Large Extra Dims and a derived Planck Mass

In summary: I think they are actually fundamental constants. Anyway, that's my two cents.In summary, Grandpa suggests that the speed of light and Plancks constant may be derived quantities, and that gravity is weaker than the other four forces because the Planck mass is a derived quantity.
  • #1
Hey folks,

I just had a thought I wanted to share with you guys.

Just to review first the idea of Large extra dims before I make the comment:

The higher dimensional Einstein-Hilbert action is given by

[tex] S_{bulk}=-\frac{1}{2}\int d^{4+n}x\sqrt{g^{4+n}}\tilde{M}^{n+2}\tilde{R}[/tex]
is the n-dimensional Planck mass and
is the [tex]4+n[/tex]
dimensional Ricci scalar. Integrate out the extra dims (which we assume to be toroidal):
[tex]S_{bulk} = -\frac{1}{2}\tilde{M}^{n+2}\int d^{4}x\int d\Omega_nr^n\sqrt{g^{(4)}}R^{(4)}[/tex]
and simplify:
[tex] = -\frac{1}{2}\tilde{M}^{n+2}(2\pi r)^n\int d^{4}x\sqrt{g^{(4)}}R^{(4)} [/tex].
We can see from this equation that what we perceive as the Planck scale is, in fact a quantity that is derived from a more fundamental quantum gravity scale and the volume of the extra dimensions:
[tex] M_{Pl}^2=(2\pi r)^n\tilde{M}^{n+2} [/tex].
Ok, you can find that derivation easily on arXiv.

So, here is the comment:

If the Planck mass is a derived quantity whose origin is ultimately higher dimensional then does that not also imply that the speed of light, and Plancks constant are also derived quantities because;

[tex] M_{Pl}=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar c}{G}}[/tex]

I think this is somewhat interesting because it would imply that relativity and quantum mechanics would have a different behaviour in the bulk.

What do you guys think?
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  • #2
I'm not sure there is any behavior in the bulk. Or perhaps there is every behavior, which amounts to the same thing. There is no differentiable behavior in either case, is there?
  • #3
Hey rich---

Maybe you should go and put the hbar's and c's back into the Einstein Hilbert action you wrote down. Then I think what you'd find is that the constant sitting out front IS Newton's constant, plus factors of hbar and c.

Or, in other words, G changes along with M, and h and c go along for the ride.

I think :)
  • #4
Hey Ben,

Whats up?

Hmmmm, but the definition of the Planck mass is

[tex] M_{Pl}=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar c}{G}}[/tex]


[tex] \frac{M_{Pl}^2}{(2\pi r)^{2n}}={\frac{\tilde{\hbar} \tilde{c}}{\tilde{G}}}[/tex]

so the way I'm seeing it they are all potentially derived from the higher dimensional quantity. I'll have a bit more of a think about what you said when I get back to the office tomorrow!

  • #5
robousy said:
Hey Ben,

Whats up?

Hmmmm, but the definition of the Planck mass is

[tex] M_{Pl}=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar c}{G}}[/tex]

Sure, this is the four dimensional Planck Mass.

[tex] \frac{M_{Pl}^2}{(2\pi r)^{2n}}={\frac{\tilde{\hbar} \tilde{c}}{\tilde{G}}}[/tex]

so the way I'm seeing it they are all potentially derived from the higher dimensional quantity. I'll have a bit more of a think about what you said when I get back to the office tomorrow!


Sure---but you have to use the appropriate Newton's constant, too. The Newton's constant now contains factors of [tex]2 \pi R[/tex] that go away in the dimensional reduction from N dimensions to 4 dimensions. In fact, what you wrote is (I think) the exact relationship between Newton's Constant in N dimensions and the N-dimensional Planck constant.
  • #6
Aaah, ok I see what you are saying. Thanks for your insights! :)
  • #7
robousy said:
Aaah, ok I see what you are saying. Thanks for your insights! :)

could you explain it to the rest of us? is there something to this or not?
  • #8
Hey Grandpa,

Yes, sure there is something to this. Its a demonstration of why gravity is so much weaker than all the other four forces, or rather its an possible explanation. Sadly its not my idea. :)

As for the speed of light and Plancks constant being derived quantities, I think that's not the case.

FAQ: Large Extra Dims and a derived Planck Mass

1. What are large extra dimensions?

Large extra dimensions refer to the hypothesis that there may be more than the usual three dimensions of space (length, width, and height) that we are familiar with. This theory suggests that there could be additional dimensions that are too small to be detected by current technology.

2. How do large extra dimensions affect the Planck mass?

The existence of large extra dimensions could potentially lower the Planck mass, which is the unit of mass in the Planck scale, to a value that is within reach of current particle accelerators. This could allow scientists to study the effects of gravity at the smallest scales and potentially unify the theories of gravity and quantum mechanics.

3. What evidence supports the existence of large extra dimensions?

While there is currently no direct evidence for the existence of large extra dimensions, some theoretical models, such as string theory, suggest their existence. Additionally, experiments at the Large Hadron Collider have searched for the effects of large extra dimensions, but have not yet found any conclusive evidence.

4. How do large extra dimensions impact our understanding of the universe?

If large extra dimensions are proven to exist, it could revolutionize our understanding of the universe and how it operates. It could also potentially provide answers to some of the biggest mysteries in physics, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

5. Are there any potential consequences of large extra dimensions?

The existence of large extra dimensions could have significant consequences for our understanding of physics and the universe. It could potentially lead to the development of new technologies and open up new avenues for scientific exploration. However, it could also challenge some of our current theories and require us to rethink our understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe.

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