What is the radius of curvature of an electron beam in a uniform magnetic field?

  • Thread starter Evenglare
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In summary, the problem involves finding the radius of curvature of an electron beam with an energy of 2.0 MeV and entering at a right angle to a uniform magnetic field of .05 weber/m^2. The unit weber is a measure of magnetic flux, and to convert MeV to velocity, a relativistic formula must be used. The rest energy of the electron is 0.511 MeV.
  • #1
MeV related to Velocity ??

Homework Statement

An electron beam from a 2.0 MeV Van De Graff enters at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of .05 weber/m^2. What is the radius of curvature of the path of the elctrons?

Homework Equations

A couple of them. First off what the hell is a weber... after taking 3 years of physics in college this is my first encounter with such a unit. But more importantly... how do i convert MeV into Velocity?

The Attempt at a Solution

I know

qv x B = (Mv^2)/r

I tried converting MeV into joules and then plugging it into the Kinetic energy equation .. no go.. i started getting velocities much bigger than the speed of light. Any help is appreciated, as this also is used in the next problem.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The weber is a unit of magnetic flux, equal to one telsa-meter^2. See

You need to use a relativistic formula to get the velocity, [itex]E=\gamma mc^2[/itex], with [itex]\gamma=(1-\beta^2)^{-1/2}[/itex] and [itex]\beta=v/c[/itex]. For the electron, [itex]mc^2=0.511\,\rm MeV[/itex]. (This is how particle physicists always quote particle masses, by the rest energy [itex]mc^2[/itex]; it's much more convenient than converting everything to MKS units.)

FAQ: What is the radius of curvature of an electron beam in a uniform magnetic field?

1. What does "MeV" stand for?

"MeV" stands for megaelectronvolt. It is a unit of energy commonly used in particle physics and nuclear physics.

2. How is MeV related to velocity?

MeV is not directly related to velocity. It is a unit of energy, while velocity is a measure of an object's speed and direction. However, in certain situations, MeV can be used to calculate an object's velocity, such as in the study of particles moving at high speeds.

3. How is MeV different from other units of energy?

MeV is a smaller unit of energy compared to other commonly used units such as joules or calories. 1 MeV is equal to 1.602 x 10^-13 joules or 3.829 x 10^-8 calories.

4. How is MeV used in scientific research?

MeV is often used in studies of nuclear reactions and particle accelerators. It is also commonly used in medical imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) scans.

5. Can MeV be converted to other units?

Yes, MeV can be converted to other units of energy using conversion factors. For example, to convert from MeV to joules, multiply by 1.602 x 10^-13. To convert from MeV to calories, multiply by 3.829 x 10^-8.
