Why need *complex* probability amplitude?

In summary, complex numbers are used to represent waves because they take into account the fact that particles have both amplitude and phase. They are also used to avoid the use of real numbers in some situations.
  • #1
Does anyone know a deeper reason why the quantum mechanical probability amplitude has to be complex?

Is it to incorperate time dependence?

Or maybe the operator/eigenvector formulation is special and since it includes the scalar product, having complex variables is more general and neccessary?

Or maybe the fact that there is some spin with its transformation means that amplitudes should be complex?

Hope someone understands these vague ideas :rolleyes:
No Schrödinger wave argument please, because that doesn't account for the real need of complex numbers.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't you need to use complex numbers but they are a very convenient way of taking into account the fact that quantum mechanical "objects" have both amplitude and phase.
E.g. interference effects are much easier to handle mathematically if complex numbers are used.
It think it is a bit like asking why we use complex number in EM.
  • #3
Gerenuk said:
Does anyone know a deeper reason why the quantum mechanical probability amplitude has to be complex?

Is it to incorperate time dependence?

Or maybe the operator/eigenvector formulation is special and since it includes the scalar product, having complex variables is more general and neccessary?

Or maybe the fact that there is some spin with its transformation means that amplitudes should be complex?

Hope someone understands these vague ideas :rolleyes:
No Schrödinger wave argument please, because that doesn't account for the real need of complex numbers.

It's essentially to deal with the wave aspect. Waves can interfere constructively and destructively. Comple quantities are an easy way to incorporate this in the calculations. This is also the reason people introduce complex numbers when doing classical electromagnetism. The phase is incorporated as the angle in the complex plane.

EDIT: f95toli posted while I was typing and beat me to it! ;-)
  • #4
f95toli said:
I don't you need to use complex numbers but they are a very convenient way of taking into account the fact that quantum mechanical "objects" have both amplitude and phase.
E.g. interference effects are much easier to handle mathematically if complex numbers are used.
It think it is a bit like asking why we use complex number in EM.

Hmm, but then you have to understand what "phase" means for particles.
Why do particles with phase 0° and particles with phase 180° cancel? In EM it is "simply" the direction of the field and that's why it cancels.

So the question about complex numbers is equivalent to asking why particles have phase.
And an explanation is still missing :confused:
  • #5
Gerenuk said:
Hmm, but then you have to understand what "phase" means for particles.
Why do particles with phase 0° and particles with phase 180° cancel? In EM it is "simply" the direction of the field and that's why it cancels.

So the question about complex numbers is equivalent to asking why particles have phase.
And an explanation is still missing :confused:

This is just a different way of asking why things behave as waves. Nobody knows that.
  • #6
nrqed said:
This is just a different way of asking why things behave as waves. Nobody knows that.

Indeed. The question is why free particles show a periodic phase and why they can interfer linearly just by their presence and no interaction.
I believe some out there has an idea about it. For example someone could have put my suggestion from above into more concrete mathematical form. Anybody here? :smile:
  • #7
For a free non-relativistic particle the Schrödinger's equation is usually written in form

i\partial_t\Psi = -\frac{1}{2m}\nabla^2\Psi

where [tex]\Psi[/tex] is a complex function. If one wants to avoid the use of complex numbers, use two real functions [tex]\Psi_1[/tex], [tex]\Psi_2[/tex], and use the Schrödinger's equation

\partial_t\Psi_1 \\ \partial_t\Psi_2 \\
= \frac{1}{2m}\left(\begin{array}{cc}
0 & -\nabla^2 \\
\nabla^2 & 0 \\
\Psi_1 \\ \Psi_2 \\

It's the same thing.
  • #8
Consider a free particle with a definite momentum. (OK, that's an idealization because of the uncertainty principle.) You need a complex probability amplitude [itex]\Psi = A e^{i(kx - \omega t)}[/itex], and the usual definition of probability density [itex]P = \Psi^* \Psi[/itex] in order to get a uniform probability density, i.e. equal probability of finding the particle everywhere.

Or as jostpuur notes, you can define a two-component real field that has the same effect. Either way, a simple real field doesn't work.

Going beyond that, you're faced with questions similar to "why does F = ma?" in classical mechanics.
  • #9
From my understanding, which admittedly isn't a whole lot, it's just for your convenience.

The same technique is used in other areas, such as electrical engineering. Complex numbers are used to represent measures of a circuit, such as voltage or current. The *physical* voltage is, of course, a real, not a complex number, and in fact, is equal to the real part of the complex representation. So if you have a voltage notated as re^(ix), the measured result is going to be r*cos(x). The reason for using the complex number, though, is that the min/max of the voltage is simply equal to r and differentiating voltage is a simple matter of multiplication. As long as you restrict yourself to linear transformations of voltage, you can always manipulate it as a complex number.
  • #10
Tac-Tics said:
The *physical* voltage is, of course, a real, not a complex number, and in fact, is equal to the real part of the complex representation.

