Strange Ice Formation: Unusual Sundial-Shaped Ice Formed in Cat Bowl

In summary, the conversation revolves around a strange ice formation that appeared in a cat's bowl after it was left out in the rain and exposed to below freezing temperatures. The participants discuss possible causes, including a spider web and the process of ice spiking. They also express gratitude for the helpful link that provides pictures and information on the phenomenon.
  • #1
Hi everyone!

My first post, so bear with me. I have a query that I didn't quite know who to ask about, and came across this site, so I hope this is the right place to put it.

My cat's bowl was left (empty) on the verandah and got caught in the rain yesterday afternoon. Overnight temperatures dropped to below freezing, but not much: I would guess to about -2 C, as it was just below -1 when I got up at seven o'clock. When daylight broke (and I could see the bowl) I noticed a strange sundial-shaped ice formation, and this is what has me flummoxed. I was so baffled that I took it in and stuck it in the freezer so I would have time to take some pictures.

What on Earth could have caused it? I have pondered this all day... a hair? ...a spider web? I cannot see anything inside the spike: it looks as if something jumped in or out of the water as it was freezing, but am well enough informed to realize that it would have to be a lot colder for that to happen, if it would be at all possible.

Since I am new to this I hope my attached pictures will upload properly, if they don't I will try again.

I am grateful for any insights.

Bye for now!


  • Outside 1.JPG
    Outside 1.JPG
    31.3 KB · Views: 452
  • In freezer 1.JPG
    In freezer 1.JPG
    30.6 KB · Views: 366
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  • #2
I can't make any sense of it either. I suspect, like you, that "something" had to have been attached to the bowl at that angle to allow such a formation to build-up. At least that's my take on it. I would not have thought of a spider web had you not brought it up, but that ssems a reasonable candidate. Hmmm... just don't know.
  • #4
That's a great link mender. I read it and it now makes sense. Nice job.
  • #5
Good catch, Mender.
Rainwater is essentially distilled, so it makes sense.
  • #6
Hello there, pallidin and mender!

Thank you so much both of you for responding to my query; I am grateful and feel I can sleep tonight without thinking about this any more...

And, mender, a special thanks for giving us the link with the pictures - they certainly look precisely like what I had in the bowl!

Bye for now!

FAQ: Strange Ice Formation: Unusual Sundial-Shaped Ice Formed in Cat Bowl

1. What causes the unusual sundial-shaped ice formation in the cat bowl?

The unusual shape of the ice formation is caused by the combination of temperature and air flow in the surrounding environment. When water freezes, it expands and can create unique shapes depending on the conditions it freezes in. In this case, the airflow around the cat bowl may have caused the water to freeze in a spiral shape, creating the sundial-like appearance.

2. Is this type of ice formation common?

No, this type of ice formation is not very common. It requires specific conditions and factors to create this unique shape, so it is not often seen in everyday situations.

3. Can the ice formation be reproduced?

It is possible to reproduce this ice formation, but it may be difficult to recreate the exact same shape. As mentioned, it depends on the temperature and airflow in the environment, so it may require some experimentation to achieve the desired result.

4. Is there any scientific significance to this ice formation?

While this ice formation may seem unusual, it does not have any significant scientific implications. It is simply a result of natural processes and conditions. However, it can be an interesting phenomenon to study and appreciate from a scientific perspective.

5. Can this type of ice formation occur in other objects besides a cat bowl?

Yes, this type of ice formation can occur in any object that holds water and is exposed to the right conditions. For example, it may occur in a bird bath or even a cup of water left outside in freezing temperatures. However, the shape and appearance may vary depending on the size and shape of the object.

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