Lorentz invariant mass of electromagnetic field?

In summary: Poynting vector. So, I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with. I was saying the same thing. Sorry if I gave the impression I was disagreeing with you.In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of mass in relation to the energy and momentum of a photon and an electromagnetic field. It is explained that a photon has mass zero due to its momentum canceling out its energy in a specific equation. However, in the case of an electromagnetic field, there is a nonzero Poynting vector when both electric and magnetic fields are present. The discussion also touches on the idea of a point charge having infinite mass and the potential inconsistency with the concept of mass in relation to
  • #1
An photon has mass zero by virtue of its momentum canceling its energy in

[tex] m^2c^4 = E^2-p^2c^2[/tex]

But in electromagnetism a field configution only has momentum when both a magnetic field and an electric field are present, e.g. in an electromagnetic wave. Now when there is only an electric or magnetic field present, doesn't the field have an invariant rest mass E/c^2 with E the total energy stored in the field? Does it make any sense to think of it like that?

(Problem is maybe that for e.g. a point charge this mass is infinite...so it can't be the correct picture gravitationally right?)
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  • #2
da_willem said:
An photon has mass zero by virtue of its momentum canceling its energy in

[tex] m^2c^4 = E^2-p^2c^2[/tex]

But in electromagnetism a field configution only has momentum when both a magnetic field and an electric field are present, e.g. in an electromagnetic wave.
I disagree. On what do you base this on? I worked out an example which gives the opposite of your conclusion. See


Now when there is only an electric or magnetic field present, doesn't the field have an invariant rest mass E/c^2 with E the total energy stored in the field?

Does it make any sense to think of it like that?
(Problem is maybe that for e.g. a point charge this mass is infinite...so it can't be the correct picture gravitationally right?)
The mass of a point charge is finite even in the case of a point charge which has an infinite mass density.

Best wishes

  • #3
pmb_phy said:
Now when there is only an electric or magnetic field present, doesn't the field have an invariant rest mass E/c^2 with E the total energy stored in the field?

Wait, are you just saying no because he used the term "mass"? I mean, relativistically, the energy stored in an electric or magnetic field certainly behaves like a mass E/c^2. It has inertia and it gravitates. Right?
  • #4
Oh, wait, you're just saying he can't say for a photon that that energy is a rest mass. Of course if you are at rest relative to the photon it has no mass. That zero mass gets dilated to finite mass when the photons speed becomes c, because at c, the mass is dilated by a factor of infinity. Which really makes no rigorous sense to say at all. But it makes intuitive sense.

I wonder if that was any help?
  • #5
pmb_phy said:
I disagree. On what do you base this on? I worked out an example which gives the opposite of your conclusion. See



The mass of a point charge is finite even in the case of a point charge which has an infinite mass density.

Best wishes


I will take a look at your website later, but for now I would like to say a few things. Of course I figured a field configuration with only an electric or magnetic field has zero momentum, because the Poynting vector vanishes!

Now with zero momentum and a nonzero field energy density this would seem to imply a mass by the energy momentum relation. I know this would make no sense physically, but the equations do appear to indicate such a (sometimes infinite) mass, what's the deal here?
  • #6
da_willem said:
Now with zero momentum and a nonzero field energy density this would seem to imply a mass by the energy momentum relation. I know this would make no sense physically, but the equations do appear to indicate such a (sometimes infinite) mass, what's the deal here?

Oh, I see what you're asking now: when you integrate the energy density of the E-field of a point charge, you get infinite energy. This makes no sense because it certainly doesn't behave as though it has infinite mass.

Here's what http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/em/lectures/node56.html" says:

