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what is renormalization really and what does it do?
captain said:what is renormalization really and what does it do?
Demystifier said:Two important points, usually not recognized by people working in quantum field theory:
1. Renormalization is not necessarily related to infinities. For example, solid state physics formulated on a finite lattice also uses renormalization.
2. Renormalization is not necessarily related to quantum physics. For example, classical electrodynamics dealing with self-fields of charged particles also requires renormalization.
Demystifier said:1. Renormalization is not necessarily related to infinities. For example, solid state physics formulated on a finite lattice also uses renormalization.
meopemuk said:Yes, this is true. In solid state QFT momentum integrals are normally convergent, because there is a natural momentum cutoff - the inverse of the lattice constant. So, the renormalization results in finite corrections to the masses and charges of particles. These corrections (e.g., "effective masses" of electrons and holes, "screened charges", etc.) are well understood as the product of interactions between particles and the medium (crystal lattice).
In recent years it became fashionable to apply the same kind of explanation to the renormalization of QFT in fundamental particle physics. The idea is that space-time is a kind of physical medium which has some granularity (i.e., somewhat similar to crystal lattices), perhaps at the currently unaccessible "Planck scale". This would provide a natural cutoff for loop momentum integrals and make renormalization finite. Needless to say that nobody knows what is the nature of this "granularity" and whether it exists at all.
Personally, I don't subscribe to these ideas. I think there is no need to introduce currently unknown Planck-scale physics as a solution for our macroscopic renormalization problems. The "dressed particle" approach resolves all issues without speculations about Planck-scale space-time structure.
captain said:thanks for all your help also other ocntributors. but i am curious to know what Eugene means at the end of the post.
meopemuk said:In recent years it became fashionable to apply the same kind of explanation to the renormalization of QFT in fundamental particle physics. The idea is that space-time is a kind of physical medium which has some granularity (i.e., somewhat similar to crystal lattices), perhaps at the currently unaccessible "Planck scale". This would provide a natural cutoff for loop momentum integrals and make renormalization finite. Needless to say that nobody knows what is the nature of this "granularity" and whether it exists at all.
Personally, I don't subscribe to these ideas. I think there is no need to introduce currently unknown Planck-scale physics as a solution for our macroscopic renormalization problems. The "dressed particle" approach resolves all issues without speculations about Planck-scale space-time structure.
Slaviks said:Hmm, what you refer here to a "fashion" seem to me the only logical explanation.
Namely, any QFT -- whether it comes from particle physics or a condensed matter problem -- is a convenient approximation. We stuff an infinite number of degrees of freedom into any finite interval of space, hence the divergencies.
The fact that we have no idea of what the UV cut-off for say, the Standard Model
does not allow us to postulate that an "infinitely flexible" field should be a fundamental concept. Such view is an unjustified extrapolation of the well-establish low-energy physics into the unknown high-energy domain.
I agree that RG and the "dressed particle" picture is a great way to get meaningful answer sfrom QFT without invoking any assumption about the physical nature of the UV cut-offs. We just shouldn't forget that we have no way of knowing at what scale or what kind of cut-offs they are.
Slaviks said:I will dare to insist on my point (this is not, however, meant to discredit the "dressed particle" picture): any field theory is an effective theory. Point-like interaction and infinite divisibility of space are just very convenient and useful abstractions.
Both procedures will not solve the conceptual issue: we have no way to tell what the space-time is like at small enough scales unless we can probe it expriementally one day. Before this, any ways of dealing with QFT divergences are about mathematical elegance and/or practical convenience. Physically they are in-distinguishable becasue they have to lead to the same known/tested low-energy physics.
meopemuk said:I would dare to say that space is "infinitely divisible" and that there is no new physics at the Planck's scale. Of course, I have no way to prove that without appropriate experiments.
meopemuk said:However, I do know that usual assumptions of the underlying space-time granularity are not needed to solve the problem of QFT divergences. A relativistic quantum theory of interacting fundamental particles can be made self-consistent and divergence-free without cutoffs and "effective field theory" arguments. This "dressed particle" formulation is elegant, economical, and practically convenient. Moreover it doesn't lead to paradoxes of particle "self-energies", "vacuum polarization", etc.
meopemuk said:In my view, the most significant advantage of the "dressed particle" approach is that it has a finite well-defined Hamiltonian which allows one to calculate the time evolution of interacting particle systems in addition to the usual QFT S-matrix.
