wee bit of an overstatement. Other details, however, are full of truthiness! :biggrin:

...tick tock tick...

Oy vey!

You are right, Gokul. That is a very, very far stretch! :)

I like the story, but I think this picture is a very, very distant cousin of the theme we have for this contest. So I'm afraid it doesn't qualify.

  • #17
ZapperZ said:
Oy vey!

You are right, Gokul. That is a very, very far stretch! :)

I like the story, but I think this picture is a very, very distant cousin of the theme we have for this contest. So I'm afraid it doesn't qualify.


You can hardly blame him. He spent last night alone in the lab, so desperate for a beer he'd wear a princess tiara, and with nothing for company but Ivan's groaners. He's obviously in sore need of amusement. :smile:
  • #18
ZapperZ said:
Oy vey!

You are right, Gokul. That is a very, very far stretch! :)

I like the story, but I think this picture is a very, very distant cousin of the theme we have for this contest. So I'm afraid it doesn't qualify.

Hmmmph! Meanie! :mad: Might I point out that your picture shows anly about 6.5 dwarves?

  • #19
Moonbear said:
You can hardly blame him. He spent last night alone in the lab, so desperate for a beer he'd wear a princess tiara, and with nothing for company but Ivan's groaners. He's obviously in sore need of amusement. :smile:

:-p :-p :-p :-p :-p

I'll be sending you a holiday turkey.
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  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
I'll be sending you a holiday turkey.

:rolleyes: Thanks...but no thanks. :rolleyes:
  • #21
A photo I took a few minutes away from UCLA:

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  • #22
Hmm...alex, I think you needed to crop out one of those trees. I count 8 (one trunk is hiding behind another, but if you count tops you find all 8). :biggrin:
  • #23
Nah! One of them's a mutant tree!
  • #24
As a reminder, you have two days left to enter a picture for this contest. Look around you. I'm sure there's something related to the Number 7 without having to resort to such a stretch of a story that Gokul had to!


  • #25
I know the perfect target for this topic, especially at this time of the year, but I don't have the camera to shoot it with. :(
  • #26
If my last picture isn't valid because there are 8 trees, then I'll use this photo:

you look for the 7...
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  • #27
alex caps said:
If my last picture isn't valid because there are 8 trees, then I'll use this photo:

you look for the 7...

Before you invoke the wrath of Zz, you need to delete the other one if you want to substitute this one as an entry. :biggrin:

Who was in charge of painting that place?! "Well, Joe, we have a pint of pink and a quart of purple, I think there's an open gallon of blue over there somewhere. Maybe we don't need to buy new paint for this job." :smile:
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FAQ: PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year (12/29-01/04)

What is the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year?

The PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year is an annual photography competition organized by the PF institution to celebrate the start of a new year. Participants are required to submit photos that capture the essence of happiness and new beginnings.

How can I participate in the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year?

To participate in the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year, you must follow the PF institution on their social media platforms, where they will announce the contest. Then, submit your photo entry according to the guidelines provided by the PF institution.

What are the criteria for judging in the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year?

The criteria for judging in the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year include creativity, originality, composition, technical skills, and adherence to the theme of the contest. A panel of judges will evaluate all entries and select the winners based on these criteria.

What are the prizes for the winners of the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year?

The prizes for the winners of the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year vary each year but usually include cash prizes, certificates, and recognition on the PF institution's website and social media pages. Additionally, winners may also receive photography-related merchandise or equipment.

When is the deadline for submitting entries for the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year?

The deadline for submitting entries for the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy New Year is usually specified in the contest announcement. It is important to submit your entry before the deadline to be considered for judging.

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