Why EFE Satisfy Empty Space in 2-3 vs 4-D+ Dimensions

In summary, when discussing empty space in relation to field equations, we mean a region with no energy or momentum, which implies that the Ricci tensor is set to zero in 2 or 3 dimensions. However, in 4 dimensions, the curvature tensor is not completely determined by the EFE and there is a part, known as the Weyl tensor, that remains free. This is due to the Bianchi identity, which relates the derivatives of the curvature tensors. To fully determine the curvature tensor, additional conditions must be imposed, such as symmetries of the metric. This is why in certain solutions, such as the Schwarzschild vacuum solution, the Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar are zero, but the Riem
  • #1
Hi I'm a newbie for GR so please answer my basic question

in empty space why we say for 2 or 3 Dimensions field equations in that region must have a curvature tensor equal to 0

but when we say about 4-D or higher , the curvature tensor which non-vanish can satisfy EFE?

I think when we say "empty space" it should mean that no energy or momentum so curvature must be zero

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  • #2
Empty space means zero energy-momentum tensor which according to EFE sets to zero the Ricci tensor R(mu,nu) not the full curvature Riemann tensor with four indices.

In 2 or 3 dimensions, Riemann is expressible in terms of Ricci (see section 6.7 in Weinberg's "Gravitation and Cosmology ..."). Thus setting Ricci to zero implies that Riemann = 0 too.

In 4 dimensions, Riemann is a sum of term proportional to Ricci, another term proportional to Ricci scalar and a part independent of Ricci, called Weyl tensor. Thus, setting Ricci =0 doesn't set the whole Riemann to zero. Examples are Schwarzschild vacuum solution (spacetime around spherical body) or the gravitational wave vacuum solution. They have Ricci = 0 and Ricci scalar = 0 but the Riemann tensor has non-zero components.

It's weird but Einstein Equations do not fix the full curvature tensor (Riemann) only a contraction of it (Ricci). The part of Riemann that remains free is the Weyl tensor. You have to impose extra conditions to fix that part, and then you get an unique solution. The extra conditions could be requiring a metric that looks in a certain way or has certain symmetries (spherical symmetry in Schwarzschild solution).
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  • #3
Although Weyl is not determined algebraically from the Einstein field equations, Weyl is not completely free. The Riemann curvature tensor satisfies the Bianchi identity, which relates the derivatives of these curvature tensors.
  • #4
off-diagonal said:
I think when we say "empty space" it should mean that no energy or momentum so curvature must be zero

Ditto robphy.

Some more detail:

It helps to know that the Riemann curvature tensor can be decomposed into
  • the scalar part, a four index built from the Ricci scalar,
  • the "semitrace part", a four index tensor built from the traceless Ricci tensor,
  • the completely traceless part, the Weyl tensor, aka conformal curvature tensor.
(In three dimensions, the completely traceless part vanishes identically. In two dimensions, so does the semitrace part. This phenomenon is purely mathematical and doesn't really affect gtr, which is typically applied to four dimensional Lorentzian manifolds!) The EFE stipulates that the Ricci curvature is proportional to the matter tensor, but this doesn't directly fix the Weyl curvature. However, as robphy said, by applying the once contracted differential Bianchi identity to the EFE, we obtain a differential equation by which, according to gtr, variations in the Ricci tensor (i.e. variations in density and momentum of a configuration of mass-energy) can induce variations in the Weyl tensor. This is why the aspherical variations over time of the distribution of mass and momentum in a configuration of isolated matter give rise to curvature variations which can propagate across a vacuum region in the form of gravitational radiation, and also why concentrating mass-energy in a compact region "curls up" the surrounding vacuum region. There is an excellent discussion of this in the textbook by Carroll, Spacetime and Geometry.
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FAQ: Why EFE Satisfy Empty Space in 2-3 vs 4-D+ Dimensions

1. Why does EFE satisfy empty space in 2-3 dimensions, but not in 4-D+ dimensions?

The Einstein Field Equations (EFE) describe the relationship between the curvature of space-time and the distribution of matter and energy. In 2-3 dimensions, the equations can be solved to describe the behavior of empty space, as there is only a limited number of ways that matter and energy can interact. However, in 4-D+ dimensions, the equations become more complex and there are an infinite number of possible interactions between matter and energy, making it impossible to fully describe the behavior of empty space.

2. How does EFE explain the concept of empty space in different dimensions?

EFE predicts that the curvature of space-time is directly related to the distribution of matter and energy. In 2-3 dimensions, where there is less matter and energy present, the curvature of space-time is less pronounced and can be described as "empty space." However, in 4-D+ dimensions, the increased presence of matter and energy creates a stronger curvature of space-time, making it difficult to define the concept of "empty space."

3. Can EFE be used to understand the behavior of empty space in higher dimensions?

EFE is a well-established theory in physics and has been used to make accurate predictions and explain various phenomena in our universe. However, its application in higher dimensions is limited as the equations become more complex and difficult to solve. Therefore, while EFE can provide some insight into the behavior of empty space in higher dimensions, it is not a complete or definitive explanation.

4. Are there any other theories or equations that can explain the behavior of empty space in 4-D+ dimensions?

There are various theories and equations that attempt to explain the behavior of empty space in higher dimensions, such as string theory and loop quantum gravity. However, these theories are still being developed and are not yet fully understood or widely accepted in the scientific community.

5. Does the existence of empty space in different dimensions have any implications for our understanding of the universe?

The concept of empty space in different dimensions has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It suggests that the laws of physics and the behavior of space-time may vary depending on the number of dimensions present. This challenges our current understanding of the universe and opens up new avenues for exploration and research in the field of physics.
