Can Fire Melt Steel? Investigating the Controversy Surrounding 9/11 Conspiracies

In summary, Rosie O'Donnell said that because steel is tough, the jet fuel in a plane crash would not be able to melt steel. However, jet fuel does release a lot of heat in a fire, and steel does not hold up well to heat.
  • #1
I was recently watching an episode of The View on youtube where they were talking about 9/11 conspiracys. Rosie (I hate that woman) proceeded to tell the audience that it is impossible for fire to melt steel and therefore there were other factors involved that made the towers collapse. I want to make it very clear that I'm not one of those idiots who thinks that 9/11 was done by our own government, but Rosie did bring up an interesting point. Steel is pretty tough. Would the jet fuel create enough combustion to heat the steel to the point to where it would melt? I'm not asking anyone to verify conspiracy theories, I'm just asking this simple question: Can the fire produced by a plane crash produce enough heat to melt steel?
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  • #2
im pretty sure this was the central issue in whichever committee it was that examined the crash, and their conclusion was a resounding yes. Jet fuel does burn hot enough to melt steel.
  • #3
Liger: the answer is generally no. But steel performs very badly in a fire. It loses much of its strength at a surprisingly low temperature, easily achievable in a garden bonfire. This is why a blacksmith can work steel on a forge. If you search the internet for "warehouse fire" or similar, or keep your eye open for news stories, you will see pictures of steel girders lying on the ground because a steel-framed building has collapsed. You can find out more for yourself here:

Be alert for this conspiracy theory stuff. There are some quite mendacious liars out there with an agitprop agenda and a drip-drip-drip big lie technique devised to sway public opinion, especially amongst the younger generation.
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  • #4
I can't stand that wench.

Here are some things that are incredibly incorrect about Fatty-Mcgee's statements:

1) JET-A fuel is not the only source of fire/heat in the event. Therefore it is incorrect to imply that jet fuel does not release enough energy in a fire. There are other items such as carpet, furniture, paper, etc... that all added to the situation. That doesn't even mention the idea of any magnesium components from the aircraft that caught on fire.

2) The yield strength of most ferrous metals does not hold up well under heat. Most steel will have a yield point reduction of around 25% at 600°F. It's not until the addition of nickel and other alloying components which are very expensive, does steel start to do better under high temp conditions.

I'd like to prove that jet fuel has enough energy to melt Rosie O'Donnel.
  • #5
The utter stupidity of these conspiracy theories is why we do not discuss them here...

FAQ: Can Fire Melt Steel? Investigating the Controversy Surrounding 9/11 Conspiracies

1. Can fire really melt steel?

Yes, fire can melt steel under certain conditions. The melting point of steel is typically around 1370°C (2500°F) and fire can reach temperatures well above this.

2. What type of fire is needed to melt steel?

To melt steel, a fire with a high enough temperature and oxygen supply is needed. This can be achieved with a blast furnace or an oxyacetylene torch, which can reach temperatures over 3000°C (5400°F).

3. How long does it take for fire to melt steel?

The time it takes for fire to melt steel depends on the temperature of the fire and the thickness of the steel. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

4. Can a regular house fire melt steel structures?

No, a regular house fire does not typically reach temperatures high enough to melt steel structures. However, a fire fueled by flammable liquids or gases can reach higher temperatures and potentially melt steel.

5. What happens to steel when it is melted by fire?

When steel is melted by fire, it undergoes a process called liquefaction where it becomes molten and can be poured into molds or shaped. Once the fire is extinguished and the steel cools, it solidifies and retains its original properties.

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