Path Integral formulation of Loop Cosmology (a first)

In summary, Henderson gave a talk on his research which included talking about the different formulations of LQC. There is excitement for the potential for merging LQC with LQG.
  • #1
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Today (17 March) we got our first news of a Path Integral formulation of LQC.
Adam Henderson is a PhD student in Ashtekar's group at Penn State.
He gave an internationally distributed seminar talk on his research.

Up till now LQC has always followed the canonical approach.

By contrast the full LQG theory has developed both a canonical and a covariant (spin foam) formulation. So Henderson's work can be seen as an attempt to extend the program in the applied area of cosmology, following the general theory's lead.

So far Loop Cosmology has not been mathematically derived from LQG. It has been constructed by carrying over and using ideas from LQG, but they remain two parallel fields. Bridging and merging LQC with LQG is high on the research agenda now. Henderson's talk reveals similarities or points of contact with the spin foam path integral version of the full theory, so it fits into this effort.
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  • #2
marcus said:
So far Loop Cosmology has not been mathematically derived from LQG... Henderson's talk reveals points of contact with the spin foam path integral version of the full theory, so it fits into this effort.
This part is exciting.
  • #3
Coin said:
This part is exciting.

Yes, see for example the slides around equation 40, about 55% of the way through the audio. Sorry I wish I could give an exact minute to help find the discussion.
If you drag the pointer almost exactly halfway thru the visual time-bar of the audio, you come up to some questions and arguments* from the audience especially referring to equation 38. When that is through (at around 55%) then Henderson resumes again, with the equation 40 slide discussing similarity with spinfoam.

*Laurent Freidel, Abhay Ashtekar, at a couple of places Kirill Krasnov. It was clear from the interruptions and the questions afterwards that the talk evoked considerable interest. Also the audio quality was better than some previous ILQS sessions I've listened to.
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FAQ: Path Integral formulation of Loop Cosmology (a first)

1. What is the Path Integral formulation of Loop Cosmology?

The Path Integral formulation of Loop Cosmology is a mathematical framework that combines aspects of quantum mechanics and general relativity to describe the evolution of the universe. It is based on the principles of loop quantum gravity and uses a sum-over-histories approach to calculate the probabilities of various quantum states of the universe.

2. How does the Path Integral formulation differ from other cosmological models?

The Path Integral formulation differs from other cosmological models, such as the Big Bang model, by incorporating quantum effects and avoiding the singularity present in the Big Bang model. It also provides a more complete description of the universe by taking into account the fluctuations of space and time at the quantum level.

3. What are the main challenges in developing the Path Integral formulation?

One of the main challenges in developing the Path Integral formulation is the issue of time. In general relativity, time is treated as an external parameter, but in quantum mechanics, time is considered a dynamical variable. This discrepancy makes it difficult to reconcile the two theories and develop a consistent framework.

4. What evidence supports the predictions of the Path Integral formulation?

There is currently no direct evidence for the predictions of the Path Integral formulation. However, some of its predictions, such as the avoidance of the Big Bang singularity and the existence of a minimum size for the universe, have been tested through observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation and gravitational waves.

5. How does the Path Integral formulation contribute to our understanding of the universe?

The Path Integral formulation provides a more complete and fundamental description of the universe by combining the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It also offers potential solutions to long-standing problems in cosmology, such as the singularity problem and the need for a theory of quantum gravity. Further research and testing of this formulation can help us gain a deeper understanding of the nature of the universe.
