Did a Dream Predict the Evacuation of the Flotel Safe Scandinavia?

  • Thread starter KodeK
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In summary: KodeKreel8.co.ukIn summary, J W Dunne's research into precognition whilst dreaming suggests that people do in fact dream future events. His study published in An Experiment With Time concluded that people who dream an event before it happens are more likely to observe a news report of the event they had previously dreamed rather than witness it firsthand.
  • #1
J W Dunne's research into precognition whilst dreaming suggests that people do in fact dream future events. His study published in An Experiment With Time concluded that people who dream an event before it happens are more likely to observe a news report of the event they had previously dreamed rather than witness it firsthand.

If he is correct this suggests to me that the recent evacuation of the Flotel Safe Scandinavia which was widely reported may have been an ontological paradox.

A 23 year old woman on board the Flotel Safe Scandinavia had a dream that the offshore platform was evacuated due to a bomb scare. She was so upset by this dream that she related it to some other residents of the platform. The story of the dream spread around the platform like a rumor until panic spread and eventually the Flotel Safe Scandinavia was in fact evacuated due to a bomb scare.

If she did dream the future events or even the future subsequent news coverage as Dunne suggests is possible then surely this whole event was an ontological paradox?

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  • #2
You need to post a credible reference for this claim.
  • #3
I'm not sure there is a credible reference. Other than J W Dunne's study I have never found a serious investigation into dream precognition and J W Dunne never got a full scale study completed, only small test groups. I know for certain that I have seen future events in my own dreams but of course there is no way to prove this, it becomes a matter of faith or mysticism which is what J W Dunne was trying to avoid. This is the kind of thing that Richard Dawkins writes off as delusion or coincidence but I'm sure there is more to it than that.

  • #4
How about a reference for that study?

If he never published a paper in a mainstream academic journal then this is not a topic for discussion.

Edit: We can discuss personal experiences, but claims of experimental evidence require a link to the published paper.
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  • #5
You got the Flotel Safe Scandinavia story a bit wrong also, or perhaps you could supply a source for that. All the sources I found said she dreamed there was a bomb, not a bomb scare/evacuation. It's a really big stretch to go from dreaming about a bomb to dreaming about a bomb scare and then relating it all back to J W Dunne. By the way, I'm not at all sure what an "ontological paradox" is, especially within the context here.

A woman who works on an oil rig in the North Sea had a dream that a bomb was on the platform. When she was overheard recalling the dream, it resulted in an evacuation.

The worker, aged 23, told pals of her nightmare about a device on the giant Safe Scandinavia accommodation block ‘flotel’.

She then reportedly tried to jump off the rig after throwing her bags in the water.

Wild rumours about a bomb then spread about the rig.

Dana Rosu, 23, triggered a major evacuation when she "flipped out" after dreaming there was a device on the North Sea platform.

He added: "It was complete madness. This girl had a dream about a bomb being on board and she was a bit shaken. She told other people and before long it had grown arms and legs.
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  • #6
I don't see the paradox, take this example, i dream about a bomb being place in my bank, then i go to my bank yelling "There is a bomb", next the bank is evacuated.. So what's the big deal?
  • #7
KodeK said:
A 23 year old woman on board the Flotel Safe Scandinavia had a dream that the offshore platform was evacuated due to a bomb scare. She was so upset by this dream that she related it to some other residents of the platform. The story of the dream spread around the platform like a rumor until panic spread and eventually the Flotel Safe Scandinavia was in fact evacuated due to a bomb scare.

If she did dream the future events or even the future subsequent news coverage as Dunne suggests is possible then surely this whole event was an ontological paradox?


It is not 'precognition', it is a 'self fulfilling prophecy'.

If a financier with sufficient reputation says on TV that a bank is about to go bankrupt then everyone takes their money out of that bank and then indeed it does go bankrupt. No ontological paradox there.

  • #8
I think until you actually know the truth of what happened there - which i do as i was a part of her team then i think you should keep your theories to yourself as by no means was this a dream that she had that led to something else or that she dreamt that the platform would be evacuated due to a bombscare. This dream was not passed around to any other member by herself and was as you can imagine on a flotel of up to 500 people, a lot of chinese whispers tell the story of what you have taken so easily as truth. This girl was ill and had a nervous breakdown, not just making storys out of a dream so maybe have a bit of respect and don't assume what you don't know just so you can compare it to "ontological paradox"
  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
How about a reference for that study?

If he never published a paper in a mainstream academic journal then this is not a topic for discussion.

Edit: We can discuss personal experiences, but claims of experimental evidence require a link to the published paper.

This is a refutational argument equivalent to hand waving against all of parapsychology. The mainstream journals won't accept their research. They thus have to create their own journals. This is an inescapable problem they find themselves in and this is their only solution. We shouldn't deride them for this. The only way forward is to accept these journals as suitable references as long as they meet a certain criteria until this paradigm changes and mainstream psychology journals accept their submissions. Parapsychology is most definitely not a pseudo-science in line with all criteria, and in over half of instances performs certain measures superior to mainstream sciences that would be expected of a real science. (http://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/jse_17_2_mousseau.pdf )
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  • #10
KodeK said:
J W Dunne's research into precognition whilst dreaming suggests that people do in fact dream future events. His study published in An Experiment With Time concluded that people who dream an event before it happens are more likely to observe a news report of the event they had previously dreamed rather than witness it firsthand.

