An set without limit points - Necessarily closed?

In summary, the conversation discusses the definitions of limit points and contact points, as well as the concept of a centered system of closed sets. There is also a discussion about the statement that a set without limit points must be closed, which is shown to be false through counterexamples. The conversation also touches on the definition of a limit point and how it applies to different spaces.
  • #1
"x is a limit point of A" = "All neighborhoods of x contain an infinite amount of points of A"
"x is a contact point of A" = "All neighborhoods of x contain at least one point of A"
"X is a centered system of closed sets" = "[tex]\cap A[/tex] is not empty, where A is any finite subset of X, and where X is a set of closed sets."

In some book of mine, in some proof of a theorem, the author implicitly asserted for some set X that "Since X is a set without limit points, X is closed."

Now, I do not really know how to prove that--in fact, I think it may be false.

For example take the space to be the set of integers. Let the open sets be any set of non-negative integers, sets of the form {a, -a} where a is any natural number, any unions of the above sets, and the empty set. Let N be the set of natural numbers. Surely N is without limit points--in fact, no element of the space is a limit point of any set since all elements of the space have a finite neighborhood. However, surely -1, which is not a an element of N, is a contact point.

Note: this is what the author stated:

"Theorem: If T is a compact space, then any infinite subset of T has at least one limit point.
Proof: Suppose T contains an infinite set X with no limit point. Then T contains a countable set [tex]X=\{x_1,x_2,...,x_n,...\}[/tex] with no limit point. But then the sets [tex]X_n=\{x_n,x_{n}_{+1} ,...\} (n=1, 2, ...)[/tex] form a centered system of closed sets in T with an empty intersection, i. e. T is not compact."
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  • #2
A set is closed if its complement is open, now if X every point of it is not a limit point, then obviously the limit points of a sequence of points in X, are in X^c, now you should show, that X^c contains an open sphere, which is basically proving that there exists a point P_n such that for every r>0, and every P in the discussion set, we have that: |P-P_n|<r, which is the definition of a limit point.
  • #3
If a set is closed it contains all its limit points, or stated differently, a set isn't closed if it doesn't contain at least one of its limit points. So if a set has no limit points, it must be closed.
  • #4
"If a set is closed it contains all its limit points" but the converse true?
For example, consider the two-element space T= ({0, 1}, {{}{0}{0,1}}). {0} does not have any limit points, but it is not closed, since {0,1}-{0}={1} is not an open set.
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  • #5
morphism said:
So if a set has no limit points, it must be closed.

This is clearly wrong: The integers as a subset of R with the usual topology is not closed and has no limit points.
  • #6
Actually, the integers do form a closed set in R with the usual topology, since it contains all its contact points (or, formulated another way, the union of the sets (a, a+1) where a is any integer is an open set, which is the complement of the integers.)
  • #7
Extropy said:
In some book of mine, in some proof of a theorem, the author implicitly asserted for some set X that "Since X is a set without limit points, X is closed."

This is false.

I assume that the X above is related to the X below.

Note: this is what the author stated:

"Theorem: If T is a compact space, then any infinite subset of T has at least one limit point.
Proof: Suppose T contains an infinite set X with no limit point. Then T contains a countable set [tex]X=\{x_1,x_2,...,x_n,...\}[/tex] with no limit point. But then the sets [tex]X_n=\{x_n,x_{n}_{+1} ,...\} (n=1, 2, ...)[/tex] form a centered system of closed sets in T with an empty intersection, i. e. T is not compact."

The sets X_n are not a priori closed: countable unions of closed sets are not guaranteed to be closed. I can only presume that the author has some other result in mind that utilizes the fact that T is compact.
  • #8
But, if a set S did not have any limit points,and it was not closed, you may
say that the set of limit points of S is the empty set. Then saying that S is
not closed would imply that S does not contain the empty set, which cannot happen.

