Confounded by King Arthur's knights

  • Thread starter Phoenixtears
  • Start date
In summary, King Arthur's knights fire a cannon from the top of the castle wall at a speed of 46 m/s and an angle of 25°. A cannonball that was accidentally dropped hits the moat below in 1.2 s. The cannonball follows two separate motions, horizontal and vertical, with a constant velocity of 41.7 m/s and a known acceleration of -9.8 m/s/s. The time for both motions is 1.2 seconds. To find the maximum height above the ground, the total time taken for the cannonball to reach its maximum height and then fall to the ground must be calculated. For the horizontal motion, the displacement can be found using the equation Deltax=
  • #1

Homework Statement

King Arthur's knights fire a cannon from the top of the castle wall. The cannonball is fired at a speed of 46 m/s and at an angle of 25°. A cannonball that was accidentally dropped hits the moat below in 1.2 s.
(a) How far from the castle wall does the cannonball hit the ground?

(b) What is the ball's maximum height above the ground

Homework Equations

Vf= V0 +at
Deltax= V0t+ .5at^2
Vf^2= V0^2 +2ax

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't understand why I'm getting this wrong. I begin by separating it into two motions, horizontal and verticle. Using trigonometry I found that for the horizontal motion, the velocity was a constant 41.7 m/s. The Horizontal acceleration is 0, and the time is 1.2. I found these by using the listed equations above. 1.2 seconds is the time for both the verticle and the horizontal motions, by definition.

For the veritcle motion, the acceleration is a known -9.8, the time is constant between the two, the initial velocity is 19.4 (using the equations), the final velocity is -7.64 (using the equations), and the deltax is 16.2. Yet my answers are not working. Did I do something wrong mathematically. I've drawn the motion of the object, and I still don't understand.

I don't have the change horizontally becasue my number wasn't working right. For the second question, I made the final velocity zero horizontally (so that it was at the change of direction, the highest point) and then added that to my original 16.2. This was wrong as well. What am I doing incorrectly?
Physics news on
  • #2

Have you included the height of the wall? The falling cannon ball gives you the wall height.
You have the path of the fired ball correctly but then you have to all for the time for it to fall the extra wall_height.

Or perhaps it's because Arthur is a 6-8th century legend, at least 500years before cannon were general used in European battles?
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  • #3
I assumed that the verticle displacement was the height of the wall... I'll try to figure out if they're the same right now, and then try again.

Thank you!

PS- Physics problems never seem to be historically correct. :)
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  • #4
Hmm... I'm pretty sure that the verticle displacement <i>is</i> the height of the wall. Isn't the time merely given because the time is a constant? Besides, only two variables are given for the dropped cannon: 1.2 seconds and -9.8 m/s/s is the acceleration. Is it even possible to find velocity here? (To use d=vt)
  • #5
Bah, nothing is working. I swear the answer to number two is 35.4, yet that isn't it. And for number one I use Deltax= V0t+ .5at^2 where acceleration is 0, and therefore elimiates the second part. Leaving V0t as the answer to the displacement. 41.7*1.2= 50.04, but that isn't working either.
  • #6
Note that you have to find the total time taken for the cannonball to reach its max height and then fall to the ground. These involve two separate calculations which you then have to add up.

Anyway it looks like the question is oddly structured since you would need to find (b) before you can do (a).

FAQ: Confounded by King Arthur's knights

1. Who was King Arthur?

King Arthur is a legendary figure in British mythology and literature. He is said to have been a British king who led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries.

2. Were King Arthur's knights real?

The existence of King Arthur's knights is a topic of much debate among historians and scholars. While there is evidence of some historical figures who may have inspired the legends, it is likely that the stories of King Arthur's knights are largely mythical.

3. How many knights did King Arthur have?

The number of knights in King Arthur's court varies depending on the source. In some versions of the legend, he is said to have had 12 knights, while in others, he had hundreds. The most famous and loyal of his knights were Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad, and Sir Gawain.

4. What was the role of King Arthur's knights?

The role of King Arthur's knights was to uphold the code of chivalry and protect the kingdom. They were expected to be brave, honorable, and loyal to their king. They also went on quests and adventures, often in search of the Holy Grail.

5. Did King Arthur's knights really sit at a round table?

The image of King Arthur's knights sitting at a round table is a popular one, but its origins are unclear. Some scholars believe that the round table was a symbol of equality among the knights, while others believe it may have been influenced by Celtic traditions of communal feasting.
