Another MAJOR finding by Mars rover to be announced Tuesday.

In summary, NASA and the Mars rover team will be announcing another major scientific finding on Tuesday, March 23 at 2pm. The discovery is expected to be significant and the conference was put together quickly. The speculation is that the announcement could be about evidence of groundwater or methane, the timespan of past liquid water on Mars, or even the possibility of a salty sea at the rover's landing site.
  • #1
Another “MAJOR” finding by Mars rover to be announced Tuesday.

On Tuesday, March 23 at 2pm, NASA and the Mars rover team are going to make another announcement about a major scientific finding by the rover Opportunity. No word yet on what the discovery is, but it should be big since they’re not wasting anytime putting this conference together. Check out this link for more info:
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
Interesting, I wonder what the announcement will be.
  • #3
Anyone want to take a guess?

I'm guessing it'll be evidence of groundwater. Just a guess.
  • #4
I agree

Groundwater (or Methane).
  • #5
Quick! Organize a betting pool! (kidding)

Of course, they found that Phobos is the coolest moon in the solar system. Yeah, that's it.

Ok, it's probably something about the timespan of past liquid water as determined from rock layers.

Or maybe Opportunity fell through a sinkhole into an underground cavern inhabited by a tribe of Amazons. (kidding - in case it wasn't obvious...the Amazons are on Venus)
  • #6
A Salty Sea At Meridiani Planum

"A salty sea once washed over the plains of Mars at the Opportunity rover's landing site, creating a life-friendly environment more earthlike than any known on another world, NASA scientists announced today."
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FAQ: Another MAJOR finding by Mars rover to be announced Tuesday.

1. What is the major finding announced by the Mars rover on Tuesday?

The major finding announced by the Mars rover on Tuesday is currently unknown, but it is expected to be a significant discovery related to the search for past or present life on Mars.

2. How was the major finding discovered?

The major finding was discovered by the Mars rover, which is equipped with various scientific instruments and cameras that allow it to analyze the Martian environment and collect data.

3. When will the major finding be announced?

The major finding will be announced on Tuesday, but the exact time may vary depending on the location and time zone.

4. What impact will this major finding have on our understanding of Mars?

The impact of this major finding on our understanding of Mars will depend on the nature of the discovery. It could potentially provide new insights into the planet's geology, history, and potential for hosting life.

5. Will this major finding lead to future missions or research on Mars?

It is possible that this major finding could lead to future missions or research on Mars, as it may provide new areas of interest for further exploration and study.

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