Solving Argand Diagram for [0,pi/2] & [-pi/2,pi] Intervals

In summary: Well you said this earlierjust maximise x2 + y2 :smile:So that's why I was doing thatSo I thought I was to compute x2 + y2, then find the maximum on the......graph..Oh, I see, sorry :oops:But x2 + y2 = (ω4+13ω2+36)/16, so it's the inverse of the formula you originally had before you multiplied by 16 …and that factors as (ω2 + 9)(ω2 + 4)Oh, I see, sorry :oops:But x2 + y2 = (ω4+13ω2+36)/16, so it
  • #1

For this I started with the 1st interval [0,pi/2] and said

arctan [4/ ... ] = [0 , pi/2]

but studying the tan graph this is all positive values of the y-axis

so surely the range of values for this is (0 , inf)?

If I've done that right, how do I do the other interval [-pi/2 , pi]?

Because using that method gives the result (-inf , 0), but then that would also be true for the quadrant [0 , -pi/2] surely, which brings me back to my first answer also being true for [pi/2 , pi]..

How do I attempt this because this is obviously wrong..

This was under the chapter about Laplace / Fourier Transforms

And if you could shed any light on how to maximise too I'd be greatful, because my notes havn't touched on this..

The y(t) = ... was formed from solving a differential equation using laplace transforms, I didn't include that because I didn't think it was relevant. =)
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  • #2
Hi Firepanda! :smile:

(have an omega: ω and a phi: φ and a pi: π :wink:)
Firepanda said:
For this I started with the 1st interval [0,pi/2] and said

arctan [4/ ... ] = [0 , pi/2] …

I don't really follow what you're doing :confused:

to get arg, you separate 4/… into the form x + iy (not 1/(x + iy) !), and then use tan-1 :wink:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Hi Firepanda! :smile:

(have an omega: ω and a phi: φ and a pi: π :wink:)I don't really follow what you're doing :confused:

to get arg, you separate 4/… into the form x + iy (not 1/(x + iy) !), and then use tan-1 :wink:

Oh shoot I read the question wrong =)

I mean for [-π/2 , 0]

So I guess that's the values for (-inf , 0)..

AH yeah I see now I was doing something wrong in my method too

So how I'm interpreting the question is this:

Where does the angle given by arg[4/-ω2+5ωi+6] lie in the bottom right quadrant [-π/2 , 0] of an argand diagram?

So do I need to change [4/-ω2+5ωi+6] into the form x + iy?
  • #4
Firepanda said:
So how I'm interpreting the question is this:

Where does the angle given by arg[4/-ω2+5ωi+6] lie in the bottom right quadrant [-π/2 , 0] of an argand diagram?

No, it's asking what are the values of ω for which 4/3 lies in the bottom right (4th) quadrant? (and then same question for the 3rd quadrant).
So do I need to change [4/-ω2+5ωi+6] into the form x + iy?

Yes! :smile: (or you'll end up in the wrong quadrant :rolleyes:)
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
No, it's asking what are the values of ω for which 4/3 lies in the bottom right (4th) quadrant? (and then same question for the 3rd quadrant).

Yes! :smile: (or you'll end up in the wrong quadrant :rolleyes:)

Great ok,

I canceled it all down and got my

arctan 5ω/(ω2-6) (lets assume this is right, forget my working too much to type out :P)

then 5ω/(ω2-6) has to lie in (-inf,0) for my arctan 5ω/(ω2-6) to equal the interval (-pi/2 , 0)

so how do I find ω from this?
  • #6
This is getting unnecessarily complicated …

you don't actually need to consider tan-1 since all you are interested in is the quadrant, which means all you need to consider is the signs of x and y (in x + iy) …

just draw the four quadrants, and mark them ++ +- -+ and -- :wink:
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
This is getting unnecessarily complicated …

you don't actually need to consider tan-1 since all you are interested in is the quadrant, which means all you need to consider is the signs of x and y (in x + iy) …

just draw the four quadrants, and mark them ++ +- -+ and -- :wink:

now I got it! ty. Much simpler, and I have myself an answer

Any idea of how to maximise? because that part has me stumped
  • #8
Firepanda said:
Any idea of how to maximise? because that part has me stumped

just maximise x2 + y2 :smile:
  • #9
tiny-tim said:
just maximise x2 + y2 :smile:

So I use my x and y, and add up their squares..

Could you give me the basic method on how to do this, just so it clicks with me and I'm able to =)
  • #10
Firepanda said:
So I use my x and y, and add up their squares..

