Call for Esau mini and microprizes or research. Rules.

In summary, there is a call for Esau mini and microprizes of research, with a 600 Euro prize for the first article published in a peer-reviewed section of select journals and fulfilling certain conditions. These conditions include including specific figures and referencing preprints in the bibliography. There are also additional prizes for articles quoting the preprints in other journals and for a calculation on relativistic bound states. To apply for the prizes, interested researchers must contact the prize judge directly via email.
  • #1
Gold Member
Call for Esau mini and microprizes of research. Rules.

0) A prize of 600 Euro will we awarded to the first article published in a peer reviewed section of any of the journals Nature, Physical Review Letters, Physics Letters B or EuroPhysics Letters and fullfilling following conditions 1 and 2.

1) The paper must include figure 1 of preprint nucl-th/0312003 and figure 1 of preprint hep-ph/0405076, as they appear in the archive Stylistic modifications must be authorised by asking to my email address, below in point 9.

2) The paper must quote both preprints nucl-th/0312003 and hep-ph/0405076 in its bibliography.

4) The paper can be either pro or against these preprints, or just collateral to them.

3) Explicit permission is given here to use any part of the above preprints in the paper -independently of third party rights, if any-.

4) Page charges will be covered if the authors institution is unable to do it. In this case the authors must contact the prize judge (myself) in the two weeks following acceptance of the paper, and partial financial support from "Esau Miniprize" must be acknowledged in the article.

5) The prize must be claimed by contacting the judge in the two weeks following printed publication of the paper. Not claiming it will suppose the implicit renounce to the award.

6) Successive prizes of 187, 123, 98 and 86 euro will be awarded to the first articles quoting any of the above preprints in any of the journals Nuclear Physics (A, B), Physical Review (any except Letters), Modern Physics Letters, Science, European Physics Journal (any except Letters).

7) A separate prize of 264 euro will be awarded to a suitable (in opinion of the judge) calculation of relativistic bound state of two fermions with different masses $M_1 < M_2$ coupled via a yukawian field of mass $m<M_1, M_2$ and where the particle 1 suffers a additional coupling to a boson of mass $M_b$ near to $M_2$. The goal of the calculation is to study the dependence of the bound state levels on $M_2$ when it crosses the value of $M_b$.

8) All microprizes must be claimed by contacting the judge in the two weeks following printed publication. Not claiming it will suppose the implicit renounce to the award, which will be reserved for the next claim.

9) All consultations and contacts relative to the competition must be done directly to the judge, Alejandro Rivero, via email with the subject "CONFIRMADO Esau Prize" either to the address, or, and a copy to the address {user=arivero,}.

10) The judge does not renounce to the right to run himself, as author or coauthor, for any of the prizes.
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  • #2
It sounds like an amazing opportunity for researchers! I am interested in participating in the Esau Mini and Microprizes of Research. Could you provide more information on how to apply for the prizes?

FAQ: Call for Esau mini and microprizes or research. Rules.

1. What is the purpose of the "Call for Esau mini and microprizes or research"?

The purpose of the "Call for Esau mini and microprizes or research" is to encourage and support scientific research related to the life and work of Esau, a biblical figure. This call is open to scientists from all disciplines, and the goal is to advance our understanding of Esau and his impact on history, culture, and science.

2. Who is eligible to apply for the "Call for Esau mini and microprizes or research"?

This call is open to all scientists, regardless of their field of study, nationality, or career stage. Both individuals and teams can apply for the mini and microprizes, as long as they meet the criteria outlined in the rules. However, only individuals can apply for the research grants.

3. What types of projects are eligible for the mini and microprizes?

Any project that explores the life and work of Esau is eligible for the mini and microprizes. This can include research in fields such as history, archaeology, theology, literature, genetics, and more. The project should be innovative, original, and have the potential to contribute to our understanding of Esau and his legacy.

4. How will the mini and microprizes be awarded?

The mini and microprizes will be awarded based on a competitive evaluation process. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts in various fields related to Esau and the top projects will be selected as the winners. The prize money will be given to the winners to support their research and further their projects.

5. What are the key deadlines for the "Call for Esau mini and microprizes or research"?

The deadline for submitting applications for the mini and microprizes is September 1st, while the deadline for the research grants is October 1st. Winners will be announced by December 1st. The exact dates may vary each year, so it's important to check the official rules for the most up-to-date information.

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