Unfortunately, such a time evolution is presently not accessible to high energy physics experiments.
meopemuk said:However, without doubt, experimentalists will learn how to do these things in the future. Then, we'll see that the difference between "effective field" and "dressed particles" philosophies is more than a matter of elegance and convenience.
Slaviks said:So it's a matter of mathematical taste and convenience. For me it seems very strange if the same continuous Poincare-group structure what we use for the empty space (aka physical vacuum) at accessible energies would go ad infinitum to arbitrary small scale.
Imagine I give you a piece of solid (let it be a dialectric with a band gap of few eV), and let you do any experiments with it provided that you don't exceed energies of, say, 1 mK. All we can observe in this low energy limit are acoustic phonons. The allow for a very elegant (Debye) field theory formulation. We would measure their straight dispersion curve, estimate that with experimental accuracy they are perfect straight lines, extrapolate to arbitrary small scale (remember, we have no idea of the structure of the solid => no reason to invent ad hoc granularity). And then, of course, we'd have to invent a way to deal with "divergencies" (we can't discover the real acoustic phonon cut-off -- in my imaginary problem the Debye tempreature >> 1 mK).
This is not to sat that we would never know the elementary cell composition or the electronic properties.
This is one-to-one analogy to our situation with the physical vacuum we find ourselves in.
Our Planck scale is the Debye tempreature in my (actually, Phil Anderson's) example.
Slaviks said:This is great to know there is such an option! But I equally don't see any problem with the "self-eneries", "vacuum polarization" and other "bare" quantities which diverge in the UV limit of the conventional formualtion. We just need to keep in mind that all we do is finding nice mathematical ways to do extrapolation. Feeding unobservable bare masses and coupling and matching the low energy limit to experiment has work perfectly well so far.
Slaviks said:Here I get confused, most probably due to my ignorance:
why cannot time-evolution of an arbitrary configuration of particles be computed int he conventional approach once the
in the conventional approach once Lagrangian and the boundary conditions are specified?
May be you could point to the relevant section in the works you cited above where this disadvantage of usual QFT is discussed.
meopemuk said:Your solid state analogy could be relevant to the physics of fundamental particles only if vacuum has a non-trivial small-scale structure (an analog of the crystal lattice in your example). I don't see any reason to believe in this assumption. It seems more economical to think that vacuum is just empy space and that Poincare group remains valid for all (arbitrary small and arbitrary large) values of parameters (translation distances, rotation angles, and boost velocities).
meopemuk said:If we don't pay attention to those ugly unphysical "self energies" and "vacuum polarization", then we can call it success.
meopemuk said:Of course, the correct way to explain this paradox is to say that "bare" electrons are just fictitious particles and that real physical electrons don't have these strange properties.
Slaviks said:It would be truly surprising if we happen to live precisely at the end of this hierarchy. ... My belief is that the whole unlimited "unknown" lies down there.
Slaviks said:Probably the core belief that differentiates us (correct me if I'm wrong) is whether
on can uncover "the" fundamental QFT from arguments of pure logic and mathematical elegance. I believe one can not.
Slaviks said:Since I know my QED is just a mere (but excellently accurate and mathematically symmetric) low-energy approximation of inaccessible "unknown", then I don't worry whether the formal quantities you mention are physical or not. Just use them. If that leads to ugly mathematics, use a better equipped formalism. But I don't see any physical difference between your approach and the conventional Feynman's technique (of course, unless you predict measurable difference that a future experiment will be able to tell).
Haelfix said:Hawking radiation makes this view untenable though, clearly you will see virtual particles becoming real and outputing the characteristic thermal spectrum.
Without this point of view, you have all the old paradoxes of black holes.
Haelfix said:Effective field theory is a paradigm not only b/c of QED, QCD and all the other standard model successes, but also b/c there are examples of nonperturbative solutions that were solved and compared exactly with EFT in condensed matter and solid state physics. We know it works and is a consistent point of view.
Haelfix said:Its quite far beyond just SMatrix calculations anyway, as I've emphasized in the past. People study time varying symmetry breaking all the time in QCD and lattice QCD.
