Unlock the Mystery Behind The Hope Diamond Glow

In summary, the Hope Diamond is a blue diamond that emits a red glow after being exposed to ultraviolet light.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Jan. 8, 2008 -- The eerie smoldering glow of the world's largest rare blue diamond has finally been explained -- and it's neither unique nor a mere oddity.

The Hope Diamond is a 45.52-carat, deep-blue diamond that sits center stage in the Smithsonian Institution's United States Gem Collection. The object of intrigue for almost four centuries, the diamond has more recently been puzzling scientists because of the deep red glow it gives off for several seconds after being bathed in ultraviolet light. [continued]
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  • #2
ohhhh ahhhhhhh that's pretty!
  • #3
Here is a strange fact... The hope diamond was plucked from the eye of an ancient hindu idol.
ooh.. an idol with a glowing red eye.. lol That is one pretty diamond.


  • #4
it was a hindu idol . . . well known for their glowing eyes.
  • #5
Oh, WOW, that is one pretty diamond. I honestly didn't think diamonds could get that big and look so perfect, too.
  • #6
I saw this diamond about 10 years ago. Too bad I was too young to really remember it.
  • #7
I'm sure it was extremely beautiful though, dispite the fact you can't remember :biggrin:
  • #8
There was NO idol involved, and the stone may have been re-cut several times over the years. I facet stones as a hobby, and re-faceting is a procedure fraught with problems - you always lose mass when trying to re-cut to maximize brilliance or to improve symmetry.
  • #9
  • #10
I remember it a little, just not as much as I wish I did. It was behind some showcase. I'm pretty sure I saw it in Washington DC somewhere. Not the Smithsonian.
  • #11
Evo said:
I've seen it a couple of times and it's not that impressive in person, I guess due to all of the hype.

You're obviously a high maintenance lady Evo!

  • #12
Garth said:
You're obviously a high maintenance lady Evo!


:smile: No kidding. If you can't impress a lady with the Hope Diamond...
  • #13
It's hard to look impressive behind four-inch thick glass... I remember thinking it looks pretty pedestrian, too--- but I'll bet we'd change our collective tune if we could hold the thing!

FAQ: Unlock the Mystery Behind The Hope Diamond Glow

What is the Hope Diamond?

The Hope Diamond is a large, rare blue diamond that is currently on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. It is known for its deep blue color and its infamous history of being cursed.

What causes the Hope Diamond to glow?

The Hope Diamond glows due to a phenomenon called phosphorescence. This occurs when a diamond absorbs light and then slowly releases it in the form of visible light. The Hope Diamond's unique blue color and size contribute to its strong phosphorescent glow.

Is the Hope Diamond actually cursed?

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that the Hope Diamond is cursed. Its rumored curse is likely a result of its previous owners experiencing misfortunes, which were likely just coincidences.

How was the Hope Diamond formed?

The exact formation of the Hope Diamond is still a mystery. However, it is believed that the diamond was formed over a billion years ago in the Earth's mantle and was brought to the surface through volcanic activity.

How much is the Hope Diamond worth?

The Hope Diamond is estimated to be worth around $200-250 million. However, its true value is considered priceless due to its rarity and historical significance.

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