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Hi everyone,
This is my first post and I hope to get some better understanding of something that has been bugging me.
I understand (global) gauge invariance in the sense that [tex]|\psi\rangle[/tex] denotes the same (physical) state as [tex] e^{i\varphi}|\psi\rangle[/tex], or more generally, the physical state is a ray representation of the state [tex]|\psi\rangle[/tex]. The choice of [tex]\varphi[/tex] to represent the physical state is arbitrary and therefore any theory should be invariant under changes of this phase - gauge invariance. We call a global gauge-transformation the [tex]U(1)[/tex] rotation [tex]|\psi\rangle\rightarrow e^{i\varphi}|\psi\rangle[/tex] on all states [tex]|\psi\rangle[/tex]. By definition gauge-transformations do not transform physical states (the ray representation is invariant)
In many-particle physics a "gauge-transformation" is usually represented by the [tex]U(1)[/tex] rotation on the field operators [tex]\hat{\psi}\rightarrow e^{-i\varphi}\hat{\psi}[/tex] (I intentionally suppress coordinate dependence because I don't want to go into local invariance, yet). Now for a system of fixed number of particles this transformation is equivalent to the notion of a gauge transformation that I discussed above if we define:
[tex]|\psi\rangle \equiv \hat{\psi}^\dag|0\rangle [/tex]
However, as soon as the number of particles is not fixed, i.e. suppose we have a state [tex]\alpha|0\rangle+\beta|\psi\rangle[/tex], this operation does no longer correspond to a global phase rotation. Indeed, the transformation corresponds to a change in the relative phase so it does change the physical state, right?
It seems to me that what people call gauge-symmetry/gauge-invariance in field theory (referring to [tex]\hat{\psi}\rightarrow e^{i\varphi}\hat{\psi}[/tex]) is really just the symmetry of particle conservation.
My question then is this, on what basis do we promote this symmetry to a local gauge theory if we do not have conservation of particle number? I was under the impression that it is essential for any gauge theory that the symmetry corresponds to a redundant description of our states, although I must say I am rather ignorant in this field.
Could someone enlighten me?
Thank you all in advance.
This is my first post and I hope to get some better understanding of something that has been bugging me.
I understand (global) gauge invariance in the sense that [tex]|\psi\rangle[/tex] denotes the same (physical) state as [tex] e^{i\varphi}|\psi\rangle[/tex], or more generally, the physical state is a ray representation of the state [tex]|\psi\rangle[/tex]. The choice of [tex]\varphi[/tex] to represent the physical state is arbitrary and therefore any theory should be invariant under changes of this phase - gauge invariance. We call a global gauge-transformation the [tex]U(1)[/tex] rotation [tex]|\psi\rangle\rightarrow e^{i\varphi}|\psi\rangle[/tex] on all states [tex]|\psi\rangle[/tex]. By definition gauge-transformations do not transform physical states (the ray representation is invariant)
In many-particle physics a "gauge-transformation" is usually represented by the [tex]U(1)[/tex] rotation on the field operators [tex]\hat{\psi}\rightarrow e^{-i\varphi}\hat{\psi}[/tex] (I intentionally suppress coordinate dependence because I don't want to go into local invariance, yet). Now for a system of fixed number of particles this transformation is equivalent to the notion of a gauge transformation that I discussed above if we define:
[tex]|\psi\rangle \equiv \hat{\psi}^\dag|0\rangle [/tex]
However, as soon as the number of particles is not fixed, i.e. suppose we have a state [tex]\alpha|0\rangle+\beta|\psi\rangle[/tex], this operation does no longer correspond to a global phase rotation. Indeed, the transformation corresponds to a change in the relative phase so it does change the physical state, right?
It seems to me that what people call gauge-symmetry/gauge-invariance in field theory (referring to [tex]\hat{\psi}\rightarrow e^{i\varphi}\hat{\psi}[/tex]) is really just the symmetry of particle conservation.
My question then is this, on what basis do we promote this symmetry to a local gauge theory if we do not have conservation of particle number? I was under the impression that it is essential for any gauge theory that the symmetry corresponds to a redundant description of our states, although I must say I am rather ignorant in this field.
Could someone enlighten me?
Thank you all in advance.