It would be great (although very surprising) to learn we've reach the bottom, but the problem is that we cann't tell!meopemuk said:I think it would be great to learn that we, indeed, reached "the end of the hierarchy".
meopemuk said:Isn't it the dream of any theoretical physicist?
meopemuk said:In my opinion, there are some clues indicating that we are not far from the end. For example, it is known that two electrons are *exactly* identical. This suggests that there can not be any deeper "substructure" inside electrons.
meopemuk said:It is my strong belief that theoretical physics must make all attempts to avoid using non-observable entities and quantities (like bare and virtual particles, ghosts, gauges, etc.). This is an ideal which we should try to achieve. Then non-trivial experimental predictions will follow.
meopemuk said:I would dare to say that space is "infinitely divisible" and that there is no new physics at the Planck's scale. Of course, I have no way to prove that without appropriate experiments. However, I do know that usual assumptions of the underlying space-time granularity are not needed to solve the problem of QFT divergences. A relativistic quantum theory of interacting fundamental particles can be made self-consistent and divergence-free without cutoffs and "effective field theory" arguments.
Slaviks said:It would be great (although very surprising) to learn we've reach the bottom, but the problem is that we cann't tell!
BTW, there are even more deep-rooted reasons to believe that "the dream is dead" -- see the discussions of Leonard Susskind's work, e.g. http://rabett.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html
Slaviks said:What are these clues?
What exactly do you mean by "it is known that two electrons are *exactly* identical"?
I don't see how an argument of particle identity can help you in extrapolating to arbitrary small scales which are never probed. E.g., two hydrogen atoms in their respective ground states are exactly identical, and there no way to prove their compositness once the energy of allowed experiments is well below the hyperfine splitting (the distance to the first excited state) = 21 cm wavelength. The very fact the we can have BEC means that the atoms being condensed are indistinguishable, once we cool the things cold enough.
Slaviks said:If a more elegant formulation is possible, then it is always welcome! But as far as verifyable predictions are identical, the choice of philosophy it remains the matter of taste. For some, virtual particles are ugly and horrible, for other they may be quite inspirational. Everyone has his own intuition, experimental validity is the judge (that's what I like about physics).
nrqed said:I may be wrong but it sounds as if you imply that an effective field theory approach implies the assumption of granularity of spacetime (I may have misinterpreted your words, if so I apologize). Saying that a theory is an eft does not imply that. It just implies that at some scale "new physics" arises. The nature of this new physics is quite arbitrary, it could be granularity of spacetime but it could be a new force, inner structure to the particles (including string-like structure) etc etc etc. So in that sense it is quite general.
nrqed said:A good example is of course the Fermi model of the weak interaction, which can be used as an eft as long as energies are much below the weak scale (the W mass, say), including in loop diagrams. The non-renormalizability of the theory indicated the need for new physics which had nothing to do with granularity of spacetime.
What are the conditions under which the dressed particle appraoach may be applied? Could it have been applied to cure the infinities of the Fermi model? In that case it would have missed the fact that there *was* a new underlying theory: the gauge weak interaction.
nrqed said:Finally, let me emphasize that the eft approach is extremely useful not only as a way to think of new physics but also to describe known theories at low wnergies. For example chiral perturbation theory, heavy quark eft and NRQCD for the strong force at low energies.. (there is also an equivalent to NRQCD called NRQED...you may recognize my handle). So the concept of eft has proven extremely successful as a tool that works very well to describe known theories. It suggests to me that it is a useful tool for describing known theories relative to "new physics".
Renormalization is a technique used in theoretical physics to eliminate infinities that arise in calculations involving quantum field theory. It is a mathematical procedure that allows physicists to make predictions about the behavior of particles and fields at very small scales.
Renormalization is necessary because at the quantum level, particles and fields interact with each other in complex ways, leading to infinities in calculations. These infinities do not have physical meaning and must be removed in order to make accurate predictions.
Renormalization removes infinities from calculations by adjusting the parameters of the theory. This allows the theory to accurately predict physical observables, such as particle masses and interaction strengths, at all energy scales.
Renormalization works by dividing physical quantities into two parts: a "bare" part that includes the infinities, and a "renormalized" part that includes the physical contributions. By carefully choosing the parameters of the theory, the infinities in the bare quantities can be absorbed into the renormalized quantities, resulting in finite and physically meaningful predictions.
Renormalization has been successfully applied in various fields, including particle physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum field theory. It has been used to make predictions about the behavior of subatomic particles, the properties of materials, and the behavior of physical systems at extreme temperatures and energy scales.