Study Quantum computing in Canada?

In summary: They might have someone translating for them, but I think it would be pretty rare.I was wondering the same thing too. But if you met with those author in person, you would soon find most of them can hardly speak any english at all. They might have someone translating for them, but I think it would be pretty rare.
  • #1
Hi guys, I'm really interested in doing Grad study in the area of Quantum Computation (in Canadian U.). My background is B.Sc. in physics and Com Science and M.Sc in Com science. From my understanding, QC can be heavy in the field of physics for the HW part that they're trying to find a breakthrough and it can also be theoritical and algorithmic in the field of Com Sci where it might b applicable and useful in the future once the HW is rdy. However, I would like some suggestion since I don't have the clear idea of the big picture yet. my question r:

1. In doing Ph.D. in Canada, how flexible is the system over there if I choose to do Ph.D. in Com Science but I would like to learn physics too in case that i want to do research in QC? So is this ok as long as I satisfy the Grad School requirement?

2. In some country, the professor(advisor) can play very important role in giving the direction and instruct on the subject path you can take even across school if it is relevant to the research topic. Is this so in Canada?

3. The previous two question kinda concern the school environment over there the question about QC, how advance r their research in this field comparing to the US or European?

Thanks guys... I hope someone can help answering at least a question ...would b nice and please help advise me ...may b on the issue that I haven't thought of...

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  • #2
Well actually I'd think the University of Waterloo's IQC (Institute of Quantum Computing) is one of the best in the world (of course I did do my undergrad at waterloo (though not in QC)). As for courses, it's all about finding a good supervisor, I'm sure you could find one who would be ok with you learning the physics side.
  • #3
We're pretty advanced. Some of us can even spell.
  • #4
Thanks guys for the replies... I'm sure Canada is an excellent choice... not that I got my impression of Canada from South Park but I had been told how great it is to be there from my relatives and friends who lived there... any down side though except the winter?
  • #5
Waterloo is a very small town. Very boring.
  • #6
It's true. Waterloo is hardly a cultural mecca, though Toronto is just an hour's drive away.
  • #7
A friend of mine went to the Institute for Quantum Information Science at the University of Calgary:

There's also one at McGill and University de Montreal (both in Montreal), according to this website (just search for Canada to skip to the pertinent institutes):

Not sure about the rest of your questions, but as a grad student, you should really stay away from the txtspk (a.k.a. textese or SMS Language)
  • #8
Yes, because in physics we are sticklers for grammar and are offended by overuse of colloquialisms. Which would explain why half the papers I read (even in things like Phys Rev B) have rather egregious spelling and grammatical errors in them.
  • #9
maverick_starstrider said:
Yes, because in physics we are sticklers for grammar and are offended by overuse of colloquialisms. Which would explain why half the papers I read (even in things like Phys Rev B) have rather egregious spelling and grammatical errors in them.

Even though english is the lingua franca of the scientific world these days, I think there's a little bit of leeway for non-english speakers :smile:

However, I've read papers from places like Japan and Korea that have perfect (American) spelling, grammar, and sound like they were written by a native speaker. I don't know whether or not they have a native-speaking translator on staff (nothing in the acknowledgments section), but I thought it was pretty impressive.
  • #10
Thanks again for your replies and LUV the sense of humor you guys offered, appreciate it :smile:
  • #11
MATLABdude said:
Even though english is the lingua franca of the scientific world these days, I think there's a little bit of leeway for non-english speakers :smile:

However, I've read papers from places like Japan and Korea that have perfect (American) spelling, grammar, and sound like they were written by a native speaker. I don't know whether or not they have a native-speaking translator on staff (nothing in the acknowledgments section), but I thought it was pretty impressive.

I was wondering the same thing too. But if you met with those author in person, you would soon find most of them can hardly speak any english at all.

FAQ: Study Quantum computing in Canada?

1. What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is a field of study that combines principles of quantum mechanics with computer science in order to design, develop, and use advanced computer systems based on quantum-mechanical phenomena.

2. Why study Quantum Computing in Canada?

Canada has been a leader in quantum computing research and development, with several world-renowned universities and research institutions that offer top-notch programs and facilities for studying and conducting research in this field. Additionally, the Canadian government has made significant investments in quantum computing, making it an ideal location for students interested in this emerging technology.

3. What are the career opportunities for studying Quantum Computing in Canada?

Studying quantum computing in Canada can lead to a wide range of career opportunities, including jobs in research and development, software engineering, data analysis, and consulting for companies and organizations working in fields such as finance, healthcare, and cybersecurity. Graduates with a background in quantum computing are in high demand and can expect to have a competitive edge in the job market.

4. What are the prerequisite skills or knowledge needed to study Quantum Computing?

To study quantum computing in Canada, students typically need a strong foundation in mathematics, computer science, and physics. Knowledge of linear algebra, calculus, and programming languages such as Python and C++ is also beneficial. Additionally, having a strong interest and curiosity in quantum mechanics and its applications is essential for success in this field.

5. What are the top universities in Canada for studying Quantum Computing?

Some of the top universities in Canada for studying quantum computing include the University of Waterloo, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, and the University of Guelph. These institutions offer a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as research opportunities, in quantum computing and related fields.

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