Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1

In summary, Erathostenes sieve suggests that the sum of the reciprocals of prime numbers is equal to 1. This is not as obvious as it seems at first, as some multiplies of 2 and 3 will be calculated twice. However, it can still be done if you are careful when expanding the expression.
  • #1
reciprocals of primes summed to 1

As the other thread about sum of primes started it reminded me about the idea I had long ago.

My starting point was Erathostenes sieve. It occurred to me that multiples of 2 make half of all natural numbers, multiples of 3 make 1/3 of all natural numbers and so on. And as multiplies of prime numbers have to cover all natural numbers, correctly constructed sum of their reciprocals must equal 1. This is not as obvious as it seemed to me at first, as some multiplies of 2 and 3 will be calculated twice, so it has to be 1/2+1/3-1/(2*3) - but it still can be done.

Let P be set of all prime numbers. Let's define some more sets:

[tex]\forall {a, b} \in P, a < b \rightarrow ab \in P_2[/tex]

[tex]\forall {a, b, c} \in P, a < b < c \rightarrow abc \in P_3[/tex]

and so on P4, P5...

each of these sets has elements

[tex]p_{1i} \in P, p_{2i} \in P_2, p_{3i} \in P_3 ...[/tex]

when combined

[tex]\sum {\frac 1 p_{1i} } - \sum {\frac 1 p_{2i} } + \sum {\frac 1 p_{3i} } - \sum {\frac 1 p_{4i} } ... = 1[/tex]

(note: could be I am misusing notation, what I mean is "if a < b < c then abc is a member of set P3 - that's a way of using each combination of three primes only once, could be it can be done much simpler; please remember I am a chemist :blushing:)
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  • #2
What you've called Pk is simply the set of integers which is a product of k distinct primes. Then the identity you have written is (almost) the same as expanding the following expression
\prod_{p \rm{\ prime}}\left(1-\frac{1}{p}\right) = 0,
which is true.

You have to be careful when you expand this though. That's because the series you get is not absolutely convergent, so the order in which you sum it is important.
In fact, in your expression, each of the summations is infinite, so it doesn't make sense as it is written.
  • #3
So if I understand you correctly I should write it as

[tex]\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} (\sum^n \frac{1}{p_{1i}} - \sum^n \frac{1}{p_{2i}} + \sum^n \frac{1}{p_{3i}} - \sum^n \frac{1}{p_{4i}} + ...) = 1[/tex]

But product version is much more elegant
  • #4
I'm not sure about how you have written it. If you let Pk,N be the products of distinct primes less than N, then write your sum using these, then let N go to infinity, then it will converge 1.

You might want to look at the" and, in particular the Euler product formula,
\sum_{n\geq 1}\frac{1}{n^s} = \prod_{p \text{ prime}} \frac{1}{1-p^{-s}}.
or, the reciprocals
\left(\sum_{n\geq 1}\frac{1}{n^s}\right)^{-1} = \prod_{p \text{ prime}} (1-p^{-s}).

If s>1 you can expand the right hand side, and it should vanish as s->1.
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FAQ: Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1

What is the "Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1" concept?

The "Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1" is a mathematical concept that states that if you take the reciprocals of all prime numbers (numbers that are only divisible by 1 and itself) and add them together, the resulting sum will be equal to 1.

Why is this concept important in mathematics?

This concept is important because it helps to demonstrate the fundamental nature of prime numbers and their relationship to other numbers. It also has implications in number theory and has been used to prove various mathematical theorems.

How is this concept related to the Prime Number Theorem?

The Prime Number Theorem, which states that the number of prime numbers less than a given number approaches the ratio of the given number to the natural logarithm of that number, is closely related to the "Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1" concept. In fact, this concept can be used to prove the Prime Number Theorem.

Can this concept be extended to other sets of numbers?

Yes, this concept can be extended to other sets of numbers, such as the sum of reciprocals of all natural numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), which also equals 1. However, it cannot be extended to sets of non-prime numbers, as the sum of reciprocals of all even numbers, for example, does not equal 1.

How does the "Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1" concept relate to the Riemann Hypothesis?

The Riemann Hypothesis, one of the most famous unsolved problems in mathematics, is closely related to the "Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1" concept. If the Riemann Hypothesis is proven to be true, it would also prove the "Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1" concept. However, if the Riemann Hypothesis is proven to be false, it would disprove the "Sum of Reciprocals of Prime Numbers Equals 1" concept as well.

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