No, this is NOT correct in the case of QM. While you do not need to used complex numbers you DO need to keep track of both amplitude and phase somehow. However, as jostpuur showed above you are free to do that with a pair of real numbers if you prefer(although it makes things more complicated).
The important point here is that phase is something "physical" in quantum mechanics, it is a property that is many sitations is as "real" as e.g. charge.
(charge and phase play the role of generalized momenta and position in electronic systems, in some situations phase is a good quantum numbers while charge is not).

Moreover, ALL objects have a phase; not only single particles. One obvious example is SQUIDs which are macroscopic objects but the phase of the superconducting wavefunction is quantized.
  • #11
f95toli said:
No, this is NOT correct in the case of QM.

I'm not saying it's the same, but it is similar. In either case, you don't need to represent the mathematics using complex numbers. For example, Feynman's formulation of QM using negative probabilities instead of complex amplitudes.
  • #12
jtbell said:
Consider a free particle with a definite momentum. (OK, that's an idealization because of the uncertainty principle.) You need a complex probability amplitude [itex]\Psi = A e^{i(kx - \omega t)}[/itex], and the usual definition of probability density [itex]P = \Psi^* \Psi[/itex] in order to get a uniform probability density, i.e. equal probability of finding the particle everywhere.

Or as jostpuur notes, you can define a two-component real field that has the same effect. Either way, a simple real field doesn't work.

As Schroedinger noted ((Nature, v.169, p.538 (1952)), you don't necessarily need complex wavefunctions (or two real functions) even for a charged particle, as you can make, say, a complex scalar wavefunction real (at least locally) by an appropriate gauge transform.
  • #13
You should check page 15 of the Quantum Mechanics book from Cohen-Tannoudji. It says:

"Furthermore, we should see that the fact that [TEX] \psi(\vec{r},t) [/TEX], is complex is essential in quantum mechanics, while the complex notation [TEX] E(\vec{r},t) [/TEX] is used in optics purely for convenience (only its real part has a physical meaning). The precise definition of the (complex) quantum state of radiation can only be given in the framework of quantum electrodynamics, a theory which is simultaneously quantum mechanical and relativistic. We shall not consider these problems here (we shall touch on them in complement [TEX] K_V [/TEX]."

I can't help you anymore since I'm just in chapter 4 :(, but I'm sure there's a good explanation there :)
  • #14
I think f95toli explained it: you can always adjust a single wave function so that it is real.

Interference was mentioned as a reason for using complex functions, but you also need them if you have more than one orthonormal spanning basis function as part of your wave function.

jostpuur's notation was cool, but you might recognize it as complex numbers in a different forum: the real and imaginary parts expressed as vectors.

Can someone please point the way to the documentation that shows how do do equations in forums! I would really appreciate the opportunity to learn that. I'm guessing from andresordonez's post that it is some form of LaTeX coding.
  • #16
Another way to say the same thing: imaginary numbers enter into quantum mechanics though the uncertainty principle: [X,P] = ih.

In the wider context of particle physics we can say something like this:
The geometrical settings for relativistic particle physics is 4 dimensional spacetime with Lorentz metric. Classically this leads to physical objects which are representations of the rotation group SO(3,1) ie. 4-vectors , tensors etc.
In the context of relativistic quantum physics, we are lead to a larger symmetry Spin(3,1) which is the universal cover of SO(3,1). This leads to additional representations called spinors e.g. electrons. There is in fact a very special role complex numbers play in 4-d Lorentz geometry which can be summarised by the isomorphism Spin(3,1) = SL(2,C).

FAQ: Why need *complex* probability amplitude?

Why do we need complex probability amplitude in quantum mechanics?

The need for complex probability amplitude arises from the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics, the state of a system is described by a wave function, which is a complex-valued function. This wave function contains all the information about the system, including probabilities of different outcomes when a measurement is made. The use of complex numbers allows for interference effects, which are essential in understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

How does complex probability amplitude differ from classical probability?

In classical probability, probabilities are always real numbers between 0 and 1. However, in quantum mechanics, probabilities are represented by complex numbers. This is because classical probability is based on the principle of additivity, where the probabilities of mutually exclusive events can be added to calculate the probability of the combined event. In contrast, quantum mechanics uses the principle of superposition, where the wave function can contain a combination of different states, resulting in complex probability amplitudes.

Can complex probability amplitude be observed in experiments?

No, complex probability amplitudes cannot be directly observed in experiments. What we observe are the squared magnitudes of these amplitudes, which give us the probabilities of different outcomes. The complex nature of the amplitudes only becomes apparent when we observe interference effects, such as in the famous double-slit experiment.

What is the significance of the complex phase in probability amplitude?

The complex phase in probability amplitude represents the relative phase difference between different states of a quantum system. This phase is crucial in determining the interference patterns observed in experiments. It also plays a role in the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, where the phase of one particle can affect the phase of another particle, even when they are separated by large distances.

Can we use real-valued probability amplitudes instead of complex ones?

No, using real-valued probability amplitudes would not be consistent with the principles of quantum mechanics. As mentioned earlier, complex numbers are necessary for interference effects and superposition, which are fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics. Removing the complex phase would result in a loss of information and would not accurately describe the behavior of quantum systems.
