Muon-Catalyzed Fusion of Metallic Hydrogen

In summary, buckyballs may be able to compress hydrogen into high-density metallic form, which may lead to greater power output than breakeven. However, this is still in the research stage and requires further testing.
  • #1
Can buckyballs compress hydrogen into high-density metallic form?

If so, would muon-catalyzed fusion of such metallic hydrogen yield energy output greater than breakeven?
It's been pointed out that of all fusion efforts conducted so far, it was Nagamine's mcf experiments which achieved the highest recorded figure of ~67% of breakeven. And that was done with solid frozen hydrogen targets.

So what if attempts were made using metallized hydrogen inside of buckyballs? For one thing, wouldn't the electron probability density function be abnormally high inside the interior of a buckyball? Wouldn't that help the muons to move quickly into the region where the metallized hydrogen would be sitting?

Graphene seems to have some very useful properties with respect to electrons. So I'd wonder how graphene would treat muons? (Maybe that's a topic for a separate thread, but I'd also like to discuss how the apparently "massless" behavior of electrons in graphene might might have implications on the behavior of muons, which are the heavier cousins to the electrons.)
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  • #2
At the moment muon catalyzed fusion is not practical because their production would consume way more energy than the fusion reactions they initiate before decay. The lifetime of the muon is 2.20 microseconds.

Another complication here is that metallic hydrogne and buckballs do not exist at temperatures consistent with fusion - 1 ev is equivalent to 11605 K, and fusion events produce temperatures in MeV range.

The electrons in the metallic hydrogen would interfere with the fusion process, and very likely preclude it. The muon would have to displace an electron between two deuterons (or d,t - since protons or protium would be rather impractical), cause a fusion reaction, and move on to cause other fusion reactions before it decays. Then to be practical, the energy produced has to be transported from the site of the fusion reation to an energy conversion system.
  • #3
Well, the graphene of the buckyballs could transport thermal or voltaic energy fairly quickly to a conversion system. That's why buckyballs have even been loaded into organic solar photovoltaic materials, to improve the conductivity.

As for muons moving from each diatomic pair to the next, that's what they do. I believe a single muon can catalyze over 100 fusions in its lifetime, with frozen hydrogen. But perhaps with metallic hydrogen it could achieve more fusions. Things would be so squeezed together, they'd no longer be diatomic, and so a muon would have more opportunities to fuse hydrogen nuclei.
  • #4
I don't believe the distance, or mean path, of the muon is the limiting factor to the cycle time. Most of the cycle is spent in forming the new mu-DT molecule per the attached cycle from T. Ryder's "Is There a Better Route to Fusion?", 2005

With regards to power output: Muon production energy required = 5GeV. The best case fusion power output is 200 fusions in the 2.2 us decay as Astronuc states, or 1GeV useful output for DT fusion (most energy per fusion).


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FAQ: Muon-Catalyzed Fusion of Metallic Hydrogen

1. What is Muon-Catalyzed Fusion of Metallic Hydrogen?

Muon-Catalyzed Fusion of Metallic Hydrogen (MCF) is a process in which muons, which are subatomic particles, are used to catalyze the fusion of hydrogen nuclei in solid metallic hydrogen. This results in the production of helium and energy.

2. How does MCF work?

In MCF, muons are injected into a sample of solid metallic hydrogen at extremely low temperatures. These muons create a temporary “bridge” between two hydrogen nuclei, making it easier for them to fuse and release energy. The muons are then released and can be reused for further reactions.

3. What are the potential applications of MCF?

MCF has the potential to be a clean and efficient energy source, as it produces large amounts of energy without emitting greenhouse gases or creating radioactive waste. It could also have applications in space propulsion and as a neutron source for scientific research.

4. What are the challenges facing MCF?

One of the main challenges of MCF is the difficulty in producing and controlling solid metallic hydrogen at the extremely low temperatures and pressures required for the process. Additionally, the cost of producing and maintaining the necessary equipment for MCF is currently very high.

5. What is the current state of research on MCF?

MCF has been studied since the 1950s, but it is still a relatively new and developing area of research. While some progress has been made in understanding and controlling the process, there is still much to be learned and improved upon. Many scientists believe that MCF has the potential to be a viable energy source in the future, but more research and development is needed to make this a reality.
