Balancing the Cards: An Exploration

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving dividing 14 cards with numbers from 1 to 1000 into two piles with equal sums. However, it is argued that the original formulation of the problem is incorrect and a corrected version is presented. The problem is then stated in terms of sets and solved using the Pigeonhole Principle, showing that there will always be two disjoint sets with equal sums.
  • #1
so embarrased askin so much :redface:

On a table there are 14 cards. On each card there is a number between 1 to 1000. Show it is possible to divide the cards into two piles so that the total sums are the same.
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  • #2
Let card #1 to #13 all have the number 1 and let the 14th card have number 1000. 13 is not the same as 1000. Maybe you read or wrote the problem wrong?
  • #3
quasar987 said:
Let card #1 to #13 all have the number 1 and let the 14th card have number 1000. 13 is not the same as 1000. Maybe you read or wrote the problem wrong?

Though I think she means that all cards have a different number assigned to them, it doesn't take away the fact that the hypothesis presented is wrong. Suffice to have among the fourteen cards an odd number of cards having odd numbers assigned to in order for it to be impossible.
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  • #4
barbiemathgurl said:
so embarrased askin so much :redface:

On a table there are 14 cards. On each card there is a number between 1 to 1000. Show it is possible to divide the cards into two piles so that the total sums are the same.

As the two posters said you have indeed made a mistake.

The correct version of the problem should be:
"Given 14 cards with numbers from 1 to 1000 on them show that you can choose some of those cards to be divided into two piles with equal sums"

For example, as Werg22 said let the cards be:
Then your original formulation is false. By the correct formulation on top you can choose some of those cards, i.e. 1,2,3 and divide those into two equal piles, i.e. (1+2) and (3).

To prove this we need to state this problem in a different manner involving sets.
"Let S be a set of 14 numbers, with each number between 1 and 1000. Show that there exists two proper disjoint subsets A and B such that sum(A) = sum(B)"

There are 2^14 - 2 = 16382 possible subsets. Each subset will be assigned a number, that number is the sum of its elements. Now the lowest possible sum is 1 and the largest is 1000+999+...+992 = 8964. So there are 8964 possible set sums. Since 16382 > 8964 there exists two distinct (but not necessarily disjoint) sets A and B with sum(A) = sum(B) by the Pigeonhole Principle. If A and B are disjoint then we are done. If not the remove the elements that they have in common, that will preserve their sums (and the sets do not vanish because they are distinct). So we will end up with two disjoint sets with equal set sums.
  • #5
in your solution, why does the largest sum only have 9 numbers in it? Shouldn't it be the sum of the largest 13 numbers?
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FAQ: Balancing the Cards: An Exploration

What is the purpose of "Balancing the Cards: An Exploration"?

The purpose of "Balancing the Cards: An Exploration" is to study and analyze the game of cards in order to understand the mechanics and strategies behind it. This exploration can help us gain a deeper understanding of probability, game theory, and decision making.

How does "Balancing the Cards: An Exploration" approach the study of cards?

"Balancing the Cards: An Exploration" approaches the study of cards from a scientific perspective, using methods such as data analysis, mathematical modeling, and experimentation. This allows for a systematic and objective approach to understanding the game.

What are some potential applications of the findings from "Balancing the Cards: An Exploration"?

The findings from "Balancing the Cards: An Exploration" can have practical applications in fields such as game design, statistics, and artificial intelligence. The insights gained from studying cards can also be applied to other games and real-life scenarios involving decision making and chance.

What are some key factors that influence the balance of a card game?

The balance of a card game can be influenced by various factors, such as the card distribution, the rules of the game, and the strategies used by players. Other factors like luck, skill, and player psychology can also play a role in the balance of a card game.

How can "Balancing the Cards: An Exploration" benefit players of card games?

"Balancing the Cards: An Exploration" can benefit players of card games by providing them with a deeper understanding of the game, its mechanics, and strategies. This can help players make more informed decisions and improve their gameplay. Additionally, the exploration may also lead to the discovery of new and more balanced card games.
