Wave race: Help me start off the earthquakes

  • Thread starter pugfug90
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Race Wave
In summary, an earthquake produces waves of different velocities. Transverse waves arrive 73s before longitudinal waves. The distance of the earthquake is 870,000 meters.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The velocity of the transverse waves produced by an earthquake is 8.9km/s while that of the longitudinal waves is 5.1km/s. A seismograph records the arrival of the transverse waves 73s before that of the longitudinal waves. How far away was the earthquakes?

Homework Equations

displacement= (Initial Velocity)(Time) + (0.5)(a)(time squared)?

The Attempt at a Solution

Given Answer: 8.7x10^2 km=870km=870,000m
I wish I showed you guys the 12/13 problems out of this worksheet that I did to show that I did try and am not trying to mooch..

I scoured the internet and found some similar links..

My last link basically showed.. they multiplied the fastest velocity by 98s.. How did they get 98s..I don't know..

Can anyone get me started on this?
I've tried..
3.8km (difference in velocity displacement)=73s*x
x=52m/2 .. Then try and use displacement formula.. But I have no acceleration value, so meh..
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  • #2
The waves move at constant speed--no need for accelerated motion, just distance = speed*time.

Try this: Call the distance D; call the time for the transverse wave to arrive T. Now apply the above speed equation for each wave and solve for D.
  • #3
Sorry.. it's not clicking.. How do I find the time for the transverse wave to arrive?
  • #4
You don't need the time, just call it T. Write two equations: one for the transverse wave; one for the longitudinal. You'll be able to eliminate T and solve for D.

Hint: If the time for the transverse wave is T, what's the time for the longitudinal wave?
  • #5
T + 72s? :-)
PS, distance = speed*time is (at least in this case) the same as displacement=velocity*time ?
We haven't done much of speed at all.. So I'm more comfortable with delta d:D
I've done 5.1 (km/s) + T=delta d=8.9 (km/s) + T + 72s
=5.1 (km/s)=delta d=8.9 (km/s) + 72s..

That can give me 3.8 km/s=72s..
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  • #6
pugfug90 said:
T + 72s?
Of course. :smile:
PS, distance = speed*time is (at least in this case) the same as displacement=velocity*time ?
Same thing.
  • #7
So how do I resolve 3.8 km/s = 72s = delta d?
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  • #8
I think I did my math wrong.. Ignore post#5..
Hey I think I got it! But this problem is so convoluted I'm going to forget it all meh rawr. PS, want to check my method? (I know the answer)
D=(8.9km*T)/s = [(5.1km)(T+72s)]/s
They both have same denominator so that cancels..
8.9km*T=5.1km*T + 367.2km*s
Isolate T..
That means it takes the transverse (faster), 96.6s to get there, and ~170s for the other..
I can use each's respective time and velocity to find distance.. Thanks Doc Al! I think I got it.

FAQ: Wave race: Help me start off the earthquakes

1. How do you start an earthquake in Wave Race?

In order to start an earthquake in Wave Race, you need to first select the "Earthquake" option from the game menu. Then, you will need to navigate your character to a body of water and use the designated button to trigger the earthquake. The strength and duration of the earthquake will depend on your character's skill level and the location of the earthquake.

2. Can the earthquakes be controlled in Wave Race?

No, the earthquakes in Wave Race are random events and cannot be controlled by the player. However, the location and intensity of the earthquakes can be influenced by the player's actions, such as using certain power-ups or performing stunts.

3. Will starting an earthquake affect my character's performance in the race?

Yes, starting an earthquake in Wave Race can have both positive and negative effects on your character's performance. On one hand, it can create waves that can help your character gain speed and perform tricks. However, it can also cause your character to lose control and slow down if the earthquake is too strong.

4. Are there any consequences to starting an earthquake in Wave Race?

Yes, there are consequences to starting an earthquake in Wave Race. If your character is in close proximity to the epicenter of the earthquake, it can result in them falling off their jet ski and losing valuable time in the race. Additionally, if the earthquake causes too much destruction, it can lead to a Game Over.

5. Is it possible to avoid an earthquake in Wave Race?

No, it is not possible to avoid an earthquake in Wave Race as they are random events that occur throughout the game. However, players can try to minimize the impact of the earthquake by avoiding the epicenter and staying in control of their character's movements.
