Defining functions in an interesting way?

In summary: I repeat: This thread is asking about new ideas. My suggestion was a proposal, but not the topic or something that need consideration. In summary, defining functions like exp() and cos() using basic algebra rules and integration can lead to several key properties, such as the inverse function of exp being ln and the addition theorem for logarithms. While there may be other ways to define these functions, this method offers a simple one-step process for deriving these properties. However, it is important to consider whether this definition is the most efficient or rigorous approach.
  • #1
What do you think is some interesting or/and sensible way to define functions like exp(), cos() provided basic algebra rules (including integration) are known?

I make a suggestion I came up with
[tex]\ln x:=\int_1^x \frac{\mathrm{d}t}{t}[/tex]
from where key properties follow directly.
For example
[tex]\ln (xy)=\int_1^{xy} \frac{\mathrm{d}t}{t}=\int_{1/x}^y \frac{\mathrm{d}t}{t}=\int_1^y \frac{\mathrm{d}t}{t}+\int_{1/x}^1 \frac{\mathrm{d}t}{t}=\int_1^y \frac{\mathrm{d}t}{t}+\int_1^x \frac{\mathrm{d}t}{t}=\ln x+\ln y[/tex]

If we define the inverse function to be
then from the logarithm rule
[tex]\exp(\ln(xy))=\exp(\ln x+\ln y)[/tex]
[tex]\exp(\ln(\exp(a)\exp(b)))=\exp(\ln \exp a+\ln \exp b)[/tex]

Also it follows easily that for [itex]t=\exp x[/itex]
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x}\exp(x)=\frac{1}{\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\ln t}=t=\exp x[/tex]

And hence
[tex]\exp x=1+\int_0^x \exp t\mathrm{d}t=1+\int_0^x \left(1+\int_0^t \exp t'\mathrm{d}t'\right)\mathrm{d} t=1+x+\int_0^x \int_0^t \exp t'\mathrm{d}t'\mathrm{d} t=1+x+\frac{x^2}{2!}+\dotsb[/tex]

And as I mentioned in another post I strongly support
[tex]\cos x:=\Re(\exp \mathrm{i}x)[/tex]
[tex]\sin x:=\Im(\exp \mathrm{i}x)[/tex]

So much for playing around with functions late at night :biggrin:
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  • #2
Of all these, only your first line of the natural log is a good definition. In fact, the last two aren't even true! (cos x = Real(exp(ix))... same with sine, you missed the i in there).

I say that, aside from the first (and I guess also exp = ln^-1...), none of these are definitions. They are all equations involving interesting functions, but an equation doesn't always determine a function.

I'd also argue that integration isn't an algebraic technique =-)
  • #3
Tac-Tics said:
Of all these, only your first line of the natural log is a good definition. In fact, the last two aren't even true! (cos x = Real(exp(ix))... same with sine, you missed the i in there).
Well, that's actually the whole point here. The first line is my definition and all others follow in a one-line prove from that. I include the imaginary "i" in a sec.

Tac-Tics said:
I'd also argue that integration isn't an algebraic technique =-)
No lawyer please:-p
I could try to restate everything more correctly, but it's already understandable now.
  • #4
What's wrong with defining them as power series?
  • #5
Office_Shredder said:
What's wrong with defining them as power series?
I think it would be harder to derive all the results above.

Also a power series seems to have a "more complicating" structure with all it's coefficient, than the above integral. I mean it's comparable, but also contains a nasty factorial.
  • #6
Well, exp(ix) is meaningless since ix isn't in the range of ln(x), unless you're going to use the power series definition of exp anyway, in which case you might as well have just started with the power series, shown the derivative of exp is exp (which is fairly easy) and then gotten that ln was the inverse of exp in order to prove those properties anyway. I'm not really sure how you've gained anything by swapping around the definition
  • #7
Office_Shredder said:
Well, exp(ix) is meaningless since ix isn't in the range of ln(x), unless you're going to use the power series definition of exp anyway, in which case you might as well have just started with the power series, shown the derivative of exp is exp (which is fairly easy) and then gotten that ln was the inverse of exp in order to prove those properties anyway. I'm not really sure how you've gained anything by swapping around the definition
Please be constructive instead of conservative here:wink:
I wrote all the results and that includes the addition theorem. I can check which parts are easy to deduce for myself.

I haven't thought about the complex domain and I do know that for all practical purposes power series are used as definition.

But we are trying to be creative here, which means contributing new ideas instead of destroying half-baked ones. If one finds some new "natural" way, then one might get new results. If you stick to what everyone else does, you only get what everyone else already has.

So new ideas welcome here!
  • #8
Gerenuk said:
I think it would be harder to derive all the results above.
But, of course, it would be much easier to derive the power series for these functions. :wink:
  • #9
I would like to point out that no definition is going to be "easier" than any others -- whatever definition you choose, you still have to prove all of the same theorems, and the actual content of these proofs need not change.

For example, you find it easier to prove the algebraic properties of the logarithm from the integral formulation. Okay fine -- if you were to adopt a power series definition for the logarithm, you would first prove that the power series formulation implies the integral formulation (because you have to do that anyways), and then use the integral formulation to prove the algebraic properties.
  • #10
Gerenuk said:
But we are trying to be creative here, which means contributing new ideas instead of destroying half-baked ones. If one finds some new "natural" way, then one might get new results. If you stick to what everyone else does, you only get what everyone else already has.

What's your new idea though? You basically said we have two things that are equivalent, and you're going to change which one is the definition of exp. That doesn't seem like a game-changer to me... feel free to do it if you want, but by definition you're not going to get anything new out of it.
  • #11
Hurkyl said:
But, of course, it would be much easier to derive the power series for these functions. :wink:
I find my derivation not mathematically rigorous, but a very simple one step process.

Hurkyl said:
Okay fine -- if you were to adopt a power series definition for the logarithm, you would first prove that the power series formulation implies the integral formulation
That's the first reasonable comment here. : :rolleyes:
Hmm, is it possible to prove the integral from the power series in an easy way?

Office_Shredder said:
What's your new idea though? ... feel free to do it if you want, but by definition you're not going to get anything new out of it.
Reread my post and also Hurkyls post. And please stop complaining, questioning the question and having a go at the ideas.

I repeat: This thread is asking about new ideas. My suggestion was a proposal, but not the topic or something that need consideration. :bugeye:
  • #12
I wanted to add that starting with my definition pi is defined by the variable "a" that satisfies
[tex]2a\mathrm{i}=\oint \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x}[/tex]
with the contour once around the origin.

FAQ: Defining functions in an interesting way?

1. What is the importance of defining functions in an interesting way?

Defining functions in an interesting way can make them more engaging and memorable for students or readers. It can also help to demonstrate the practical application of the function and make it more relatable.

2. How can I make my functions more interesting?

One way to make functions more interesting is to use real-life examples or scenarios to illustrate their purpose. Another way is to incorporate creative visuals or interactive elements into the function definition.

3. Are there any specific techniques for defining functions in an interesting way?

Yes, there are many techniques that can be used to make functions more interesting. Some examples include using metaphors or analogies, incorporating humor or storytelling, and using relatable or culturally relevant examples.

4. How can defining functions in an interesting way benefit students?

When functions are defined in an interesting way, it can help students to better understand and remember them, as well as make learning more enjoyable and engaging. It can also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

5. Can defining functions in an interesting way be applied to all subjects?

Yes, defining functions in an interesting way can be applied to all subjects, not just math or science. Any subject that involves the use of functions, such as language arts or social studies, can benefit from creative and engaging function definitions.
