Expanding Universe: Empty Space, Gas Mass & Galactic Expansion

In summary: The intergalactic gas is of very low density and that extra density could have a small effect on the cosmological expansion rate but its pressure is negligible. In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of intergalactic gas playing a role in the expansion of the universe. However, it is explained that the low density and pressure of this gas would not have a significant effect on the expansion. Instead, the expansion is attributed to dark energy and the initial conditions of the Big Bang. The idea of an "outer shell" of gas surrounding galaxies is also dismissed due to the lack of a net gravitational pull.
  • #1
Empty space contains a surprising amount of matter in the form of gas. I couldn't tell you the number because I can't find it online but it is there. Has anyone thought that the universe might be expanding because this gas in empty space far outnumbers the mass of galaxies and that the gas is far out in the universe past the galaxies. It could account for the fact that galaxies are expanding and simplify everything involved. thanks
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  • #2
I don't really understand what you are trying to say. So I'm willing to take your word for it there is a lot of gas between galaxies. How does this explain the universe expanding? And why would the gas be farther out than the galaxies? And farther out with respect to what (e.g., how do you measure this without unjustly giving a special meaning to our point of view or defining a "center" of the universe)
  • #3
It seems there is a fundamental misconception here.

If there was a intergalactic gas of high pressure then counter-intuitively that pressure would cause the universe to slow down in its expansion and tend to contract. This is because pressure acts like energy in GR and is a source of gravitation, which in the cosmological case causes space to decelerate in its expansion.

Interestingly it is now thought the universe is accelerating in its expansion and this is attributed to Dark Energy, which has the characteristic of negative pressure that has the reverse effect of ordinary gas pressure.

The intergalactic gas is of very low density and that extra density could have a small effect on the cosmological expansion rate but its pressure is negligible.

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  • #4
The density of hydrogen in intergalactic space is somewhere on the order of one molecule per cubic meter. I don't know if that is surprisingly high, but it is a more perfect vacuum than we can create on earth.
  • #5
I was more trying to say that the gas was out there in front of the galaxies pulling them towards it. I'm not really saying it's a high pressure either. If you ask me a hydrogen molecule every cubic meter in the whole of space would add up quick. Since I'm probably wrong, do they count all these molecules when they take a approximation to the mass of the universe?
  • #6
bassplayer142 said:
I was more trying to say that the gas was out there in front of the galaxies pulling them towards it. I'm not really saying it's a high pressure either. If you ask me a hydrogen molecule every cubic meter in the whole of space would add up quick. Since I'm probably wrong, do they count all these molecules when they take a approximation to the mass of the universe?

If I follow what you are trying say, you are suggesting that there is a "outer shell" of gas surrounding an "inner core" of galaxies, and that the gravity of this outer shell pulls outward on the galaxies. Is this right?

If so, there is a fatal flaw in this scenerio: There would be no net outward gravitational pull on any part of the inner core by the outer shell. Newton showed that a hollow shell has zero net gravitational effect on the area inside of the shell.
  • #7
bassplayer142 said:
Empty space contains a surprising amount of matter in the form of gas. I couldn't tell you the number because I can't find it online but it is there. Has anyone thought that the universe might be expanding because this gas in empty space far outnumbers the mass of galaxies and that the gas is far out in the universe past the galaxies. It could account for the fact that galaxies are expanding and simplify everything involved. thanks
would this supposed gas eventually be pulled into the galaxies by gravity
  • #8
Garth said:
It seems there is a fundamental misconception here.

If there was a intergalactic gas of high pressure then counter-intuitively that pressure would cause the universe to slow down in its expansion and tend to contract. This is because pressure acts like energy in GR and is a source of gravitation, which in the cosmological case causes space to decelerate in its expansion.

Interestingly it is now thought the universe is accelerating in its expansion and this is attributed to Dark Energy, which has the characteristic of negative pressure that has the reverse effect of ordinary gas pressure.

The intergalactic gas is of very low density and that extra density could have a small effect on the cosmological expansion rate but its pressure is negligible.

is the expansion due to a repulsive effect in gravity
  • #9
The effect of gravity, attractive or repulsive, is either a deceleration or an acceleration of the expansion rate.

The initial cause of the expansion itself is quite mysterious and bound up with the initial conditions of the BB.

All we know is that the cosmological solution to Einstein's Field Equation will admit only expanding or contracting solutions, the Hubble red shift of distant galaxies shows that we happen to live in an expanding one.

The only static solution, Einstein's initial suggestion, which used a cosmological constant to hold cosmological gravitation at bay, proved to be unstable.

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  • #10
bassplayer142 said:
Empty space contains a surprising amount of matter in the form of gas. I couldn't tell you the number because I can't find it online but it is there. Has anyone thought that the universe might be expanding because this gas in empty space far outnumbers the mass of galaxies and that the gas is far out in the universe past the galaxies. It could account for the fact that galaxies are expanding and simplify everything involved. thanks

if we go by your predictions we should get the emission or absorbtion spectra for each and every star due to gas which we are not getting. this shows that gas exixts but not in huge quantity.there r no reasons as to why universe is expanding but the graphs of big bang and big crunch can tell us about this.instead of getting an absorbtion spectra we r getting highly redshifted spectrums which say that sources r moving far from us and so r we. according to me the space between galaxies is increasing or the hubbles laws can be true.

FAQ: Expanding Universe: Empty Space, Gas Mass & Galactic Expansion

1. What is the expanding universe theory?

The expanding universe theory, also known as the Big Bang theory, states that the universe began as a single point of infinite density and has been continuously expanding ever since.

2. How does empty space contribute to the expansion of the universe?

Empty space, also known as the vacuum of space, is not actually empty. It contains particles and energy that have a repulsive force, known as dark energy, which is responsible for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.

3. What is the role of gas mass in the expanding universe?

Gas mass, or baryonic matter, makes up only a small percentage of the total mass of the universe. However, it is responsible for the formation of galaxies and other structures through gravitational interactions.

4. How does galactic expansion occur?

Galactic expansion is the result of the overall expansion of the universe. As space itself expands, it carries galaxies with it, causing them to move away from each other at increasing speeds.

5. What evidence supports the theory of an expanding universe?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the expanding universe theory, including the observed redshift of distant galaxies, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the abundance of light elements in the universe. Additionally, the theory is consistent with Einstein's theory of general relativity.

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