In addition, as I think someone above said, if S did not have limit points,
then you may consider X-S (X ambient space, assuming S is a subspace).
Then, for any x in X-S , there must be a 'hood ('hood=neighborhood) V_x
of x, such that V_x does not intersect S , otherwise x would be a limit
point of S . That gives you, for every x in X-S , a 'hood of x contained
in X-S . Then X-S is open, and S is closed.
  • #9
Extropy said:
"If a set is closed it contains all its limit points" but the converse true?
For example, consider the two-element space T= ({0, 1}, {{}{0}{0,1}}). {0} does not have any limit points, but it is not closed, since {0,1}-{0}={1} is not an open set.

Actually, 1 is a limit point of {0}, since every 'hood (neighborhood) of
1, specifically {0,1}, intersects {0}.
  • #10
I believe that we should stick with proper english, and not with english from the hood.
  • #11
WWGD said:
Actually, 1 is a limit point of {0}, since every 'hood (neighborhood) of
1, specifically {0,1}, intersects {0}.

But with the definition of limit point being "a point which contains an infinite amount of points in A in all its neighborhoods," no set in that space can have a limit point, since they are all finite sets. Perhaps the statement would work if the definition was replaced by "a point x which contains at least one point in A-{x} in all its neighborhoods" but it does not work with the current definition of limit point.
  • #12
To extropy:

Well, I am going by Borowski and Borwein's Dictionary of math's def:

Cluster point, limit point, accumulation point:
"A point every punctured neighborhood of which has a non-empty intersection with a given set; ...". and no xception is made for finite spaces. I guess it comes down to the definition you're using. So,
to sum it up, I am right under my definition, and you are right under
yours, I believe.
But I don't know which one we should use. Problem is if we do not have limit points, we cannot talk about convergence, etc. , so that neither of the sequences : 0,0,0,... nor 1,1,1,... would converge.

To Loop Quantum Gravity:
I was just joking a little, just for fun. I am not writing entire messages
in that style, I just like to drop jokes like that everyonce in a while. Math
can get too intense at times, and I thought that may help.

If I was writing fully in that style, or if most of my posts were not
relevant to the questions, I would agree with you. Still, I guess this
is a democracy , and if many people dislike it, I will drop it. Sound fair?
  • #13
I don't have a problem with it, but if it were for short or fun then why have you used it with brackets that it means neighbourhood more than once? (-:
  • #14
Just an FYI, the normal abbreviation is nbd.
  • #15
To Quantum Loop:
Well, I decided to define it twice because I did not know wether everyone would read both my posts, so someone who had no read the post where I first used the abbreviation would not understand it.

To Matt:
Yes, Nbd is the usual abbreviation, but using it would defeat (at least my) purpose of giving (at least myself) a relaxation break , by using something out of the ordinary.
I don't want to go too far off, but usage of standard words triggers
or reinforces existing moods. Using something different or off-beat may , at best, shock you out of a state of stress, and , at worse (or so I believe) it may be just a small distraction.

Again, if this upsets people, I will drop it. Anyway, peace, and go with
the force, go with the m*a (f=m*a) :)

P.S: I wrote a title for a HW I did on Latin Squares: " I am Latin, but
I ain't no square" ( I am Latin, from Venezuela, BTW). This is the
( I admit low-brow, low-quality) humor I am aiming for.
  • #16
it's dp/dt, but i let you off the hook. (-:

Related to An set without limit points - Necessarily closed?

1. What does it mean for a set to have no limit points?

Having no limit points means that there are no elements in the set that can be approached arbitrarily closely by other elements in the set. In other words, there are no points that "converge" towards each other.

2. How can a set have no limit points?

A set can have no limit points if it is either finite or if it is an infinite set with a finite upper bound. In other words, all elements in the set have a certain distance between them, and there are no elements that can be infinitely close to each other.

3. What is the significance of a set without limit points being closed?

A set without limit points being closed is significant because it means that the set contains all of its limit points. This also means that the set is complete and does not have any "holes" or "gaps" in it.

4. Can a set without limit points be open?

No, a set without limit points cannot be open. An open set must have at least one limit point, and if a set has no limit points, it cannot have any limit points that are not contained within the set, making it closed.

5. How does the concept of limit points relate to the topology of a set?

The concept of limit points is closely related to the topology of a set. In topology, the limit points of a set are used to define the boundary or closure of a set. A set without limit points is considered to have an "empty" boundary, while a set with limit points has a non-empty boundary.

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