Could you give me the basic method on how to do this, just so it clicks with me and I'm able to =)

erm … I don't see what you think the difficulty is :confused:

add up the squares … what do you get?
  • #11
Firepanda said:
So I just add them up, then apply a value of ω from my previous intervals of ω that makes this the largest?

yes :smile:

(except I think the question is asking for any ω)
  • #12
tiny-tim said:
yes :smile:

(except I think the question is asking for any ω)

wouldnt that just be infinity then?

or do you mean I have to find another range of values?
  • #13
Firepanda said:
wouldnt that just be infinity then?

Nooo … what formula are you using for Aω? :confused:
  • #14
tiny-tim said:
Nooo … what formula are you using for Aω? :confused:

Well I was using my x+iy values

I then found x^2 + y^2

and I got ω^4 -12ω^2 +61

So I'm trying to find the value of ω where this is largest, and by the graph it zooms off the screen so I was assuming inf and -inf for my ω
  • #15
Firepanda said:
and I got ω^4 -12ω^2 +61

No, it's 1/(that) …

(except you've used 25 instead of 25ω2)
  • #16
Firepanda said:
About this thread

I keep getting a page not found message whenever I try and reply in it..

So I just wanted to ask one more question

My x2+y2

= 16(ω4-12ω2+61)/(ω4+13ω2+36)

Do I just draw this graph?

It shows a maximum at ω=0

But as ω tends to -inf and +inf then the graph tends to +inf

So is my answer ω = +- inf

Or ω = 0? :)

Hi Firepanda! :smile:

I'm getting confused :confused:

|1/A| = 1/|A|, so isn't it just 1/(ω4+13ω2+36)?

(and you can factor that :wink:)
  • #17
tiny-tim said:
Hi Firepanda! :smile:

I'm getting confused :confused:

|1/A| = 1/|A|, so isn't it just 1/(ω4+13ω2+36)?

(and you can factor that :wink:)

Well you said this earlier

tiny-tim said:
just maximise x2 + y2 :smile:

So that's why I was doing that

So I thought I was to compute x2 + y2, then find the maximum on the graph
  • #18
Firepanda said:
Well you said this earlier

I meant I don't see where your fraction (ω4-12ω2+61)/(ω4+13ω2+36) comes from :confused:
  • #19
tiny-tim said:
I meant I don't see where your fraction (ω4-12ω2+61)/(ω4+13ω2+36) comes from :confused:

EDIT: my working out was riddled with mistakes so ill just put the answer!

I seeeeee!



I have the roots of the denominator, what do i do with those?
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  • #20
Firepanda said:
= 4(-ω2+6-5ωi)/(-ω2+6-5ωi)(-ω2+5ωi+6)

Ah I see now I didn't square the denominator :P



he he :biggrin:

now you see you were going round in circles … |1/A| = 1/|A| ? :smile:
I have the roots of the denominator, what do i do with those?

hmm :rolleyes: … on second thoughts, factoring doesn't help … the roots are all imaginary, which is a teeny bit irrelevant since ω is real :redface:

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  • #21
tiny-tim said:
he he :biggrin:

now you see you were going round in circles … |1/A| = 1/|A| ? :smile:

Ah *facepalms* lol

tiny-tim said:
hmm :rolleyes: … on second thoughts, factoring doesn't help … the roots are all imaginary, which is a teeny bit irrelevant since ω is real :redface:

Aww took me so long to find those roots too!

How do I complete the square with this? 13 is odd so when I do

2+b)2 = b2 + c

What is b?
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  • #22
try (ω2+b)2 + c, with b = 6.5 :wink:

… and now I'm off to bed … :zzz:

Related to Solving Argand Diagram for [0,pi/2] & [-pi/2,pi] Intervals

What is an Argand diagram?

An Argand diagram is a graphical representation of complex numbers, where the real part of the number is represented on the horizontal axis and the imaginary part is represented on the vertical axis.

How do you solve an Argand diagram for the interval [0,pi/2]?

To solve an Argand diagram for the interval [0,pi/2], first plot the points on the real and imaginary axes. Then, use the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude of the complex numbers and the inverse tangent function to find the angle in the interval. Finally, plot the points on the diagram and connect them to form the shape.

What is the purpose of solving an Argand diagram?

The Argand diagram helps to visually represent complex numbers and understand their properties, such as magnitude and angle. It is also useful in solving complex number equations and performing operations on complex numbers.

How do you solve an Argand diagram for the interval [-pi/2,pi]?

The steps for solving an Argand diagram for the interval [-pi/2,pi] are similar to those for [0,pi/2]. However, in this interval, the angles will range from -90 degrees to 180 degrees. Therefore, the inverse tangent function should be used with caution to ensure the correct angle is obtained.

Can you solve an Argand diagram for intervals outside of [0,pi/2] and [-pi/2,pi]?

Yes, Argand diagrams can be solved for any interval. The key is to understand the properties of complex numbers and use the appropriate equations and functions to plot the points and form the diagram.

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