If he is correct this suggests to me that the recent evacuation of the Flotel Safe Scandinavia which was widely reported may have been an ontological paradox.

A 23 year old woman on board the Flotel Safe Scandinavia had a dream that the offshore platform was evacuated due to a bomb scare. She was so upset by this dream that she related it to some other residents of the platform. The story of the dream spread around the platform like a rumor until panic spread and eventually the Flotel Safe Scandinavia was in fact evacuated due to a bomb scare.

If she did dream the future events or even the future subsequent news coverage as Dunne suggests is possible then surely this whole event was an ontological paradox?


Perhaps you should become more accustomed with the data so that you can back it up with citations. I also suggest you become learned of more suggestive research databases such as RNG and the Ganzfeld subsets of parapsychology which are more recent and are thus more reliable and of which more funding has gone into which allows things like ES regressions and more critiques from more sources.
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  • #11
I think you need to get a grip on the real facts instead of blahing on!
  • #12
KodeK said:
J W Dunne's research into precognition whilst dreaming suggests that people do in fact dream future events. His study published in An Experiment With Time concluded that people who dream an event before it happens are more likely to observe a news report of the event they had previously dreamed rather than witness it firsthand.

If he is correct this suggests to me that the recent evacuation of the Flotel Safe Scandinavia which was widely reported may have been an ontological paradox.

A 23 year old woman on board the Flotel Safe Scandinavia had a dream that the offshore platform was evacuated due to a bomb scare. She was so upset by this dream that she related it to some other residents of the platform. The story of the dream spread around the platform like a rumor until panic spread and eventually the Flotel Safe Scandinavia was in fact evacuated due to a bomb scare.

If she did dream the future events or even the future subsequent news coverage as Dunne suggests is possible then surely this whole event was an ontological paradox?


I don't know anything about the incident you mentioned, however, running around screaming bomb scare is likely to create an evacuation. As someone else said above, self fulfilling.

Not quite the same as the incidents in JW Dunnes book, which seem to be random, but nonetheless genuine precognitive events.
  • #13
So she dreamt there was an evacuation and then afterward she caused an evacuation? That's not exactly uncanny.
  • #14
True, unless there is some sort of correlation between real world events that havn't been influenced by the dream it could be passed off as self-fulfilling. But I don't think it's very scientific to immediately disregard claims without proper investigation.

imiyakawa said:
...The mainstream journals won't accept their research. They thus have to create their own journals. This is an inescapable problem they find themselves in...

Agreed. Mainstream science should be more open. And actually back-up their refutations. Not just blindly disregard them.
  • #15
A guy in a band said he had dreams that his teeth would fall out, and the next day, someone he knew would die. He said it really scared him, and he told people about, and after having the dream predicted someone he knew would die, and had it happen. I believed the person to be sincere.
Now, I am well aware there is not necessarily any correlation between these events. It would be interesting to design some kind of statistical analysis to determine if there was.

(It would be super weird if it was one of those deals where everytime he dreams about teeth, he's actually sleep walking and killing people, like in a million movies)
  • #16
Galteeth said:
A guy in a band said he had dreams that his teeth would fall out, and the next day, someone he knew would die.

Could you be a little more specific? Was this a friend?

We don't address rumors.
  • #17
A dream that someone he knew would die. Wow that's vague. That's almost like a reading from a psychic. It wouldn't be difficult for, coincidentally, someone, anyone, you knew to die within -- what was the time frame anyway? I could have a dream that someone I know would die and eventually that would come true. I know quite a number of people. Some of them are elderly. That eventually someone I know will die is an inevitability, not a dream prediction.
  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
Could you be a little more specific? Was this a friend?

We don't address rumors.

Just an acquaintance. But not really worth adressing, the post just made me think of it. Time frame and such would be relevant of course. I am going to try and get some info from him and see if i can create a statistical equation, just for fun (and to learn more about how to set up a statistical problem).

Related to Did a Dream Predict the Evacuation of the Flotel Safe Scandinavia?

1. What is an ontological paradox?

An ontological paradox is a type of paradox that deals with the concept of existence. It occurs when the existence of something relies on the existence of something else, which in turn relies on the existence of the first thing. This creates a circular or self-referential loop.

2. Can you give an example of an ontological paradox?

One example of an ontological paradox is the grandfather paradox, where a person travels back in time and prevents their own birth by killing their grandfather. This would mean that the person would not be born, but then they would not be able to travel back in time to kill their grandfather.

3. How is a possible ontological paradox different from other types of paradoxes?

A possible ontological paradox is different from other types of paradoxes because it deals specifically with the concept of existence. Other types of paradoxes may involve logic, language, or time travel, but an ontological paradox focuses on the possibility of something existing or not existing.

4. Is it possible for an ontological paradox to be resolved?

Some philosophers and scientists believe that ontological paradoxes can be resolved through the concept of multiple universes or parallel dimensions. In this scenario, the paradox can exist in one universe or dimension, but not in others, allowing for a resolution.

5. How does the concept of time travel relate to ontological paradoxes?

Time travel is often a component of ontological paradoxes, as it involves going back in time and potentially altering the past or creating a paradox. Some scientists believe that time travel is not possible, and therefore ontological paradoxes cannot occur, while others believe that time travel may be possible in certain circumstances, leading to the potential for ontological paradoxes.