Unfortunately, if our point charges really are point charges then $a\rightarrow 0$, and the self-energy of each charge becomes infinite. Thus, the potential energies predicted by Eqs. (585) and (594) differ by an infinite amount. What does this all mean? We have to conclude that the idea of locating electrostatic potential energy in the electric field is inconsistent with the existence of point charges. One way out of this difficulty would be to say that all elementary charges, such as electrons, are not points, but instead small distributions of charge. Alternatively, we could say that our classical theory of electromagnetism breaks down on very small length-scales due to quantum effects. Unfortunately, the quantum mechanical version of electromagnetism (quantum electrodynamics, or QED, for short) suffers from the same infinities in the self-energies of particles as the classical version. There is a prescription, called renormalization, for steering round these infinities, and getting finite answers which agree with experiments to extraordinary accuracy. However, nobody really understands why this prescription works. The problem of the infinite self-energies of elementary charged particles is still unresolved.
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  • #7
Thanks! But, is it wrong to associate a 'rest mass' to the energy of a field, e.g. in the light of its gravitational influence? If so, what's the reason, as the equations (naively) seem to indicate such a mass?
  • #8
da_willem said:
I will take a look at your website later, but for now I would like to say a few things. Of course I figured a field configuration with only an electric or magnetic field has zero momentum, because the Poynting vector vanishes!
I disagree. As my derivation demonstrates you can have only a magnetic field in a frame S and still have a non-zero Poynting vector in a frame S' which is moving relative to S. The reason being is that in S' there will be a non-vanishing E field which, which crossed with the B field in S' will give a non-vanishing Poynting vector.

  • #9
pmb_phy said:
I disagree. As my derivation demonstrates you can have only a magnetic field in a frame S and still have a non-zero Poynting vector in a frame S' which is moving relative to S. The reason being is that in S' there will be a non-vanishing E field which, which crossed with the B field in S' will give a non-vanishing Poynting vector.


Right, I know that having an E or a B field is observer dependent (you do have an E field in the S' frame!), which might not cause a problem for the Lorentz invariance of the quantity

[tex] 'm'= \frac{1}{c^2} \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}\epsilon \int E^2 dV+ \frac{1}{2\mu} \int B^2 dV - \frac{c^2}{\mu} \int |\vec{E} \times \vec{B}| dV} [/tex]

So in the S frame the change (increase mainly due to the magnetic field) in field energy is probably canceled by the arising of field momentum. If I find the time I will try to do the calculation using your example.
  • #10
da_willem said:
Thanks! But, is it wrong to associate a 'rest mass' to the energy of a field, e.g. in the light of its gravitational influence? If so, what's the reason, as the equations (naively) seem to indicate such a mass?

By my reading of that reference, I think if you apply the right normalization, you can find out if a particular field actually has any energy or not, and if so how much. The electric field of an electron itself doesn't have energy, as the article says, no one really has figured out any "nice" explanation why. It's just an exception to the usual rule about energy densities of fields. So when you have true point charges lying around, you have to do that normalization thing to get the energy calculations right.

The electric field due to a continuous distribution of charge does carry energy in the usual way. And in this case, as I understand it, it is correct to say it has a rest mass. Point charges are the only weird thing, where the rules stop applying nicely.

Of course there are no continuous charge distributions really, but if you want to approximate... meh.

FAQ: Lorentz invariant mass of electromagnetic field?

What is the Lorentz invariant mass of an electromagnetic field?

The Lorentz invariant mass of an electromagnetic field is a measure of the energy and momentum of the field, as described by special relativity. It is a fundamental property of the field that remains constant regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

How is the Lorentz invariant mass of an electromagnetic field calculated?

The Lorentz invariant mass of an electromagnetic field can be calculated using the energy-momentum tensor, which describes the distribution of energy and momentum in the field. This tensor is used to calculate the mass using Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2.

Why is the concept of Lorentz invariant mass important for understanding electromagnetic fields?

The concept of Lorentz invariant mass is important because it allows us to understand the behavior of electromagnetic fields in different frames of reference, as described by special relativity. It also plays a crucial role in the development of theories and equations that accurately describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields.

Does the Lorentz invariant mass of an electromagnetic field change with velocity?

No, the Lorentz invariant mass of an electromagnetic field remains constant regardless of its velocity. This is one of the key principles of special relativity and is essential for understanding the behavior of electromagnetic fields in different frames of reference.

How does the Lorentz invariant mass of an electromagnetic field relate to the Higgs field?

The Higgs field is a theoretical field that is thought to give mass to elementary particles. The relationship between the Higgs field and the Lorentz invariant mass of an electromagnetic field is still being studied, but it is believed that the Higgs field may play a role in the mass of the electromagnetic field through interactions with other particles and fields.

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